View Full Version : Fun and competative / fun or competative

11-22-2005, 06:42 PM
What is it about the game that makes it fun for you? Does the really competative play make it fun...or is it too much work?

I have realized over the past season that I enjoy the layed back easy going atmosphere of "rec ball", where there is no pressure to perform. But I like it when playing against high caliber players. Its kind of a nonexistant situation though. There are so few people who are truly good at the game, but that don't feel like they have to take it to that different level. You know, maxed out ROF, bunkering, shooting someone 10 times in the back as they pull a run through.

I really miss playing a game where you could actually shoot or get shot one time, and actually be able to get the elimination or walk off w/o getting hosed.

I miss mechanical play. The game was so much better then. When skill and ability counted so much.....

11-22-2005, 06:56 PM
I came in with the angel, so I kind of know what you're talking about. I miss it too. I envied those guys with the frickin' huge cockers. Mags were a pretty common sight also.

I like mechs best. Less finicky than electros (though I do plan on buying a promaster).

I totally agree dude.

11-22-2005, 07:07 PM
I miss the honor of the game. Now a days shooting ppl five, six times is common cause there are a lot of cheaters in a game that is supposed to be fun. Sadly I see it more and more on rec days.

I mean I like competition, but integrity is something that many ppl lack now a days.

11-22-2005, 07:17 PM
I miss the honor of the game. Now a days shooting ppl five, six times is common cause there are a lot of cheaters in a game that is supposed to be fun. Sadly I see it more and more on rec days.

I mean I like competition, but integrity is something that many ppl lack now a days.

Definately along the lines of what I am saying.

Several weeks ago during a team practice I shot a fellow 11 times in the chest and body. He tried to run and gun me, missed, and I got him. Now of course we practice w/ ramp modes on, just like the real thing so by the time I hit him there was no stopping the rest. I was already off the trigger. There were already that many balls still in the air.

I had him out with the first ball. But because of the current atmosphere within the game, you can't count on the other player being honorable. Its result is that everyone has to use this technique against the other guy whether they would have called it on the first hit or not.

11-22-2005, 08:59 PM
dont know what your talking about, the pump players here can bonus ball just as much :D

*cough* Shelly *cough*

11-23-2005, 12:15 PM
I really miss playing pump games in the woods.

But I guess fun vs competitive play all depends on the people playing. At badlnds we always have a rule that you ask everyone playing before you turn on ramping. But I agree with punkncat sometimes the little blitters dont call themselves out. So you gotta make sure they know they're out :shooting:

But bonus balling happens. period. Everyone gets a little twitchy. As long as you dont get hosed with like 20 balls stop complaining and get in the deadbox.

I wish theyd start a seperate MEchanical league. the game is just so different tactically when you cant close down a lane with a paintstorm. Its requires far more team coordination and skill.

11-23-2005, 02:03 PM
to me, its just like any other sport...

yeah, i enjoy playing pickup games of basketball with my buddies and whatnot...but i LIVE for competition (either playing IM games or working @ Duke games).

Its two different kinds of fulfillment.

SuiciDal Sn Y p ER
11-24-2005, 01:04 AM
its fun to win :) which means you have to be competative. but sometimes you can still have fun and not win... but i think we all like winning, it just feels a lot better

11-24-2005, 01:52 AM
Its fun to win, and be competitive.

It sucks to be expected to win.

11-24-2005, 06:18 PM
I have a group of players around that can be fun and competetive, guess I have the best of both worlds. I do not often see the "win at all costs" attitude that is so often attributed to tournament players around...