View Full Version : Project Red Eye - The Tinkerer's Lock-In

11-08-2005, 12:48 PM
Check this out guys. Some Mag stuff here.

This is a cut and paste of the text that Smoking Nun wrote. I didn't write this.


Project Red Eye – The Tinkerer Lock-in

Well, the other night I had this crazy idea come up. I love to Tinker with paintball stuff. I’ve been playing since 1992. I’ve been involved in the internet paintball community since 1996. I absolutely love the different home-grown, tinkerer, web-tutorials about paintball gear mods. I also love seeing pictures of different machine and ano shops with pics of various stuff in the works.

If you tinker… if you love paintball…if you have a computer and know anything about paintball on the internet…then you may be interested in Project Red Eye (aka the Tinkerer Lock-in).

Here is the basic premise... two amateur paintball tinker-enthusiasts are going to lock themselves in a small home/amateur machine and ano shop. Many of you will know or know of these two guys from around the internet (Smoking Nun and Rainman229). From Friday afternoon through Sunday evening, we are going to produce 5 highly modified, completely different, Frankenstein-type paintball markers. Most importantly, we are going to share the entire process and its results with the world, via the internet.

Here’s what we are going to do
•Make/modify/customize 5 fully-functional paintball markers (more details on the guns below)
1. Super E-Spyder
2. Spyder Mag
3. Spimmy
4. Pneumatic-Framed Mag
5. ½ Blocked, Stock Class/Regular Feed Convertible Pump Sniper
•By make/modify/customize we mean
1.Create fully-functional markers
2.Modify stock parts whenever possible
3.Make parts we need, when possible
4.Use as few stock or aftermarket parts as possible
5.We will mill, modify, anodize, and customize everything we can
6.For all you wise-guys, NO we aren’t making our own circuit boards, chips, regulators, solenoids, etc. We are modifying and making the parts that would more normally be “tinkered” with.
•Do it between Friday at Noon and Sunday/Monday at Midnight, or in one weekend. The exact weekend is TBD.
•We will lock ourselves in a house/home shop in New Jersey for the entire time. We will take what we need into the shop, use what is in the shop, or make what we need (or don't need).
•We will blog the entire event. The blog will be
o Real Time – as much as possible
o Shop-Journal style
o How-To on each of the mods
o Lots of pictures
•We will webcast the entire lock-in
•We will have a live-chat room going for the entire event
•We will publish the blog, photos, etc. on a web page to be used as a future resource for paintballers.
•We will give away paintball prizes.
•We will have fun.
•We will entertain.

Why Are We Doing it?
•To have 5 useable tinkered/modified/frankenstein markers produced in one weekend
•To provide a web resource of some of the common tinkering/modifications for hybrid/high performance type of markers people are doing these days.
•To bring a bit of the reality genre to the paintball tinkering world
•To have fun
•To entertain
•To provide a bit of exposure for any businesses who choose to sponsor the project
•To do something we don’t believe has ever been done before

Sponsorship you ask?
Yes, this will be a bit of an expensive project, if all of the materials for the project were going to be purchased new by Smoking Nun and Rainman229. So, we thought we would offer the opportunity for any paintball businesses or any individual paintball players to donate any of the paintball gun parts we need to complete this project. We don’t want to make any money from this project. So, everything we get donated will either be used in the project or will be given away free to various paintballers who are online watching the web cast or chatting in the project chat room. So, if you (1) want to donate items to be modified and used in this project or (2) want to donate items to be used as free-giveaways for the project, contact Smoking Nun ([email protected]) or Rainman229 ([email protected]). If you donate items, you will get credit (Read as free advertising for your shop/store/etc). Now, in terms of quality of donations, we will take pretty much anything that is functionally safe and useable. Beat up, scratched, etc. As long as it works and is safe, we will take it. Remember, we are going to make some chips fly (mill the parts) and color ‘em up (re-anno). So, cosmetic flaws are no biggie. Anything we don’t get donated, we will buy. The bottom line is that we are committed to this project, sponsorship or no.

Want to participate but can’t or don’t want to provide Sponsorship?
Here’s what you can do…
•Talk it up and spread the word to friends
•Watch it live on the internet
•Participate in the online-chat
•Sign-up for and win free prizes
•Support our Tinker-friendly sponsors with your business

Rainman and I are both very pumped about this whole venture. When I first wrote him about the idea, I warned him that it sounded a bit crazy. His first response, “Sounds like a fun weekend.” I agree. So, we are gonna roll with this.

Here is more of an explanation of the Frankenstein Markers and Modifications we will be doing. Following each description is a parts list.

Super E-Spyder. We are going to take a stock electro-Spyder and trick it out – both cosmetically and performance-wise. Modify and Tune the internals. Mill and Anno the body. Replace the electronics with a higher-performance version. Add dual detents. Add break-beam anti chop eyes. This will be an inexpensive speed demon.
We will fabricate the following parts
•Blade trigger,
•Top-cocking Delrin bolt,
•Vertical pull-pin,
•Eye covers
•Spyder bottomline adaptor
We will need to have donated or purchase the following parts
•Spyder with e-frame and vertical feed body – actually already have one
•Timmy Detents
•Aftermarket board and eyes (T-board or Mini-Morlock)
•HP Regulator
•Macroline fittings
•on/off ASA and rail
•Clamping feed neck – aftermarket – two-hole design

Spyder Mag. We are going to Frankenstein an e-Spyder frame to an RT/ULE mag. E-mags have been out for a while, but are rather bulky and expensive. Aftermarket frames are hard to come by and not that much cheaper. Spyder e-frames can be modified to fit, relatively easily. So, we will take RT/ULE/ULT mag and Mill and anno the rail and body. May even anno the valve. We will modify an e-Spyder frame and the mag internals so the two can do their Frankenstein bit together. We will add break-beam anti-chop eyes. This thing should be fast and mostly unchoppable.
We will fabricate the following parts
•Blade Trigger
•Eye Covers
•Spyder bottomline adaptor
We will need to have donated or purchase the following parts
•ULE Mag Body
•Adjustable feed neck
•Mag vertical adaptor
•RT compatible Mag Rail
•RT compatible Mag Sear
•ULT trigger kit
•RT or X-Valve
•Level 7 bolt
•Spyder E-frame (could come as a complete marker, as we will need the body for the Spimmy (#3 below)
•Mag vertical Adaptor
•Aftermarket board and eyes (T-board or Mini-Morlock)
•Macroline fittings
•on/off ASA and rail

Spimmy Also known as a Frankensteined Spyder and Intimidator. Basically, we will modify a Spyder so it acts like an Intimidator. We will start with a vertical-feed spyder body and mill and anno it. We will modify some of the stock Spyder internals. We will modify stock parts and add some Intimidator parts. We will replace and upgrade the electronics. We will add break-beam anti-chop eyes. We will get this baby humming fast and unchoppable.
We will fabricate the following parts
•Eye covers
•Delrin Spyder Bolt
We will need to have donated or purchase the following
•Spyder Body – vertical feed
•Spyder adjustable feed neck – 2-hole version
•Timmy Ram Sleeve
•Timmy Adjustable Ram Cap
•Timmy Ram
•Timmy Ram bumpers
•Timmy Poppet valve and seal
•Timmy bolt pin
•Timmy Solenoid
•Timmy Solenoid fittings and hose
•Electro Frame – we can modify most anything to fit – Clammy frame would be nice in the essence of time
•Aftermarket board and eyes (Mini-morlock)
•Timmy detents
•Hp Reg
•Lp Cocker Reg
•Macroline fittings
•on/off ASA and rail

Pneumatic-Framed Mag We are going to take a stock ULE mag and create our own custom pneumatically-operated grip frame. We will mill and anno the mag body. We will modify the mag internals. We will modify/create a pneumatic grip frame. We hope to get a walkable mag frame with high rof.
We will fabricate the following parts
•Brackets and Mounts for the pneumatic grip frame components
We will need to have donated or purchase the following parts:
•ULE Mag Body
•Adjustable feed neck
•Mag Vertical Adaptor
•Classic Valve
•LX or Level 7 bolt kit
•RT on/off assembly
•Clippard MPA3 or similar
•Clippard SMAV3 or similar
•2-finger Mag Aftermarket Frame (RPG, Logic, Intelli, etc.)
•Cocker lpr
•3/56 to 1/16” hose fitting
•10/32 to 1/8” hose fitting
•10/32 to 1/16” hose fitting
•Macroline fittings
•on/off ASA and rail

½ Blocked, Stock Class/Regular Feed Convertible Pump Sniper
We are going to take a stock full-size, vert feed autococker body and convert it into a ½ blocked convertible stock-class marker. We will chop it to mini-sized, chop it to a ½ block, and mill the body to our specs. We will ano everything. We will custom modify a stock hammer. We will make a custom delrin bolt and pull pin. We will modify a stock valve. Then we will chop the top and make it a convertible feed – convertible between stock class feed and vertical feed. We will custom machine a pump handle. 12-gram powered, tuned for efficiency.
We will fabricate the following parts.
•½ Block back block
•Pump handle
•Adaptor for stock class/vert feed
•Delrin short bolt
•Custom pull pin
•Custom pump arm
We already have the following parts
•Stock Autococker Body – 2k+ – Vert Feed
•Stock cocker valve
•Stock front block
•Stock springs
•Pump Arm
•Ball Detent
We will need to have donated or purchase the following
•12-Gram Quick Change Adaptor
•Cocker Swing Frame

11-08-2005, 01:21 PM
im doing a "buy phantom a new dm6 lock in" and if anyone wants to chip in pm me

good luck with your project

11-08-2005, 01:52 PM
Intesting project but...

Not sure it's neccessary to flood every thread of every paintball forum over it. ;)

(seen this post in like a dozen forums since yesterday)

11-08-2005, 02:18 PM
that is one heck of a cool idea...

bravo guys

11-08-2005, 04:07 PM
Oooo webcam!

11-08-2005, 04:57 PM
Wheres the chat? Where can i watch!! EEKK! This is going to be my weekend. :rofl:

11-08-2005, 09:44 PM
im donating the quick change

11-16-2005, 01:01 AM
Hey Everyone,

The website is up.

Check it out.

Check back frequently and hit "refresh" as there will be frequent updates.

A BIG thanks to our sponsors
Palmer's Pursuit, LAPCO, STD Industries, Air Soldier, Owner's Group Paintball, and Penguin Webdesigns.


11-17-2005, 01:21 PM
cool, any rough timeframe of when this weekend will be?

11-17-2005, 11:12 PM
Hey Everyone,

The dates for the Lock-in are nailed down. Announcement on the web page.


11-18-2005, 11:58 AM
Wheres the chat? Where can i watch!! EEKK! This is going to be my weekend. :rofl:

You don't get out much, do you?

11-18-2005, 07:43 PM
You don't get out much, do you?
When it comes to something like this.. Nope. :)

11-19-2005, 01:59 AM
We have our "Third"

Check out the announcement at Project Red Eye

11-30-2005, 12:39 AM
Hey Everyone,

Some folks have asked about making paypal donations.
Go here to do that.

We will have an updated inventory up this week as well.

12-01-2005, 11:43 PM
Hey Everyone,

We have updated the inventory. Check it out to see where we are on donations, etc. Stay tuned. Many more updates and surprises are in the pipe.

Go there and then click on the "Current Inventory" link

SuiciDal Sn Y p ER
12-02-2005, 01:33 AM
if you plan on videotaping the entire process or providing pictures. www.jayloo.com will provide you with photo and video hosting

12-02-2005, 06:59 PM
Snyper, that is an awesome offer.

E-mail me at [email protected] RE this.

Everyone else,

Check out the Project Red Eye Test Drive - want to shoot some of our guns?

then click on the "Test Drive" link on the left.

12-02-2005, 07:27 PM
Why do you have to post the same exact thread in two forums on AO??? Kind of redundent.

01-21-2006, 12:37 PM
Hey Everyone,

Deadline is fast approaching. Next weekend - 1/27-1/29. All systems are GO!

Lots of updates on the site including new sponsors, testing sponsor prototypes, staff changes, giveaway updates, new logo/t-shirts, and the first red eye chat tonight 1/21/06 at 9 pm.

Go here.



01-21-2006, 07:42 PM
what i don't get, is why they want to be locked in a shop in NJ...

01-21-2006, 09:00 PM
Ok, so 6 markers are going be made. What's the point? Please explain the significance of this, uh, challenge.

wat if they had a challenge that said, "Design and build a totally new and innovative marker in a weekend. You have every resource at your dispossal. GO." :wow:

01-21-2006, 09:21 PM
why bring this back??