View Full Version : What does it for you?

11-17-2005, 07:57 PM
What keeps you coming back to the game of paintball? What really does it for you? For me it's the arenaline mainly. The comradery you get with friends. Then there's the amazing technology that has developed since 1988(the year I started playing). I remember when auto triggers on Nelson based pumps were the best thing to happen to paintball.
The Razorback 3 was the hottest pump, then the SI Bushmaster came out!
Tell your feelings, opinions, hell even neat stories.

11-17-2005, 08:04 PM
the thrill of shooting my brother and friends..

knowing you were better than someone else when you eliminate them.

the adrenaline, hanging out with friends I rarely see.

the fun of getting to shoot paintballs out of a gun <---- thats really sweet, shooting stuff is fun

thats bout it. gun whoring... buying new stuff to make my marker better...

11-17-2005, 08:20 PM
I like to win. This is a sport i am mildly good at, that i enjoy. I plan to play to at least the college level, and possibly higher, depending if i can keep up or not.

11-17-2005, 08:23 PM
adrenaline, fun, get to shoot the balls, get to legally shoot at people, win, make moves that really throw the other team off, make some sweet headshots on my brother with my pump.

only place i hit by brother when using my pump is in the head, and mostly when he is moving, and he never knows where i am. he thinks i'm a ninja :ninja: , but it just works out that way.

11-17-2005, 08:24 PM
Its the test of skill... Skills I know I have, skills I know my team has. Its the ultimate test of leadership where one individual can make the great difference. Its the greatest test of working together with the people who are my friends, to overcome and see how far we can go.

11-17-2005, 08:28 PM
I love spreading the sport of paintball to my friends and people i dont even know. Its great to see other people join in on something great. For some of them it was a fad but other bought gear on my influence and still love to play. Other than that i love the increase of technology and checking out new equipment, its an ever changing sport which makes it alot of fun. I like the thrill and rushes of sprinting run throughs to win the game. Its a great feeling. The teamwork makes it awesome, having multiple people cooperate together to win the game. I love the strategys of the different types of paintball, finding out what works. Also building fields is fun. Gosh, I dont know where to stop.

SuiciDal Sn Y p ER
11-17-2005, 08:55 PM
knowing im good at something that many people are afraid to even attempt to do :) the adrenaline rush, and the people you meet

11-17-2005, 08:57 PM
Adrenaline, teamwork, leadership, taking stuff apart and putting it back together, getting dirty, spending time with friends and with strangers, teaching and helping newer players, making other people dirty, and being loud.

11-17-2005, 09:00 PM
I like to win. This is a sport i am mildly good at, that i enjoy. I plan to play to at least the college level, and possibly higher, depending if i can keep up or not.

That is pretty much why I play. I play baseball as well, but its to keep in shape for paintball.

:cool:Plus, its fun to watch the kids complain and whine when their $1000+ marker gets taken out with one ball from a pump.

11-17-2005, 09:02 PM
Honestly, i do it for the chicks.

11-17-2005, 09:27 PM
adrenaline junkie.

but it is cool when people ask "so what sports do you play?" and then i get to awnser, "paintball" and then a good conversation about that.

and then, i get to shoot my friends.

and the chicks of course.

11-17-2005, 09:31 PM
I do it for the love of the game.

11-17-2005, 09:56 PM
Honestly, i do it for the chicks.

Yeah, that too. My gf obviously finds me immensely more attractive when I come back with welts all over lol. She's all like, "Oh, don't they hurt?" And then I'm like, "Yeah baby, that's why I need you to make me feel better." And then she's like, "Oh well how do you want me to do that?" And I'm like, "Well uh..." And then the porn groove music comes on and it's all crazy like and flipping out and I'm all... yeah... I uh... hrrrm... sorry.

11-17-2005, 10:13 PM
I love the sounds of PB's wizzing by your head as you dive to your next bunker up the feild. I love the rush of popping around the corner to snap a few shots at a fellow gunner shooting those same projectiles at 300fps back at you. I love the comoradery of the game and being able to go to the opposing team after the game and congradualt or toss out some pointers befor going back out to do it again. I love the rush as you advance through a feild,building,or encloser unknowing whats around the corner wainting for you. I love the feeling of the adventure and achivements. I Love the team work were even a group of novices working as a team can beat a bunch of pros trying to be loan wolfs. I also love comeing home with the tell tale battle scares of a paintballer, And MOST of all i love the PURE UNALTERED HIGH ADRENILIN PUMPING FUN FACTOR OF THE GAME WE CALL PAINTBALL.

11-17-2005, 10:54 PM
in tourneys, when i play, i play to not just win, but, to make people look plain silly when i do it, i want to leave no doubt that they got slapped around by a superior team, and, thats just fun for me.

11-17-2005, 10:57 PM
Because it's the only way I can legally shoot people....... :D

11-18-2005, 01:24 PM
what keeps me coming back ?
the rush, blasting people in the face. My older cousin and his kid play and in 3 years my twin boys will be old enough.
Pre-established 3 man and 5 man teams.

11-18-2005, 02:46 PM
Good thread. :)

11-18-2005, 02:52 PM
that moment when you realize your in a 1 vs 3 situation......... a moment of clarity.......its not "if" you survive, its how much damage your capable of inflicting before you go to the deadbox

That and all the cool toys you can buy.

11-18-2005, 02:57 PM
that moment when you realize your in a 1 vs 3 situation......... a moment of clarity.......its not "if" you survive, its how much damage your capable of inflicting before you go to the deadbox

That and all the cool toys you can buy.

Its even better when you realize such a thing, realize you are the last hope for your team to win, and pull it off... or the day I made it to my first bunker and realized my backplayer had taken all three of the other team on the break or just after

11-18-2005, 02:59 PM
I like to build guns, and there fun to shoot :D

11-18-2005, 03:32 PM
Watching a paintball zip out of your barrel and break on an opponent. Everything else is secondary to that.

11-18-2005, 03:45 PM
" There is no hunting like the hunting of men. Those that have done and liked it hnever care for anything else thereafter."

-Ernest Hemingway.

i like to shoot
the adrenaline
most of my friends i met from playing
traveling to new fields and meeting new people with the game in common
the challenge

i can't think of another hobby or imagine what i'd do without this game.

11-18-2005, 04:38 PM
the comeraderie (sp?), the tactics, playing against friends, the trash talk between friends on opposite teams.

hmmm what else....paintballs whizzing all around, especially when you don't know where its coming from. the great feeling i get when i sneak up on someone :ninja:

the list goes on and on.

11-18-2005, 05:44 PM
" There is no hunting like the hunting of men. Those that have done and liked it never care for anything else thereafter."

Drenny rush of course.

Building guns you can actually use.

Good exercise. (Speedball anyway)

It's also one of the few sports where your part of a team but if the team fails or just plain sucks , your still able to fight to victory if your that good and can rise to the challenge.

11-18-2005, 07:30 PM
What keeps you coming back to the game of paintball? What really does it for you? For me it's the arenaline mainly. The comradery you get with friends. Then there's the amazing technology that has developed since 1988(the year I started playing). I remember when auto triggers on Nelson based pumps were the best thing to happen to paintball.
The Razorback 3 was the hottest pump, then the SI Bushmaster came out!
Tell your feelings, opinions, hell even neat stories.
You are sooooo old school. :cheers:

I dont know what keeps me coming back to the game. I think im addicted.

11-18-2005, 08:41 PM
god i can wax poetic on this subject but, for the benefit of all, i'll keep it short.

Aside from the obvious, the rush.

The idea of:

Continual, on-your-feet problem solving.
The people you meet, good and bad.
the notion of paintball, being one fo the few things i do well.

11-18-2005, 09:17 PM
I forgot...

the newbie hunt.

good times.

the ability to take on 2-3 guys at a time and prevail

having 4 guys chase you down in the woods, and being unable to capitalize on there numbers.. numerous times.

Ambushing those same guys.

3 on 1 firefights where you are giving as good or better than you are taking

being able to use 12" of tree trunk to mask your movements, lay ambushes, and protect yourself from heavy fire in multiple directions.

being able to move undetected while those around you are not.

laying in wait, wondering if they see you yet, then jumping out at the last second, scaring the poo poo out of them and watching them fleeing in haste..

realizing you completely missed them and have to retreat to set up another ambush.


when you are less than 50 feet from someone in a firefight.. and are able to move on them when they are behind the bunker to a new location.. only to watch them fire on your previous location. then you get to shoot back at them and they have no idea what just happened.

11-19-2005, 07:29 PM
what does it for is me having to help a new player have fun during a day of paintball.

I was at a field a few months back were we were playing pump and for some reason the field owner put us against a bunch of semis instead of splitting us up to even the pump and semi ratio. He figured we wanted to play together. The guys were being somewhat jerks and had a tendency not to go out when you shot them with a pump. There were two rentals with us; a boyfreind and girlfriend which were not really having a good time. Since the guys were being such jerks we decided to go run our own game and have fun playing pump. The two rentals ask if they could join our game. We told them they were more than welcome. The girlfirend was actually a little scared to play. We coached her; helped her shoot her boyfriend and i think they had a great time! Helping someone have fun and having the fun shared with others is why i keep on playing.

11-19-2005, 07:32 PM
It's a good way for all my friends and I to have a good time together. Best part of the day is razzing each other on the ride home of our stupid mistakes we made each game.

Tournaments are fun because we get to play in front of lots of people and play as hard as we can.

11-19-2005, 07:57 PM
A few not in order

shoot people I hate
Shoot people period
upgrading the guns and knowing how they work
Knowing more about it than my friends who play
owning and opperating my own field and making it better everyday
being able to come to AO for a reason :)

11-19-2005, 09:06 PM
playing a sport that tests all aspects of a person
learning more about the workings of markers
shooting stuff
shooting stuff
shooting more stuff
but most of all the carnal, the family, it forms some great bonds and makes friends for life

11-20-2005, 01:54 PM
Adrenaline rush(i shake excessively at tourneys)
shooting stuff
something im pretty good at
gun whoring

11-20-2005, 02:04 PM
doing something that many people wn't
the adrenaline rush
shooting people :clap:
building, rebuilding, and then adding on to my guns
continuosly(sp?) trading my gear
helping new players