View Full Version : Cold Weather Paintball

11-21-2005, 11:05 AM
My family and i are hoping to play some paintball this week before thanksgiving. This sounds like a good deal....but the temp is going to be around 40 degrees if we are lucky. Is there any suggestions paint wise and or any other input?

11-21-2005, 11:11 AM
PMI Polar Ice if you can get your hands on it. Otherwise, most paintball manufacturers have or will be switching to a more cold-weather blend - so just make sure you get fresh (recently manufactured) paint.

11-21-2005, 12:10 PM
Any paint will work. If I'm not mitaken, even polar ice has a recommended minimum temp of like 50 or 55 degrees. One thing I do recommend, use the largest barrel you have. If it's too cold, it'll shrink up and you'll get barrel breaks every game. I just played two weeks ago and it was about 30 degrees. Everyone was having problems with barrel breaks. If you have a car or somewhere heated, make sure to keep your paint there. Wouldn't be a bad idea to keep your marker there between games either.

stop whining buy a mag
11-21-2005, 08:47 PM
My local store got some Polar Ice in last year during this time of year and the whole skid was HORRIBLE. Not one single person could go a game without breaking.

Get some Arctic Inferno. It might look a little steep at $60 but it will give you a trouble free day. I've shot dozens of cases of it and never had a barrel break.

11-21-2005, 09:00 PM
My recommendation... Shoot a pump, on Air. That's what I do.

11-21-2005, 09:18 PM
WE played on sun in probably 40* drizzly weather, just downright gloomy. Everything was breaking paint, and i mean everything, all the matricies (including the new dm6's, which, proved that the self cleaning eyes actually work/can come in handy), timmys, shockers, everything.

My recommendation (well, this is completely depenent on type of marker, but, if you have a marker with an lpr/adjustable dwell) you can "winterize" it by dropping the LPR, and upping the dwell an HPR, may be less efficient, but, easier on paint and can save you some hastles.

11-21-2005, 10:40 PM
We played when it was 20 degrees in the snow. I will NEVER do it again. Beside there is NO cover (no leaves) it is bitter cold, wet and i dont care what gun you have the paint will break. heck most of my breaks were in the hopper. a revy is just too violent in cold weather.(blender) :mad:
Cold CO2 does not work well at all, even with an expansion chamber. hpa give MUCH fewer shots. Maybe if i had that tippmann c5 that runs on propane hmmm? my two cents.

11-21-2005, 10:52 PM
WE played on sun in probably 40* drizzly weather, just downright gloomy. Everything was breaking paint, and i mean everything, all the matricies (including the new dm6's, which, proved that the self cleaning eyes actually work/can come in handy), timmys, shockers, everything.

My recommendation (well, this is completely depenent on type of marker, but, if you have a marker with an lpr/adjustable dwell) you can "winterize" it by dropping the LPR, and upping the dwell an HPR, may be less efficient, but, easier on paint and can save you some hastles.

for a dm4, dont you drop the lpr to like 2 turns, then bump up the dwell to like 22 or something?

11-21-2005, 10:54 PM
dwell high and input low. also dont shoot 289 i would bump it down a little

11-22-2005, 12:23 AM
Wait, so is it even worth it to play in winter? I mean you guys are saying that no matter what, I'm gonna break paint. Breaking paint is the worst thing ever. I would rather my gun not work. At least that way I can fix it.

11-22-2005, 09:05 PM
WE played on sun in probably 40* drizzly weather, just downright gloomy. Everything was breaking paint, and i mean everything, all the matricies (including the new dm6's, which, proved that the self cleaning eyes actually work/can come in handy), timmys, shockers, everything.

My recommendation (well, this is completely depenent on type of marker, but, if you have a marker with an lpr/adjustable dwell) you can "winterize" it by dropping the LPR, and upping the dwell an HPR, may be less efficient, but, easier on paint and can save you some hastles.

YES!!! I'm so glad to see someone spelling the plural form of MATRIX right! Finaly!

Thank you 68!

(obvious)incorrect grammar is a BIG petpeeve of mine(/obvious)

11-22-2005, 11:10 PM
Wait, so is it even worth it to play in winter? I mean you guys are saying that no matter what, I'm gonna break paint. Breaking paint is the worst thing ever. I would rather my gun not work. At least that way I can fix it.

Play pump or stock class. My Phantom doesn't break paint in the winter. :ninja:

11-22-2005, 11:16 PM
I use a Tippmann Pro/Carbine with an el-cheapo gravity feed hopper when it goes below 40.
Haven't had problems yet.


11-23-2005, 12:09 AM
Play pump or stock class. My Phantom doesn't break paint in the winter. :ninja:

Geez thanks *looks at brand new Emag* :rolleyes:

11-23-2005, 12:52 AM
I played all last winter in 30ish degree weather. Only time I had trouble was when I tried using paint that wasn't winter fill (blaze). I used both Polar Ice and Acrtic Inferno and neither caused ball break issues. I used Polar Ice last week and it blew, which leads me to believe that RPS quality has hit rock bottom. Though it's worth saying that the paint always sucks there...Hell I don't even like the field anymore.

11-23-2005, 02:20 AM
What happens if you use winter fill in summer?

11-23-2005, 08:59 AM
I play in winter all the time and don't really have any problems. Just make sure to keep all your gear warm and put your paint somewhere heated. We usually play one game, go back inside, then repeat that all day. As long as you don't stay out too long you should be alright. Of course if you're playing big recball games you might have to shorten the games a bit to prevent freezing. Winter ball is great fun.

Just for fun, here's a vid we made when it snowed a couple weeks ago.


11-23-2005, 09:40 PM
I keep my paint in a cooler , throw a couple hand warmers in on top. It's nice to see someone make note of the need for a big bore barrel. I dont usually have any paint issues with winter play. Last year I used arctic inferno with no breaks in +1000 rounds. :D Good stuff. Star or slam will make people cry when its cold. :D

11-24-2005, 10:24 AM
Geez thanks *looks at brand new Emag* :rolleyes:

Yup, I've got two X-mags sitting on the shelf waiting for indoor paintball. High today = 26*F. You always need a backup plan...

11-24-2005, 12:31 PM
I use polar ice in winter as well, its 7* here :)

11-25-2005, 06:57 AM
what is this winter you all speak of and why does it affect the play? just playing i've played on a day when the temp was 40 but we dont get too much colder then that durring the day here in Florida i can assume it hard on paind and maybe air what else does it effect? Just to rub it in i plan on playing tomorrow and the high will be about 72

11-25-2005, 11:12 AM
yeah but we have our problems here in florida too .... with the humidity so high our paint gets rather bouncy most of the year if you dont take good care of it. I was playing a few weeks back and I felt like superman the way the paint was bouncing off me.

11-25-2005, 10:13 PM
The Doc's got a little advice on winter paintball. (http://www.docsmachine.com/tech/cold.html)

11-26-2005, 12:25 AM
Friggin' wimps. I've had some of my best games in the dead of winter. It really helps playing faster, shorter games vs. hour-long manhunts.

11-26-2005, 01:08 AM
Friggin' wimps. I've had some of my best games in the dead of winter. It really helps playing faster, shorter games vs. hour-long manhunts.

Ummm . . . think we were talking about the cold weather's implications on our gear. . . . .

Sounds to me like you're the wuss wanting to hurry up and finish so you can get to the warm fire . . . . :p

11-26-2005, 01:28 AM
Sounds like guys trying to find excuses not to play actually.

Oh, what's a fire? :D

11-26-2005, 07:58 PM
Yes, I also you my VSC phantom, get fewer shots on 12 grams. Thinking about putting a bottomline and a 47/30 on there.