View Full Version : New Mag Project Thread #1,367,894...some questions

11-17-2005, 03:59 PM
Ok, another "new mag project" post. Sorry if these are getting old. But I finally got a good job, so I have some extra cash, and can afford to paintball again (had to sell all my cr@p to pay tuition for college). I want to build a kick*** mag, and figured this would be the best place to go for help.

My last mag was a custom ULE hypermag, nuthin special, just bolt-ons, and I wanted to do somethin a little different this time, but I have a lot of questions, b/c I've never built a really difficult mag before.

Where could I get a Logic frame? Are they (whoever it is that makes them) still taking orders? If so, what kinda wait is on that? Otherwise there's some pretty killer 90 frames out, where could I get one? How much?

What exactly is ULT and how does it work? Can it be used with any of the previous frames, or is it for mech frames only? If anyone remembers the Logic mag that won (I think) the last GOTM, what kinda rail is that and where could I get one?

I'm assuming I could pick up a X-valve from b/s/t...or is there a somewhere else I could go (besides ebay)?

I hope to get all the parts I need here from AO, b/c I live in West MI, and nobody here has even seen a mag, let alone sell parts for them...

Sorry if these all sound like noob questions, but remember I have never had access to mags other than what I can read from here, and my old hypermag which wasn't that complicated.

Thanks for any help, I'd like to be rockin' a new mag by this summer!!! :headbang:

11-17-2005, 04:27 PM
Im pretty sure logic is still making his frames but a great alternative you might look into is RogueFactor's RPG vert frame. He does EXCELLENT work.

ULT is a replacement on/off assembally where the on/off pin is much much smaller in diameter. There's less surface area and less friction thus its easier to actuate. It can be used with any frame but the emag frame, pretty much.

I'd say a used xvalve is your best bet. You can get them pretty cheap nowadays, 150-200 if i'm not mistaken. Otherwise look around on online shops, they sell them.

11-17-2005, 04:43 PM
Tunaman is also a great source for new mag parts at really great prices.

11-17-2005, 05:00 PM
Logic doesn't make the vert frames anymore. He makes hybrid frames now. They're even better. They have the comfort and ergonomics of a vert frame with the low profile of a .45 frame, perfection. He also makes an electronic version. It's electro pneumatic and includes the newest predator board. Go to the dealers section to find out more. Talk with him about the rail too. if you're talking about the alpha rail, I can vouch for it. It's uber light and really great looking. Nothing is lighter.

11-17-2005, 05:18 PM

This is where you can find that rail and grip frame. Logic has some nice stuff. Talk to CoolHand here on AO.

11-17-2005, 06:13 PM
Hey, thanks a ton guys! I just checked some of this stuff out...freakin AWESOME!!! :wow: :clap:

11-17-2005, 06:17 PM
Btw, a little off topic, but...

I'm goin back to mags (have been shooting an ION for over a year now), b/c my first "real" paintball gun was a mag. Had it for 3 years and it never went down on me. EVER. Can't say the same for the ION... :rolleyes: . The custom stuff floating around AO here is just crazy, and I can't live without a mag anymore... :hail:

:hail: TK is my hero :hail:

11 Bravo
11-17-2005, 07:28 PM
Get logics new frame or buy another Hyperframe and put a Mini Morlock in it. Thats what I did with your frame and it is scary fast. :shooting:
And no I will not sell it back to you. :D

11-17-2005, 08:24 PM
lol, glad that hyperframe is workin out for ya! you gotta show a vid sometime!

for right now it looks like i'll be building a logic mag, we'll see...