View Full Version : Cocker?

12-09-2001, 11:11 AM
Just recently I thought about getting another gun. I love my Rt and no I am not getting rid of it. Maybe in the future I will look to a nice backup. I am not up with the electros yet. (they shoot fast and viberate great, but not worth it to me) Well I just went to my local shop and asked if I were to get another gun what kind what it be? Immediately they said a cocker. I'll be the first to tell you, I haven't a clue when it comes to cockers. I have shot a sto without air and a stock with air. The trigger slides but what is the real advantage to having a cocker? I realize they keep there value (I have no idea why). Plz cocker owners inform me all about a cockers. Dont tell me there all hype and a p.o.s. I dont want to hear that; I want to know what they are capable of and what reasons are there to buy such an expensive marker.(talking about non-electro cockers)

12-09-2001, 11:16 AM
I just purchased my first cocker after years of having mags and RT's and bushies and just about everything else :)

Why did I get a cocker? Cos I like shooting them. There is something fun about the backblock and how they shoot.

I also got it cos I wanted a pretty gun and was craving something to tinker with. And because I have a craving to get one of every gun...


12-09-2001, 03:21 PM
Is this the only good thing someone can say to boast a cocker? I mean come on tell me an advantage to having one. Like the triggers are the most customizable of all pball markers. Give me (or anyone else for that matter) reason to buy one.Tom? Budd's ur friend what can u say about his marker? ANYONE!

12-09-2001, 03:51 PM
I dont much about maintaining them or any of the technical stuff, but heres what I know. They are incredibly customizable. They have a good resale value. The shoot far and accurate. If you get one, learn all the technical stuff.

12-09-2001, 04:19 PM
Originally posted by Wild_Osiris
Is this the only good thing someone can say to boast a cocker? I mean come on tell me an advantage to having one. Like the triggers are the most customizable of all pball markers. Give me (or anyone else for that matter) reason to buy one.

Most top end guns are comparable. They is little reason to get one over another other than personal preference and what feels/looks good to you.

An advantage is that they can be incredibly efficient.

They are less likely to be inconsistent due to bad maintenance. I.e. they will keep consistancy under conditions others guns won't, like with paint around the bolt or with dirt in the breech area. They can be extremely consistant which helps with accuracy and allows you to set them closer to the velocity limit and thus get the maximum effective range you can.

They can be very highly customised. You can always individualise your gun.

I stand by my main reason to get one is because they are fun to shoot.


12-09-2001, 04:28 PM
Originally posted by AngelBoy
The shoot far and accurate.

lol, a finely tuned and upgraded cocker will shoot far and accurate. this is because of consistancy. consistancy = accuracy.

people like cockers because you can replace every stock part with a new, better one. people like them because they have exposed tubes, a back block that moves back and forth when you shoot, and a sliding trigger. bottom line, like manike said, they are just fun to shoot.

12-10-2001, 04:16 PM
I own a Mag, and two cockers. I bought the cockers just because they are by far the most accurate guns I have ever shot -plus you don't get any shootdown from a stock cocker as you do with a stock Mag Valve. Don't get me wrong, I love my Mag, but my cockers are both set up for low pressure, saves on O2, has more of a flatter shot at longer ranges. More widely sold so parts are more plentiful for replacement should it malfunction...they are a gorgeous piece of work when built up correctly...and you can rail on the trigger and make a paintball margarita should you short stroke the trigger.
My Mag has never given me a problem, since I changed the bolt to an ANS Venturi sans foamie...and it looks so cool, as my Mag is a Vert Feed Minimag. :D

12-10-2001, 04:48 PM
hey if u do concider getting a cocker, check out mine, it's totaly tricked out and i'm selling it for really cheap because i need cash fast.