View Full Version : Predator e/x-mag board

11-07-2005, 01:23 AM
Is there any news on a release date for the predator e/x-mag board from tag sports? Are there any beta testers out there yet? Have the solenoid interface issues been worked out? Has anyone heard any news? :confused:

11-07-2005, 11:35 AM
No news yet. Keep the emails to TAG going. Curt (The designer) frequents the Tinkerers guild. He said that the prototypes are being built now. So it wont be too much longer. (I hope)

11-07-2005, 11:44 AM
I think I was the first pre order way back in the day. Never thought I ( and all of us) would be waiting soooooooooooooooo long for this to come out. TAG made is sound like as soon as the 50 preorders were met it would not be long after that the beta boards would be out.

I am a little disapointed in how long this is taking and to some extent the lack of updates from TAG. I know they are busy, but a few more quick updates would not take too long to send out. I guess I have been waiting too long to back out now, and besides that there are not too many other options for us mag owners. I guess I should say, cheap options.

I wish they would make a deal for those of us that have been waiting so long. A deal on eye installs would be great. A littel discount and quick turn around time would make me pretty happy. I guess it is always good to hope.

11-07-2005, 02:01 PM
Yes, who would have thought that about 6 months later we all would still be on the hook waiting.... it really really is the pits.

Even though its not much of a consolation, it seems that Curt himself has undertaken the design of the Emag board. Some of you may have read his blog chronicalling his development of the Halo Cheetah boards. I think that we are in very good hands.

The only thing that blows, is that we still have to WAIT :mad:

Im sure that there will be a bunch of issues that they will run into with the design of this board that they dont even expect... so stay tuned. (That is the pessamist in me speaking)

Then again, who the heck knows... maybe it will all go smoothly... :bounce:

11-07-2005, 03:53 PM
BigEvil, you better test the hell out of the thing when you get it. I hope it is perfect the first time around. I would suck even more if they shipped them out and then had a recall on the suckers.

So, the designer now is not the one that moved to California?

11-07-2005, 06:27 PM
BigEvil, you better test the hell out of the thing when you get it. I hope it is perfect the first time around. I would suck even more if they shipped them out and then had a recall on the suckers.

So, the designer now is not the one that moved to California?

That would be Curt..... hes in CA now.. or so i gather....


11-08-2005, 12:49 AM
dont cry, im still waitin for a devilmag frame...just a frame..and still waitin...so dont even start about tag, when we hit the 8, 9,, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 ,15 ,16th moth mark, then maybe, but for now....

11-08-2005, 01:21 AM
What the hell is a "moth mark"? :ninja:

11 Bravo
11-08-2005, 09:26 AM
That would be Curt..... hes in CA now.. or so i gather....


Those TAG guys arent very talkitive are they?

He was probably posting from his laptop while in a golf cart at the 9th tee.

11-08-2005, 02:32 PM
Can you believe I almost pre-ordered one too! Now I’m glad I waited until there is an actual product to buy.

11-08-2005, 02:56 PM
Can you believe I almost pre-ordered one too! Now I’m glad I waited until there is an actual product to buy.

Yeah,.. I know how you feel, but the whole purpose of the pre-order thing was to see if there was any interest in the product. They are making a minimum size production run of 120 boards and that is it. I doubt they will make any money on this endevour. Then everyone wonders why no one wants to make mag stuff. THere are only abou 1300 emags in existence. Compare that to the 10 billion IONS floating around now and you can see where the potential to make money is and where it is not.

I am very greatful to the TAG guys for making this board. Even if it does take them 9 months.

11-08-2005, 04:45 PM
Yeah,.. I know how you feel, but the whole purpose of the pre-order thing was to see if there was any interest in the product. They are making a minimum size production run of 120 boards and that is it. I doubt they will make any money on this endevour. Then everyone wonders why no one wants to make mag stuff. THere are only abou 1300 emags in existence. Compare that to the 10 billion IONS floating around now and you can see where the potential to make money is and where it is not.

I am very greatful to the TAG guys for making this board. Even if it does take them 9 months.

Yeah I agree with you there its a wonder they are making it for how few guns are out there. So I to am very grateful and do realize that good things do take time. But I did have that fantasy in my mind of getting to use it this fall. Oh well as long as its in my hands by christmas.

11 Bravo
11-08-2005, 04:50 PM
Can you believe I almost pre-ordered one too! Now I’m glad I waited until there is an actual product to buy.

You may have waited too long. Check out Bobs post http://www.tagsportz.com/forums/showthread.php?p=24296#post24296post24296

Good luck.

11-08-2005, 05:52 PM
You may have waited too long. Check out Bobs post http://www.tagsportz.com/forums/showthread.php?p=24296#post24296post24296

Good luck.

Wow, yeah I am definatly very happy that I preordered now. And its good to know that he plans on really supporting us after these are made.

rifleman wi
11-08-2005, 06:45 PM
Wow, yeah I am definatly very happy that I preordered now. And its good to know that he plans on really supporting us after these are made.

yea, im really glad i preordered one too..cant wait till its done. hopefully my emag will be all finished by winter...

11-08-2005, 08:46 PM
I'm not trying to flame but really wat is the point of this board other than some nifty firing modes that would be for truly fun purposes(the tourneys i play in are only semi). I mean really to my budget i'd rather keeep my stock board that shows me nifty little red letters and spend the money on playing

Recon by Fire
11-08-2005, 09:16 PM
Can someone please cut and paste theTG forum message here for thos eof us who are not forum members there. Sound slike TAG will not be producing otehrs beyond the preorders?

It would be nice to have, but i'm not about to pay for something I may or may not get at some undetermined time... I guess I will just be happy with my stock board Xmag. I only wanted a F/A fire mode option anyway.

11 Bravo
11-08-2005, 09:22 PM
[QUOTE=Recon by Fire]Can someone please cut and paste theTG forum message here for thos eof us who are not forum members there. Sound slike TAG will not be producing otehrs beyond the preorders?QUOTE]

Bob Sandifer
Yup..I am "THE" AngelGuy Join Date: Sep 2003
Posts: 1,099

Originally Posted by AGDlover
lol who knows it was 3-4 weeks when they anounced almost at 50orders :p

actually we have far less than 50 preorders now but we are still producing the board. However, it is not in our control now. The developer has settled into his new state and is working on the project. Those 30 or so that have been preordered will be all the orders we will be taking. The order page has been cancelled and we now have to sit back and wait until Curt delivers the gerber files to me with all the corrections and additions that you asked for.

Our policy on this project is now this.
Any more *****ing about poor customer service will get an immediate refund. I love the way that has become the 2005 catch phrase and since we are the ones that are taking the preorders we will also be the ones tossing them back. I actually prefer to handle the situation like this instead of having to smooth things over and hurry up the designer.

Any more complaints about the time it is taking will just get a full refund. Those of you that stick it out will have the option of purchasing extra boards after the release and you will get the absolute best support your money can buy. As a matter of fact why dont I jsut say you will get priceless customer support since money cannot buy how we will treat those that decide to stay. Due to the demand of this item we will only allow the remaining cusomters to purchase 1 extra board each. If we have extras after this round of purchases then what boards are left can be again offered. We plan on putting up a private forum so we can handle the 30 or so customers that will have this project piece. This will assure you that support is only a few clicks away. Your logins will come with your boards.
Bob Sandifer

rifleman wi
11-08-2005, 10:28 PM
I'm not trying to flame but really wat is the point of this board other than some nifty firing modes that would be for truly fun purposes(the tourneys i play in are only semi). I mean really to my budget i'd rather keeep my stock board that shows me nifty little red letters and spend the money on playing

From Tags Website-
"Instant boot-up: No delay in firing the marker once the on/off switch has been activated
Trigger sampled asynchronously: The predator does not "sample" the trigger as other boards do. The instant the trigger is depressed it leaps into action at the speed of light in less than 200 nanoseconds. If you fired a laser down the field at the same time the trigger was pulled, the predator would begin firing your gun BEFORE the light made it to the player you were about to shoot, nothing is faster."

From what it says, it seems like the software/code is written better than the stock board.. and it supports breakbeams...and from what tag said the code for single eye ace will be able to see anycolor paint..

Big'n slo
11-08-2005, 10:38 PM
Bob Sandifer
Yup..I am "THE" AngelGuy Join Date: Sep 2003
Posts: 1,099

Originally Posted by AGDlover
lol who knows it was 3-4 weeks when they anounced almost at 50orders :p


Any more complaints about the time it is taking will just get a full refund. Those of you that stick it out will have the option of purchasing extra boards after the release and you will get the absolute best support your money can buy. As a matter of fact why dont I jsut say you will get priceless customer support since money cannot buy how we will treat those that decide to stay. Due to the demand of this item we will only allow the remaining cusomters to purchase 1 extra board each. If we have extras after this round of purchases then what boards are left can be again offered. We plan on putting up a private forum so we can handle the 30 or so customers that will have this project piece. This will assure you that support is only a few clicks away. Your logins will come with your boards.
Bob Sandifer

Makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside :D

Recon by Fire
11-09-2005, 12:49 AM
Hmm... I see the poor spaortsmanship has carried over to the customer service portion of paintball. You catch more flies with sugar guys...

11-09-2005, 02:32 AM
Hmm... I see the poor spaortsmanship has carried over to the customer service portion of paintball. You catch more flies with sugar guys...
I hear you man. Excuse them (pre-order guys) for wanting the product they spent their hard earned money on. All I’m hearing from TAG is don’t bother us or we won’t sell you our product. Since when is a company in the business of NOT making money?

11-09-2005, 09:07 AM
you'd be surprised how much stress stupid people can hand out.

11-09-2005, 09:22 AM
you'd be surprised how much stress stupid people can hand out.

:rofl: QFT

Since I (and we) have no other choice, I have decided to try to look at things from TAGs perspective.
*Spend time and money to develope the board
*Market is only about 1300 guns, so the return on the invvestment will be minimal. Probably hoping to break even on it.
*deal with missing/marrying/moving engineer
*deal with 30-50 guys who pre-ordered asking for updates EVERY day
*recieve god-only-knows how many additional emails from the same guys about the same thing
*try to run the day-to-day operations of my business
*try to develope new products, ones that WILL actually make a nice profit
*try to deal with replenishment or out of stock items
*pack up the shop and go to various events and trade shows to promote my business.

If you see things like that, then its easy to understand why Bob basically told us to STFU and chill. These guys arent going to screw us, and this thing will be well worth the wait. I have 2 ordered and I may even pick up a 3rd one just to have a spare.

We have been playnig with our emags with 3.2 software forever, so its not like another couple of weeks or even months will kill anyone.

Hang in there everyone. :cheers:

11-09-2005, 09:23 AM
Am I the only person that doesn't mind the long preorder wait? Realisicly I know that it is taking quite a while, but just think of the outcome :clap:

11-09-2005, 12:29 PM
Am I the only person that doesn't mind the long preorder wait? Realisicly I know that it is taking quite a while, but just think of the outcome :clap:
I agree, so your not the only one.
I was on the list early too, and I dont have any problem with the development time.

When it's done, it's done.


11-09-2005, 03:09 PM
Am I the only one who's dissapointed that they appear to be planning on only selling to the pre-orders?

I absolutly planned on buying one of these boards and haven't complained about the wait. I just couldn't afford to tie up $160 in the pre-order. I really hope that they're statment is more of a reaction to the bit*hing then a black and white policy.

11-09-2005, 03:21 PM
Am I the only one who's dissapointed that they appear to be planning on only selling to the pre-orders?

I absolutly planned on buying one of these boards and haven't complained about the wait. I just couldn't afford to tie up $160 in the pre-order. I really hope that they're statment is more of a reaction to the bit*hing then a black and white policy.

If they only sell to the pre-orders, what are they going to do with the other 90 boards?

Im sure you can get you rhands on one. Im getting one through TAG, and one through Coolhand. He is an authorized TAG dealer. Talk to him about it I bet he can order one.

11-09-2005, 03:53 PM
On the Tag Forums Bob says the run will be 120 boards. Those of us who have stuck out the pre-order process will get first crack at purchasing a second board and then what's left will be offered for sale. I plan on ordering another. Look at the features! The Emag/Predator boards are going to be exclusive and rare.

11-09-2005, 05:40 PM
So those of us who have waited patiently, without $150 they can put twords something that we wont recieve within a weeks time get nothing in the end. What a shame. Why would they cancel the other 70+ boards? I intended to buy one when they became available. Sorry if I didn't have a fire under my *** to blow $150 for a product with a ETA of limbo.

11-09-2005, 07:06 PM
So those of us who have waited patiently, without $150 they can put twords something that we wont recieve within a weeks time get nothing in the end. What a shame. Why would they cancel the other 70+ boards? I intended to buy one when they became available. Sorry if I didn't have a fire under my *** to blow $150 for a product with a ETA of limbo.

I think the math is that there will be 90 boards after the 30 pre-orders are filled. If all 30 pre-orders exercise the option to buy another one (unlikely) there will be still 60 boards for sale. Unless there is an extraordinary rush to buy the remaining boards, there should be one left for you.

Recon by Fire
11-09-2005, 09:23 PM
I have no problem with teh wait time and all, they even let you know up front you will be waiting. And no, customers should not hound them constantly and daily when they were told up front about the wait. But I still find it unacceptable for a retailer to tell customers to pretty much STFU or you will be excluded. It just doesn't make much business sense to me. I understand their position just don't agree with the method.

11-11-2005, 03:11 AM
I plan to drop this board in my X-Mag, but I'm not sure if my ACE is actually still working. Where can I get it checked out or purchase a replacement. I don't see it available at AGD spare parts store. Also as an alternative, can I install the break beam eyes for it instead and do away with the ACE? I know there will be more work to mill for the centerfeed and warpfeed combined. Please advise. Thanks.

11-11-2005, 05:49 AM
I plan to drop this board in my X-Mag, but I'm not sure if my ACE is actually still working. Where can I get it checked out or purchase a replacement. I don't see it available at AGD spare parts store. Also as an alternative, can I install the break beam eyes for it instead and do away with the ACE? I know there will be more work to mill for the centerfeed and warpfeed combined. Please advise. Thanks.

There are no more ACEs being made and AGD is out of them. If you have a digital camera, you would see the light from the IR emmitter through the veiwscreen on it.

http://www.jayloo.com/files/pics/31000/Ace_IR_Beam_rs.JPG (http://www.jayloo.com/files/pics/31000/Ace_IR_Beam.JPG)