View Full Version : Gone missing: X-Mag XT00237!!!

11-09-2005, 08:24 AM
ok, here is a lil odd thing.

As some of you know I had 2 Green/Black-faded X-mags.
First one is shipped to the US, and the other one might also be soon...

... but when I was about to check the valve I saw that I have XT00236, not 237 as it says on the box.
So now I wonder... where is that 237?

Look around on the fields everybody, it might not be in the US but you never know.


/OmniM, Sweden

11-09-2005, 09:07 AM
MAybe the one that hasnt been shipped yet is 237...If you've owned these before they were shipped then you probably switched the guns in the boxes. /shrug

11-09-2005, 09:35 AM
MAybe the one that hasnt been shipped yet is 237...If you've owned these before they were shipped then you probably switched the guns in the boxes. /shrug

no... the one not shipped is 236, I have the box for the 237. And they came straight from AGDE so no middlehands or sth beside the previous owners.

11-09-2005, 04:23 PM
I thought you were implying a stolen one :rolleyes:

11-09-2005, 11:06 PM
Getting rid of your XMags? Leaving the mag family?

nooooo ... will never ever be x-less ;)

11-09-2005, 11:42 PM
I have never seen an X-mag besides mine, and same with alot of other people at the field.

And just for a little update. I am now the owner of XT00218, and on the website, it says that it is Pewter anno, but it is a black to pinkish fade. So I dont know if there was a mistake in the info, or if it has been reannoed a different color.

11-09-2005, 11:47 PM
I have never seen an X-mag besides mine, and same with alot of other people at the field.

And just for a little update. I am now the owner of XT00218, and on the website, it says that it is Pewter anno, but it is a black to pinkish fade. So I dont know if there was a mistake in the info, or if it has been reannoed a different color.

It has been reanno'd. And to a sweet color I might add. :cheers:

11-09-2005, 11:54 PM
:cheers: Gotta agree, and it still shoots like a dream too. Just wait till I get the Fireblade or Tunablade in it :D Then it will mow muppets. At the tournament I played in a few days ago. I had 3 people ask to trade guns with me. A guy with a DYE DMC, some kid with a Defiant 2, and a guy with a Karni, and of course I said no to all of them.

11-10-2005, 12:45 AM
ooooh, yeah. OK, will edit that ASAP. Never reflected over that it was already in ;)

When was it reanno'ed?

11-10-2005, 02:25 AM
I dont know when it was reannoed, Duzzy would be the one to ask that.

I really hope you find that X-mag though.

11-10-2005, 03:26 AM
XT00218 hasn't been Pewter for almost a year now... I sent Omni a whole write up with various pictures quite some time ago but it remained Pewter... By the way, it is a gloss black to claret fade. Not just pink. If you want the information let me know by PM and I will get it to you as long as you update it this time. :shooting:

11-10-2005, 04:09 AM
XT00218 hasn't been Pewter for almost a year now... I sent Omni a whole write up with various pictures quite some time ago but it remained Pewter... By the way, it is a gloss black to claret fade. Not just pink. If you want the information let me know by PM and I will get it to you as long as you update it this time. :shooting:

Toss me it Duzzy, and I will put the one up first. Im playing around with new layout and I can use this one as a pilot :)

11-10-2005, 03:11 PM
By the way, it is a gloss black to claret fade. Not just pink.

:tard: How could I be so foolish, of course its claret. I just know that after I pulled that inch long piece of teflon tape out of the reg, it shot like a dream :D Just wait till I get a new trigger. :cry: But I dont know which one to get, the Tunablade or the Fireblade. Its such a tough descicion.

11-10-2005, 07:12 PM
XT00218 was bought from Dayspring by me around November of 2004. It was a great deal at the time so I jumped on it. Even though I don't like pewter... Anyways, when it arrived I could see that it had been well used and I decided it could use a little love in the paint department.

After a while I decided on a Jaguar pattern with a black base and red spots. I also bought a Tunapack and an RPG Snatch Grip for it. It would be called the Blood Leopard. After a little checking around I went with Art over at A+ Anodizing. After some weeks it arrived back safe and sound looking like this:



The spots didn't look like I had envisioned but I was pretty happy with the looks from afar but up close there were places where the black had run and fingerprints here and there on the body. So I talked to Art and he agreed to either redo it or do something else and give me a refund should the new job be cheaper.

While I was trying to decide I saw an absolutely beautiful IR3 in the F/S/T Forums. After talking with the owner I discovered that it was a gloss claret to black fade. I decided that I wanted the same fade. So I talked to Art and it was done. After several more weeks I got it back only to send it off to Tunaman for a tolerance check and a tune-up to get the most out of it. It looked a little like this:


(Please note that while it looks pink in these pictures in proper lighting it is actually much deeper and darker and generally more attractive.)

Once I had it in my hand it was too pretty for me to use. I think I used it once and that is it... A shame to be sure. Anyways, eventually the need for money kicked in and I sold it to psychowarden. The story is his from now on.

(As an aside to psychowardern I apologize for the teflon I was in a hurry, and the difference between Pink and Claret is very important. Pink markers generally look like Pepto-abysmal to me, claret is a deep pink and purple wine colored mix that in my opinion is so much better.)

11-11-2005, 01:49 AM
Meh, dont worry about the tape, it could have been me for all we know, I did try a few different ASAs untill I found the one I like, which ended up being the mini drop and ASA from my Torid X. And I agree, the claret is a bit deeper and a bit more purple, and looks friggen sexy. And soon, it will look even better (if thats possible) I just sent in payment for a Fireblade, and I have already added a 14in CP one piece barrel, lays paintballs on top of eachother across the field. I previously was using a J&J and Boomstick on it a the last outing for a while, untill my friend let me use his Empire 14in Kit, and I liked the feel more, so thats pretty much it, I dont see the need to do anything else to this beautiful marker, although I may try some clear plexiglass grips and see if I like the look.

11-11-2005, 03:17 AM
Im playing around with the layout, and this one is perfect as it has been thru some drastic changes ;)

You can view al lil part of it now at www.xmagworld.com


11-12-2005, 12:49 PM
Looking good. Thanks.

11-13-2005, 08:21 AM
Im playing around with the layout, and this one is perfect as it has been thru some drastic changes ;)

You can view al lil part of it now at www.xmagworld.com

Awesome > keep up the good work > Just bought player4's X-mag a couple weeks ago >its the bomb. Been an ADG user for about 12years. :shooting:

11-13-2005, 02:20 PM
Awesome > keep up the good work > Just bought player4's X-mag a couple weeks ago >its the bomb. Been an ADG user for about 12years. :shooting:

Thanx 21J :)

Can you send me images of it?


11-13-2005, 02:55 PM
Been an ADG user for about 12years. :shooting:
Who the hell is ADG?! Air Dun Gesigns? Try AGD! :)

11-13-2005, 03:00 PM
ADG? I have heard of them! They make the Mauto Aag.

11-14-2005, 08:09 PM
ADG? I have heard of them! They make the Mauto Aag.
Oops darn typo :rofl: You knew what I meant :shooting: