View Full Version : Feeback on possible milling job (EMAG)

11-17-2005, 12:01 PM
I was wondering it I could get some feedback on milling down a stock E-MAG rail. I know many different types of ULE bodies are in the market but I like being different.

*NOT this is not draw to scale, but you get the ideas of what I want to do*

I will do it to 100% scale if it gets approved by my local shop, and that scale drawing I will not do. It's going to take atleast a day to get it 100%.

Let me know, and I've used a program to test possible weaknesses, so everything "should" hold out fine. I'm considering getting it milled from fresh aluminum or getting my stock one milled down.

http://img189.imageshack.us/img189/2209/rail9sr.th.png (http://img189.imageshack.us/my.php?image=rail9sr.png)
((click on it to view larger size))

I did this today while I was at work so I was in kind of a hurry, and I jsut noticed I flipped the body around. The bottom should be turned around, the circle on the side is for the trigger pin. and should be on the back side of the body. Besides that, that is what I plan to get milled.

Thoughts, comments?
All the corners will be rounded didn't have time to waste while at work to round everything.

11-17-2005, 12:13 PM
you should do it from new aluminum that way you have your old rail to fall back on. Then you get that good feeling when someone asks where you bought it and you say "I made it." :D