View Full Version : HALO not working right

11-24-2005, 06:32 PM
I dunno whats going on. I have fresh batteries in there so thats not it. Its a HALO B with rip drive

Last week, the second I turned it on it started spinning. Worked awesome. was feeding like crazy. That was the first week I had it.

This week its being stupid. I put new batteries in. Tried a recharged Bone and brand new batteries. It won't spin.

I can get it started with the rip drive by manually spinning it on the bottom. But it only spits out like 15 balls and then stops. I have to spin it again.

Anyone know whats going on? It was working beautifully last week :mad:

11-24-2005, 06:34 PM
did you check all the connections? any pinched wires?

11-24-2005, 06:38 PM
I don't see any. I've stretched out the cord that the battery pack hooks up to and turned it on. Heard it click (like it was gonna spin) and then not do anything. (loader was empty)

Is it possible the eyes are blocked? Can I run water through it?

11-24-2005, 06:43 PM
I don't see any. I've stretched out the cord that the battery pack hooks up to and turned it on. Heard it click (like it was gonna spin) and then not do anything. (loader was empty)

Is it possible the eyes are blocked? Can I run water through it?
I doubt it unless you actually took off the black tape holding the eyes in. Do the connectors to the board, the side with the metal face up? Once I had one of those plugs facing down and my halo would just keep spinning.

11-24-2005, 06:47 PM
I doubt it unless you actually took off the black tape holding the eyes in. Do the connectors to the board, the side with the metal face up? Once I had one of those plugs facing down and my halo would just keep spinning.

What exactly are you talking about? The connectors where I plug in the battery?

EIDT I think it might have something to do with the eyes. If I stick my finger up the the feed neck, I can get it to spin a little. There also seems to be a little paint in the seem there.

11-24-2005, 06:57 PM
no, hes talking about the plugs that go into the board. Why would you want to run water through it? :tard:

most likely your eyes are dirty and have paint on them. Do this below to clean them.

take the batteries back out, make sure that they are installed properly and that the + and - are at the proper ends on ALL batteries. If the eyes are dirty, then it could happen too. Clean your eyes. That means take the loader apart, remove the catchcup from the left shell, unplug the harnesses from the board, take the black tape off. There are two screws on the halo catchcup that you will need to take off. Wipe everything clean. Check for damaged wires, etc. reassemble. Put in the fresh batteries. Careful not to pinch any wires when putting it back together. Turn the loader on by holding the button for a split second.

If that doesnt work, contact oddyssey and let them know.

11-24-2005, 08:11 PM
Take it apart, clean the eye sensors, put it back together. For the love of god, DONT run water through it. I saw 3 people do that last weekend, then turn around, saying they dont know why it doesnt work.

11-24-2005, 08:18 PM
If that doesnt work, contact oddyssey and let them know.

That could be difficult. Oddyssey is gone.

11-24-2005, 08:30 PM
Ok here's what I did. Took it apart and cleaned it.

The tape in mine is blue eletrical tape. Whatever. I took off the tape that kept the eyes in holes, cleaned em off, and put the tape back on firmly. Wrapped it nice and tight. Then I took off the tape that was holding the wires that led into the eyes and made sure they weren't crossed or twisted. Then put the tape on loosely, letting it get a little inbetween the wires to keep them seperate.

Running like it should. Thanks guys :hail: :cool:

11-24-2005, 08:42 PM
That could be difficult. Oddyssey is gone.


11-24-2005, 08:53 PM
my halo isnt working properly either.

the damn thing keeps dying on me. this is pissing me off. sometimes it will stop glowing, or even fall off. i came here expecting eternal bliss, what is this crap? cant god even run a half decent heaven? i should have known, considering how messed up he let earth get. we need someone to keep god in line.

...oh. oh , you meant your halo B loader. yeah, mine hasnt had too many problems.

/i read the post and was going to just tell you to clean the eyes. it sounded like either that or low battery.
//guess i was a bit too late.

11-24-2005, 09:56 PM
my halo isnt working properly either.

the damn thing keeps dying on me. this is pissing me off. sometimes it will stop glowing, or even fall off. i came here expecting eternal bliss, what is this crap? cant god even run a half decent heaven? i should have known, considering how messed up he let earth get. we need someone to keep god in line.

...oh. oh , you meant your halo B loader. yeah, mine hasnt had too many problems.

/i read the post and was going to just tell you to clean the eyes. it sounded like either that or low battery.
//guess i was a bit too late.

Its ok :)

First, take the shell off and check all the wires and connections, especially the ones at the board. Check your batteries. Then check the harness. Actually, my advice would be to get rid of the batteries all together and get The Bone (http://www.automags.org/forums/showthread.php?t=163890) :cool:

11-24-2005, 10:10 PM
wtf? odyssey paintball is not gone you goob. They are local to me and I know ppl that work there. Stop your lies. http://www.odysseypaintball.com/main.html

they are in garland TX, and are alive and kicking since almost ALL teams pretty much use halos these days. There are some that use eggs cause of sponsorship, but by choice, halo is used. Where did you hear that?

and dont use the dual 9v mod, its not designed to. Ppls boards or motors have fried cause of them. ITs not designed to run like that, and good luck getting a board replaced under warranty if youve done it. Just use some good alkaline AAs like its designed to.

read up here

All you had was dirty eyes. easiest fix ever. Keep them clean if you want your loader to work well. ;).

11-24-2005, 10:59 PM
if it sounds like its spinning then check the black drive band thing inside

otherwise check for pinched wires or pulled/dicontected from board