View Full Version : anyone shot an omen 2.0

11-09-2005, 08:48 PM
Omen have always been nice guns and since their new version I've been wondering how they shoot. The newer 2.0 includes the 1.5 cam arms so you can use force feed loaders and also the 1.5 board which allows you to adjust the sensitivity of the trigger as well as bps settings. The newer 2.0 also has other various upgrades to it as well, it still has the evil detonator reg and it comes with a low rise feedneck now. The recock is easier to adjust, better parts here and there. Here it is on actionvillage...
http://www.actionvillage.com/is-bin/INTERSHOP.enfinity/eCS/Store/en/-/USD/DisplayProductInformation-Start;sid=SxhJ4AmkDPpJcUrW7fKJSAMC9Lcw6eQfvSU=?Pro ductID=KwasFAY7McoAAAD3usClA_2s

Also on this page is a vid of it...

Well, anyone who has shot it feel free to give us some info on it. :D

11-09-2005, 09:57 PM
Can't say that I have shot one, but I also had a question, why when they are firing fast does it not look like the back block is moving fast enought to keep up?

Duck Hunt
11-09-2005, 10:08 PM
Audio on any computer/camera is easy to pick up, video on the other hand isn't some times. Alot of lower end digital cameras (also, low end video programs) reduce the amount of FRAMES PER SECOND when filming.

30 Frames per second is almost real life, you'd see the back block move ALL the time.

alot of cameras record in 15 to 25 frames per second, cutting out frames so that the back blocks travel looks less than what it should.


11-10-2005, 01:11 PM
I haven't shot the new version but a friend of mine has an old style omen and it is quite nice. The trigger has to be my favorite of any gun I have ever shot, and I have shot everything under the sun. Very easy to walk but in the old models couldn't use a halo so... Anyway, the gun itself had several issues because it was from the first batch made (inside hookup w/ PMI ;) ). The problems were taken eventually rectified by PMI and the gun now shoots like a champ. It can be a little difficult to get all the timing issues worked out but all in all it is a solid, fast, light, accurate little gun. Like I said, this was the old model so someone will have to vouche for the new model. Anyway, hope this helps.

11-10-2005, 11:16 PM
Evil makes guns with little and wierd triggers, thats all i can say. :)