View Full Version : Emag breaking paint

11-13-2005, 04:08 PM
Took my new ULE Emag out today and didn't have a good time.

It kept breaking paint. I have level 10 installed with the lowest carrier and two shims. I'm fairly sure it wasn't chopping. The bulk of the paint from the break seemed to be about an inch past the screw-in part of the barrel. I have a 12 inch Dye Boomstick and was shooting RPS Premium. The paint was fine in my classic mag with a Smart Parts Teardrop All-American.

So what could it be? I do not have a barrel o-ring at the base of the barrel. I tried a tank oring but I broke paint. Cleaned out the barrel and test fired it. Within 50 balls, I had a break. Cleaned it, put it back on without the oring and test fired again. Same result. Put in the car and pulled out the classic.

Tried again as I was leaving with a different color (same brand) of paint. Actually didn't break a ball until the end. Barrel was loose. So then I put a different tank oring on and loaded a 140 pod into the hopper. And didn't break.

So now I'm not sure whats going on. Get that barrel oring? bad paint?(was fine in my classic mag) Ball dedent?


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11-13-2005, 04:20 PM
What kinda hopper did you use?

11-13-2005, 04:27 PM
bad paint. i never had god luck with RPS but are you sure its chopping and not barrell breaking?

11-13-2005, 04:42 PM
I just tested it the level 10. It is most definitely not chopping paint. I was using a 12v revy, but I put my Emag on 13 sps and the shbf was 4. I'm fairly confident that its breaking in the barrel.

AGD lover: Sure? I mean, I used the same paint in my classic mag no problem. And had a break with a different color from a different box.

EDIT - When it was working, it was impressive. Seriously, even at 13 bps, it was like a rope.

11-13-2005, 04:46 PM
I just tested it the level 10. It is most definitely not chopping paint. I was using a 12v revy, but I put my Emag on 13 sps and the shbf was 4. I'm fairly confident that its breaking in the barrel.

AGD lover: Sure? I mean, I used the same paint in my classic mag no problem. And had a break with a different color from a different box.

Have you looked at the bore sizes between the UL and the tear drop they may be different so the UL was prop realy tight on the paint and broke it in the barrel when shooting

11-13-2005, 05:22 PM
Have you looked at the bore sizes between the UL and the tear drop they may be different so the UL was prop realy tight on the paint and broke it in the barrel when shooting

Hmmm, ok, but the paintball can roll down both barrels no problem. Got a chart with the bore info?

11-13-2005, 05:35 PM
yea check out the bore info it may be bad paint but oh well who knows.

11-13-2005, 06:12 PM
that paint just didnt like the Boomy. I had the same issue with a nickle barrel on my pahantom. I swapped to a J&J ceramic using the same paint . No breaks the rest of the day. Might be that the Dye has a tight spot part way in.

11-13-2005, 06:31 PM
Well, I was playing with it, cus thats what I like to do.

When I stick my pinky finger down the feed tube and curve it down the barrel, I can fil this little gap in between where the barrel meets the body. Is that normal? I think I may stop by the shop to see if I can get an Autococker barrel oring.

One other thing I thought I should mention: The boomstick is an older one. The kind that are glued together and don't have the bore size inscribed on them. I've been told that its .688. True? If so, then it really was bad paint?

11-15-2005, 08:33 PM
is your bumper intact?

11-18-2005, 10:30 AM
Well, I took it to RobAGD. Good times. After he was through with his comments about being lazy and threatening to kill me, he took and worked on it. Mainly trigger work.

Took it home, gassed up, and got through 40 or so balls before it broke paint. Then I was out of air. Got air. While I was there, he had some Redz Pepper Stickz on sale for 100. Bought em, an assortment of balls, and a HALO with Rip drive. Had to go to class after that. Then it was too dark to see.

So woke up this morning, put the largest back on (.693), and headed outside with four pods )one of each paint). And started shooting.

No breaks. None. Zip. Zero. Nada. Went through all four pods and had no problems (except that its cold as heck outside). The last one was filled with 2 week old RPS Premium. No problem.

So happy!!! Only problem is that I think I may actually have to work at the field tomorrow. DOH!!!

BTW - The bumper was NOT intact. Rob took care of that for me :D

I'm really leaning towards the barrel. What a shock, its a Dye. Only product from them I've ever had be any good is the tank cover.