View Full Version : An Apology to : kopfjaeger &J MD00 (better than TO’s) & tips for E-commerce

11-09-2005, 03:48 PM
An Apology to : kopfjaeger &J MD00 (better than TO’s) & tips for E-commerce

First I would like to apologize to kopfjaeger &J MD00 for not getting the stuff they had purchased from me to them in a timely manor. I take full responsibility for it and the items have been shipped in due course. In fact they may receive them today. I thought it would be appropriate to post on AO so there isn’t any hearsay that sounds like I tried to leave the country with 150 bucks.

Second, I would like to post a few tips to my fellow AO’ers about following up after the purchase or sale of an item. These tips may or may not be elements that plagued my last two transactions.

Never send emails through paypal, AO, ebay, etc… For me personally these messages continue to be quarantined by my spam filters. This is also why I provide my email on for sale threads. More often than not it is super easy for me to check my personal email on the road then having to login to a message board

Never send PM’s. I am out of town or to busy to check in on AO like I used to. A PM rarely does anything than sit in one’s inbox. You will also notice that a number of AO dealers don’t allow PMs as they fill up their box to fast.

Don’t post your grievances on a message board this has to be my favorite don’ts. More often than not the information that is provided is erroneous. However if it has been months or you are absolutely sure you are getting ripped, feel free to post.

Do follow up with the purchase or sale with an email a few days after the transaction. All of us lead busy lives, its nice to check with “Hey man just wondering if you had a chance to send my item out?”

Do, keep it friendly. Remember these are your AO peeps. In the past I have found that the majority of issues have been poor communication or one party blowing things way out of proportion.

Just my 2Cents.


11-09-2005, 04:37 PM

/don't trust that Derek guy either ;)
//ah, being unbant

11-09-2005, 05:48 PM
Mea culpa!

11-09-2005, 06:03 PM
/don't trust that Derek guy either ;)
watch out, he'll try to make off with your intelliframe.

11-10-2005, 10:34 AM
Mia culpa!

Steel I think its Mea Culpa!

11-10-2005, 11:15 AM
Steel I think its Mea Culpa!

Avast! I think ye be right!

11-10-2005, 10:49 PM
GOSH! Whats with you Houstonians and AO transactions ;)

Much <3 Bro,

11-11-2005, 10:59 AM
GOSH! Whats with you Houstonians and AO transactions ;)

Much <3 Bro,

Can't find the post office :rofl: