View Full Version : Wire vs Plastic Nubbin

11-16-2005, 11:18 AM
Does it matter which one I use? Do the wire nubbins ever cause paint to break more than the plastic ones?

11-16-2005, 11:20 AM
or do nubbins have anything to do with potential paint breakage?

11-16-2005, 11:37 AM
Well I originally thought the switch to plastic was due to the delrin super bolt ... I dont think I ever noticed any real difference between the two when I shot a mag. I like the plastic ones better myself since they were not prone to being bent out of shape as easy.


11-16-2005, 12:27 PM
I have found that the wire are a pain in the butt to deal with because once they are bent it is difficult to get them back to where they need to be. Either not enough so I got roll out or too much and it sliced some balls.

11-16-2005, 02:35 PM
I find that teh metal ones work much better, but this is just me, its too bad i cant buy more, because now i have to make them out of wire and/or paper clips.

11-16-2005, 03:10 PM

This place still sells wire nubbin and they have it in stock

11-16-2005, 03:20 PM
I wont pay over $1 for one, specially when i can make them for less then 5 cents.

11-16-2005, 06:19 PM
The wire nubbins suck. They will break and start slitting balls at the worst possible time. Wire nubbins that are left in barrel for a while will be the worst. Switch to plastic and never look back.

Scott Hudnall
11-16-2005, 06:34 PM
for decreased ball breakage, the platic nubbins are the way to go. No question about it.

11-16-2005, 07:01 PM
two mags, many years, wire nubbins, no problems

11-16-2005, 07:48 PM
Personally, I have never used plastic, but in my Classic mag I had 2 barrels both with wire, and they both broke after a little while.

11-16-2005, 10:32 PM
I guess its all opinion, ive been playing may mag non stop for the last 8 years, and ive tried the plastics for a few, much better performance out of my wires, hell why else would i make them myself.

11-16-2005, 10:44 PM
What the heck do you mean by better performance? :ninja: With plastic nubbins, you don't double feed, you don't slice balls... There's nothing more to consider... Wire nubbins aren't going to make you shoot faster or farther or anything... Please explain your claims? :confused:

11-17-2005, 05:01 PM
Personally, I had some problems with the wire nubbin that came with my J&J Ceramic. It didn't seem to prevent balls from slipping past as well as it could, and I think it was the reason behind a couple barrel breaks. I tried to use some pliers to bend it in a little more and prevent the double feeds, and snapped the bastard. Put a plastic nubbin in and it worked fine. Keeps the balls in place, fewer barrel breaks, and doesn't bend out of shape.

11-19-2005, 03:42 AM
plastic nubbin all the way. I still shudder with the memories of how poorly the wire nubbins worked for me.

11-19-2005, 12:56 PM
Does it matter which one I use? Do the wire nubbins ever cause paint to break more than the plastic ones?
Hey man you know what! i used the wire nubin that came with my 68 classic and i can tell you for sure that i had four breaks with it, then switched to plastic nubin and so far have gone through case and a half with no breaks, so you tell me whats better.... also i was wondering if enyone could tell me what the stars on the side of my valve body on my 68 classic mean because i have three of them.

11-20-2005, 12:30 PM
you can send it to AGD 3 times for repair or tuning. They will rub out 1 star each time when your out of stars you gotta start paying thats all...

11-21-2005, 08:09 AM
you can send it to AGD 3 times for repair or tuning. They will rub out 1 star each time when your out of stars you gotta start paying thats all...
sorry i onley have one star as a matter of fact, so i guess i can only send it in once if need be. thanks for the tip Wolfspawn hopefuly though i wont need to send it in , but will need a new barrel for left side powerfeed. :rolleyes:

11-21-2005, 06:01 PM

plastic nubin and so far have gone through case and a half with no breaks, so you tell me whats better.... also i was wondering if enyone could tell me what the stars on the side of my valve body on my 68 classic mean because i have three of them.
Sorry after making a comment like that and hearing you didnt know what the stars meant kind of loses your credability.

What the heck do you mean by better performance? With plastic nubbins, you don't double feed, you don't slice balls... There's nothing more to consider... Wire nubbins aren't going to make you shoot faster or farther or anything...
Hey, i was just stating i have had nothing but good work with my wire nubbins. Im sorry i wasnt aware that i didnt have the right to my opinion. You're correct platic is much better.

11-23-2005, 01:56 PM
well the reason i no longer use wire nubbens is once they start bending and getting weird the chances of one bendins over into the bore of your barrel grow. I have had 3 barrels where the alum or brass was all screwed up by a nubbin bending over and the bolt driving it into the barrel. Now you may or may not ever have this problem, but for me where it seemed chronic i decided it was well worth time to start replacing cheap nubbins over much more expensice barrels. BTW the P style nubbins were the worst "benders." Use what you like, just dont trash mags when you silly paper clips trash your barrel.

11-24-2005, 12:24 PM
Use what you like, just dont trash mags when you silly paper clips trash your barrel.
Sorry had to laugh, yeah mags are no good thats why I only own five. I mean the other 100 ive owned were just a faze??? I guess i looked back and i was wondering where i bashed mags. This is my last post, you've mad me have to agruee my opinion, a fight on ao about nubbins and your putting words in my mouth. Where the hell AO is going, we need help.

11-26-2005, 12:48 AM
The plastic ones are the way to go as long as they fit your barrel. There are some, but not many, barrels out there that don't have the zig-zag groove in the barrel to fit the shape of the plastic nubbin. Also, most of the sucky barrel manufacturers didn't make the groove to print and the plastic nubbins won't fit well.

You need to check the protrusion into the barrel with the plastic nubbins before you use them. Put one in a stock AGD barrel and look at how far it protrudes and then compare it to your aftermarket barrel. If it's about the same, you're good to go. If it's not as deep, then you might have some issues.

As far as the wire nubbins go, the V-nubbins were okay, but they sucked because they had a small surface area for wear and they would eventually wear through at the tip, break at the tip and then the bolt would roll over the forward section of the nubbin and if you had an aluminum barrel, it would usually put a good divot in the bore.

Then AGD came out with the P-nubbins which had more surface area for wear, but they weren't contained on the back side and they would roll over in the barrel. This problem was accelerated when AGD came out with the "long-nose" bolt to reduce blow-back and those bolts never quite had the radius on the tip of the bolt like the old "short-nose" bolts. That sharp corner on the tip of the bolt would grab the nubbin and roll it over.

If my server space wasn't still down and I had access to my tech photos I'd post some to show you guys the differences. Talking about the "long-nose" bolt feels like such a long time ago... :(

11-26-2005, 01:40 AM
Sorry had to laugh, yeah mags are no good thats why I only own five. I mean the other 100 ive owned were just a faze??? I guess i looked back and i was wondering where i bashed mags. This is my last post, you've mad me have to agruee my opinion, a fight on ao about nubbins and your putting words in my mouth. Where the hell AO is going, we need help.

WHOOOOO there Skippy; Im glad you are a mag fan and you dont rag on a gun even when it chews up barrels. Thats great (personally i was upset, until it was explained to me).

What i said was a general statement and not directed at you personally. The fact that you bend oyur own nubbins out of paper clips and paperclips is what i tend to call the antique nubbins was a couincidence.

AO is fine and well, just so long as folks stop trying to find threads and posts to cry about.

To everyone who likes wire nubbins; if you like them use them just understand they are yesterdays tech, AGD has long been about innovation, duribility and performance; and when it comes down to it the plastic nubbins are just better. The End.

08-13-2011, 02:51 AM
I double feed a couple times a day using Freak SS and J&J SS barrels. The problem seems eliminated using a wire nubbin on the J&J. Havent tried a wire nubbin on the Freak yet. Does anyone have advice on "adjusting" a plastic nubbin?

08-13-2011, 09:31 AM
To everyone who likes wire nubbins; if you like them use them just understand they are yesterdays tech, AGD has long been about innovation, duribility and performance; and when it comes down to it the plastic nubbins are just better. The End.

I happen to disagree with this. I'd be willing to bet a donut that wire nubbins werent replaced because plastic was better. It was done because plastic is cheaper and more convienent. Just because its newer doesnt mean its better. Just look at cars. Manufacterers replace metal with plastic cause its cheaper and easier, no matter that having an accident means you likely die. Not to mention that the car is almost always totaled so you have to buy another one.

The average plastic nubbin will NOT hold a paintball in the breach once you get down to .683 or so. Even with brand new plastic nubbins, paint that small will roll right out the end of the barrel or, at best, double feed. I've tried tape, heating and bending, putting a drop of glue on the triangle and more, and none of these have worked. I make my own wire nubbins out of piano wire now and they work great. Piano wire retains its flexablility better than standard wire and last a long, long time.

Wire nubbins breaking paint is an issue I've never experienced. Its never happened to me so, I can't comment on that. With the ever shrinking paint that is invading my area, plastic nubbins just don't work. period. Of course, a cocker barrel adapter ends the whole argument.

08-13-2011, 09:55 PM
Hobbez, your comment makes sense as I am having problems with 0.684 paint. Did you match your music wire thickness to the origianl nubbin? I will probably source whatever wire from McMaster Carr.