View Full Version : Hastings MAX'D or SW Battlefront 2?

11-18-2005, 02:36 PM
Title says it all, if you guys dont mind I would like to see some opinions on the two for Xbox. Something has to occupy my weekend besides a paper :D.

11-19-2005, 01:23 AM
Hastings Max'd is almost exactly like GHTP, except you can choose your lane and talk to your teammates. The AI is much better. The grafics and guns are not much of an inprovement over the first one, but if its not broken don't try to fix it. Haven't played SW yet.

11-20-2005, 02:15 PM
I havent touched GH's yet, but Battlefront II is just as good as the 1st one, if not better IMO. I love it, I've been playing it as much as I can lately.

11-20-2005, 05:07 PM
I guess Im goin for Battlefront 2 for now then, I've heard that GH still has all the little cheater bugs online too where people can fly by you when they mash buttons.