View Full Version : Is it ok to put the paint in the pods/hopper?

11-18-2005, 10:51 PM
The night before? I just got invited out. I know I'm not gonna be in till one. I would like to load the loader and pods with paint the night before, get all my other gear ready, and go out. This way all I have to do is dress in the morning and take it to my car.

Is it ok to leave the paintballs in the pods/loaders overnight?

11-18-2005, 10:53 PM
Yep, it fine to leave them over night. In fact, if they are dimpled, leaving them open to the atmosphere will "un-dimple" them.

11-18-2005, 10:55 PM
dont pack them tight. i leave left over paint from practice in my pods and the paint is fine. just fill them like 3/4 full so they do not get dimples

11-18-2005, 11:00 PM
dont pack them tight. i leave left over paint from practice in my pods and the paint is fine. just fill them like 3/4 full so they do not get dimples
Yeah. If you pack them too tightly they will dimple.

11-18-2005, 11:01 PM
k thanks guys. I just left the pack leaned up against the wall with the lids open :D I get to play with my new Emag!!!

11-19-2005, 07:14 PM
If you have high humidity I would close the lids.

11-19-2005, 08:12 PM
If you have high humidity I would close the lids.

i would close the lids annyway...

11-20-2005, 04:08 AM
You know what I find incredibly funny, in this day of high volume paint usage players worry about the slightest dimple, the slightest imperfection, and then size there barrels so closely. And then, never bother to aim, instead just spray paint at there target by instinct.

Head knight of Ni
11-20-2005, 04:46 AM
You know what I find incredibly funny, in this day of high volume paint usage players worry about the slightest dimple, the slightest imperfection, and then size there barrels so closely. And then, never bother to aim, instead just spray paint at there target by instinct.

I don't hear many complaining. "Rambo" has his fun, the field operator gains money, and the skilled players find their targets that much more quickly. And all the field owners have to do is allow violation of ASTM codes and make more money! Negligence is funs.

11-20-2005, 05:09 AM
haha well said

I don't hear many complaining. "Rambo" has his fun,

But then again i play back, gotta keep them down.

Napalmic :mad:

11-21-2005, 11:45 AM
You know what I find incredibly funny, in this day of high volume paint usage players worry about the slightest dimple, the slightest imperfection, and then size there barrels so closely. And then, never bother to aim, instead just spray paint at there target by instinct.

Do you want guys to get out a tripod, or bipod, and shoot? Do you have to shoot under 10 bps in under to aim at a person? I have seen you say this numerous times how current day playes do not aim, that all they do is turn around and shoot. I have yet to see a tourney player just turn around and randomly shoot a bunker, the ground, over the net or elsewhere. In fact, the only people I see not aiming are new rec players (stick a gun around a corner or over a bunker and shoot aka blind firing). I just do not get the arguement that current player do not aim. It should be alot easier for you to shoot them since they cannot aim, is that the case?

About the pods. I actually would not pack them. They will dimple if you pack your pods, and if the temperature or humidity is not right you will end up with a giant, stuck together, 200 round single ball. Just wait until tomorrow. It only takes 5-10 minutse to pod up and get redy.

11-21-2005, 12:27 PM
Do you want guys to get out a tripod, or bipod, and shoot? Do you have to shoot under 10 bps in under to aim at a person? I have seen you say this numerous times how current day playes do not aim, that all they do is turn around and shoot. I have yet to see a tourney player just turn around and randomly shoot a bunker, the ground, over the net or elsewhere. In fact, the only people I see not aiming are new rec players (stick a gun around a corner or over a bunker and shoot aka blind firing). I just do not get the arguement that current player do not aim. It should be alot easier for you to shoot them since they cannot aim, is that the case?

About the pods. I actually would not pack them. They will dimple if you pack your pods, and if the temperature or humidity is not right you will end up with a giant, stuck together, 200 round single ball. Just wait until tomorrow. It only takes 5-10 minutse to pod up and get redy.

Do most players currently aim, or guess, adjust, and then walk fire in?

Yeh, because when players turn and lane on the break, you never have errant balls go into the ground, against the net, over the net, or into a bunker...

Many do not aim in the traditional sense - they fire a ball to judge where they are shooting and then adjust... I play tournaments, don't get this sudden "you don't know what your talking about with tournament players" thing with me...

11-21-2005, 12:40 PM
I feel sorry for the people in your area if that is the best they can do. Can you tell me the proper way to aim in paintball? Does it require 3-5 or so second to look down the body and shoot? Am I trying to get them out with one shot instead of laning in front of them?

11-21-2005, 01:01 PM
I feel sorry for the people in your area if that is the best they can do. Can you tell me the proper way to aim in paintball? Does it require 3-5 or so second to look down the body and shoot? Am I trying to get them out with one shot instead of laning in front of them?

Are you intentionally making an effort to be obtuse as of late?

11-21-2005, 01:45 PM
No, I really want to know why you have views the way you do. I am trying to figure out how laning in front of a bunker requires no aim. Is it because of the bps rate, ramping means you do not have to aim, or just tourney players cannot aim. I do not post rolling eyes, smiles, flames, or random off topic items, if I did that I would understand that you thought I was just jumping in your poo poo.

So what is your answer, how are you suppose to aim and shoot? I am being dead serious.

11-21-2005, 01:50 PM
What I see most people do is fire a ball, see where it hits, and then adjust from there - well that is controlling fire it is different than what I would call aiming.

11-21-2005, 02:50 PM
Ok, I will just save this for another thread hijack later on. We will meet again my friend.

11-22-2005, 12:10 AM
I don't hear many complaining. "Rambo" has his fun, the field operator gains money, and the skilled players find their targets that much more quickly. And all the field owners have to do is allow violation of ASTM codes and make more money! Negligence is funs.

You said ASTM :eek:

