View Full Version : Morlock trouble

11 Bravo
11-10-2005, 11:02 PM
I installed my morlock and wired the capacitor like so: pos battery wire to pos on capacitor then from capacitor to board. Then neg battery wire to neg on capacitor then from neg on capacitor to board.

I then set the firing modes and it fired great for a few shots & then quit firing. It would then only fire every few trigger pulls.

:confused: Any ideas. :confused:

this is in a Hyperframe.

11-10-2005, 11:28 PM
Everyone said this to me when i had problems.. maybe i can help.

Check your dwell, make sure you have a new battery, make sure all wires are plugged in correctly.. and none are loose.


It may not help, but atleast i tried. :(

11 Bravo
11-11-2005, 01:00 AM
Ok, everythings good now. I adjusted debounce and dwell and its firing good.