View Full Version : Flow Rate Standards

12-09-2001, 02:12 AM
I have been wondering for a long time why there has not been a set standard for companies that make regulators and tanks for telling us what their flow rates are. I am personnaly fluffed off that buying a tank is like playing russian roulette.

Does anyone know why there has never been a standard set and if companies will tell you what their flow rates are if you call them?

I guess I should take this time and ask, what are acceptable flow rates for the ReTro Valve?

Sorry for the rant :confused: but this question has been bugging me for awhile now.

12-09-2001, 07:34 AM
It seems that all air system manufacturers claim to have the highest flow. I'd like to see Warpig, or a Magazine do some REAL tests and get to the truth.

12-09-2001, 02:09 PM
I agree, how does every one have the highest flow, how do they know?

later Hills

the truth is out there

12-09-2001, 09:53 PM
Industry standards so all products could be compared equally??

HA HA haaa ha hhhaaa HA HA haaa ha hhhaaa HA HA haaa ha hhhaaa HA HA haaa ha hhhaaa HA HA haaa ha hhhaaa HA HA haaa ha hhhaaa


12-09-2001, 10:04 PM
Humm. Obviously some sort of Vulcan humor.

12-09-2001, 10:32 PM
Tom's right, I'm afraid.:( It's a very sad comentary about the paintball industry in general...

12-09-2001, 10:35 PM
well .. at least I got to rant :p

12-10-2001, 11:05 AM
Originally posted by Russ
It seems that all air system manufacturers claim to have the highest flow. I'd like to see Warpig, or a Magazine do some REAL tests and get to the truth.

As soon as I have my hands on a fast pressure transducer that I can afford you'll see WARPIG Ballistic Labs test showing what the pressure drop of is as an air system recharges the airline to a paintgun - and the pressure increase as the tank pressure drops.

Unfortunately I don't have a few hundred bucks burning a hole in my pocket at the moment.

See you on the field,
-Bill Mills

12-10-2001, 11:14 AM
It would also be interested to find out how low a pressure drop the Retro Valve can endure before it starts to become starved. I don't know if AGD had done any type of testing on this but I think these tests would help us all have a better understanding of the different types of regulators and their limitations.

I do know that the ReTro's regulator is completely different and regulates in a loop fasion rather then a 'pouring water in a glass' curve as most other regulators do. I'm sure somewhere along the line they have done some testing that might shed some light on this..

12-10-2001, 08:11 PM
Yes we have done extensive testing on this subject but I am afraid to post the data because everyone will think we are just lying to sell our product. i have already had to email WDP and explain what happened at the Tech Class after someone emailed them about our demo.


12-10-2001, 08:43 PM
It's seems to be common for the "Others" to hype (a nice way to say it) their own products. I suspect other manufacturers have also done tests, but don't want to release the results for reasons that would debunk their claims. To bad that facts and truth in marketing can't be at the core belief in most PB product manufacturers.

Kinda like when you ask the Q, "what's the lightest air system" Many of the sheep will answer "The MacDev Conquest"

Well, the Conquest reg weighs 1 ounce less than the Flatline, but the Flatline has a far more useful drop. All bottles weigh the same, a Carleton is a Carleton, no matter who's system it's screwed on to.

Hype, it's all hype.

Russ, (patiently waiting for the 4500 Flatlines :) )

12-10-2001, 11:33 PM
Post that info.....we here know what the truth is!! What is there to be afraid of? You got the best on the market....now we just have to prove to all the sheep that the grass IS greener over here!!

A special thanks to Russ for using the sheep analogy.



12-11-2001, 11:44 AM
Couldn't you use that new thing air america has out to test the flow rate it has a bleed valve to you can simulate pressure discharge. Its called the Guardian your supposed to use with your regulator to adjust it but why couldn't you just hook up a air system to it and let it bleed. wouldn't it show spikes or drop off?

here is what I'm talking about

12-11-2001, 12:26 PM
That's not a detailed enought tool for the job, Ken.

When we talk about drop off on a paintgun firing at say 10 balls a second, we're looking at the recharge pressure over 1/10 of a second. That's too fast to see. Top that off by the fact that the micro gauges are not very accurate sometimes +/- 10% or more and there's just no way to get a good look at what the pressure looks like over 1/10 of a second - or less of a time period.

See you on the field,
-Bill Mills

12-11-2001, 07:18 PM
I would personnally like to see some of those tests Tom! I have been looking for this type of information but to my knowledge it didn't exist. I now realize I should have asked you along time ago because you have alway's tested instead of believeing myths and misinformation.

If you could maby email me the information if you are afraid of it getting out, but as others have said, we know that your tests are valid.

12-11-2001, 11:58 PM
Hey! Lets all get together and send Bill Mills 1 buck each for a fast pressure transducer. I bet we could find 200 people on this fourm willing to pay a buck for a review on whats the best tank for the money.

You've got my buck Bill,

P.S. - Heh, I hope you don't mind me yonking that santa hat :D :D :D

12-12-2001, 01:02 PM
I'd send him a buck, if I didn't have to write a check and spend $.35 on postage. Oh nevermind, I'd still do it.
Hey Tom why don't you lend him yours. That way you can have an "independent" and "unbiased" person look at it.

12-12-2001, 02:03 PM
Originally posted by AGD
i have already had to email WDP and explain what happened at the Tech Class after someone emailed them about our demo.

I'd love to hear more about this one. Did WDP get irate for you showing that their valve doesn't fully recharge even after 10seconds?!?!