View Full Version : '06 Matrix - vs - '06 Ego ?

11-13-2005, 11:12 PM
Like the title asks -- how would they stack up against each other? If you have to use the '05 versions as case-in-points its ok. I'm thinking of a "racegun" in my future (I can't come to call myself a SPACEGUN owner)... lol. I play woodsball, so I need reliability to be factored in.


Thanks --


11-13-2005, 11:25 PM
just get the 06 ego, you wont regret anything.

11-13-2005, 11:28 PM
trixes shoot smoother than egos.

Egos feel like timmys w/ an eblade frame. They are nice guns, but meh.

The New trixes are lighter than the egos now and shoot great. They arent as efficient as the poppet valve design of the ego though.

They make up for it in smoothness and accuracy at high rates of fire. and they are a lot quieter too, thats my 2 cents.

Egos are great guns though. You cant really do a vs. thread on high end electros, cause in the end it all boils down to preference. There is no right answer. Everyone looks for different properties/characteristics of them.

I prefer a trix, while many others will prefer an ego.

11-13-2005, 11:30 PM
Have the DM5, had the 05 Ego.

Both are outstanding markers. Best of the lot as far as I am concerned.

Anyone would be great.

Note: Get the upgraded bolt for the DM-you'll get more shots out of your tank.


11-14-2005, 02:43 AM
I have an 06 Proto an 05 Proto, and used to have a DM4, any of the matrixes are the smoothest at speed. I have used my friends 05 XSV Ego and its very quick and responsive--very easy and fun to shoot fast. In comparison to a Matrix however, the Ego felt like it stopped at Starbucks for a couple of double shot espressos before the game, a bit jumpy and some muzzle rise. But some like the tactile feel of a bit of recoil and muzzle rise, I prefer the smooth feeling of shooting at speed with a Matrix. What you prefer is for you to decide.

As far as reliability, once you get to higher end they are all very solid. My friend has never had an issue with his Ego and I had no problems at all with my Protos. Though to be fair, IMO the wiring on DMs/Protos is rather flimsy, you have to just take extra care if you remove the gripframe and avoid pulling on the wiring.

If you playing just woods you might not want an exposed bolt gun so its not facing dirt and the elements. Egos are much more efficient though. If noise is a factor, Egos are very quiet but Matrixes are probably the quietest shooters around.

In the end they are both great shooters -- my friend loves his Ego just as much as I love my Protos, the only thing is to try them both and then decide.

11-14-2005, 06:31 AM
The PM6 looks better. Go with the looks man! :D

11-14-2005, 07:19 AM
I have to agree that the Trix is a much smoother feeling marker.

The EGO is just a really light version of any of the markers that work like it. Very, very similar to a Timmy.

Both have phenominal performance, so ....well you know the rest.

11-14-2005, 08:54 AM
They're both great. The Ego has a few things over the Matrix.... I think it still might be lighter, more efficient, and a higher theoretical max ROF. However, I personally am of the opinion that this is all outweighed by the way the guns shoot - and the Matrix is far nicer in that respect. The differences I mentioned earlier are nearly moot anyways, since the DM6 is almost the same weight, gets about 1300-1400 shots off a 68/4500 fill, and is faster than you'll ever shoot.

Of course, there is the price difference... but you get what you pay for.

So my choice is the DM6, but it's all about what YOU think.

11-14-2005, 11:35 AM
ok i weighed some stuff at the shop with a electronic scale.

In the Manuel for the dm6 it states that is is 1lb 7oz (i'm guessing that is without the barrell and reg) So here are the Weights

The Weights are with a 45/45 for both guns. Also the ego is useing a stock barrel and the shocker has a freak on it.

Dm6 (no barrel and no reg)- 1lb 7oz

Shocktech Shocker (no barrel and no reg)- 1lb 13oz

Shocktech Shocker (with barrel and reg)- 2lb 6oz 3/4

Shocktech Shocker (with halo, tank, reg, barrel)- 6lbs 10oz 1/2

Ego (no barrel and no reg)- 2lbs

Ego (with barrel and reg)- 2lb 8oz 1/4

Ego (with halo, tank, reg, barrel)- 6lb 13oz 3/4

If anyone else cared here are some more.

Halo- 1lb 9oz

Bulldog tank with crossfire reg- 2lb 13oz

There is everything i have. If anyone has the anymore dm6 weights please post but be sure they are accurate before posting. I don't want any false weights on here. These are just some examples of how light the dm6 can be. Later.

steve haye89 from pbn

11-14-2005, 12:08 PM
Of course, there is the price difference... but you get what you pay for.

So my choice is the DM6, but it's all about what YOU think.


11-14-2005, 08:52 PM
Thanks for the replies fellas --- I agree, the enclosed design of the Trix is a benefit. As you all have noted -- I guess I'll have to try both first.

Thanks again.


11-14-2005, 09:11 PM
yup, actually the 06 trixes are lighter than shockers, and egos. ;) and they still are a lot smoother. Only thing the ego has on it is efficiency.