View Full Version : Suggestion to Tom

12-09-2001, 09:42 PM
i really love the way you accept suggestions and
run a forum like this for your customers to suggest
ideas and improvements,
i think AGD is a much better company to deal with than
most other companies, like smart parts and crap
(where the different guns they make have different
threads and crap so you can't interchange the barrels)

anyways, back to my suggestion,
i suggest that you put an on/off switch on warp feeds
and have it set up so you can run two 9 volt batteries
in parallel, so that one can play for longer periods of time.
This is what i have done to my warp feed,
and i've seen (in other forums) so many people who
are doing these modifications that I personally think
you could improve your product by doing this.

i've also heard from some forums people
talking about having one body for the warp feed
and the hopper (revolution or whatever) that sits on top,
so that you could combine the two into one massively
cool loading system :) hehehe

thanks for your time,
email me at [email protected]
if you have any questions or want to tell me something.


12-09-2001, 09:56 PM
While were suggesting things...How about a reverse switch so we don't loose all those balls every time we have to clean a break or something ? :D :D :D :D

12-09-2001, 10:04 PM
And while we're at it... can we make a support group for people restriced from paintball?

12-09-2001, 10:06 PM
rammschtein and rifleman,

All that is doable. What has to happen first is the Warp becomes accepted as a mainstream item you have to have to play. It's building from the bottom up not the pros down like other products.


12-09-2001, 10:06 PM
A reverse switch wouldnt work with some loaders, the ricochet 2k comes to mind. It has the ball sensor that sticks into the feedneck, and prevents balls from going back up into the hopper once they are past it.


12-09-2001, 10:16 PM
yeah having a reverse could cause some problems, but you could easily install your own on/off switch, and at least if you are using the vibration sensor, you could flip the power off and not worry about more balls feeding out in the case of a bump or something.

12-10-2001, 03:20 AM
I think i was one of the first to do it I posted it on PBC a while back when the warp came out... and PBC was still free (god forbid!)

I have pictures somewhere e-mail me for directions its a $2.00 5 minute job...

Basicly you get 3 battary clips and hook them up in a parallel circut using wire crimpers. You take this device and you hook it up to the existing warp feed battary clip and voila 2 9vs in parallel. No problems so far i've had my warp since about January of last year. This is also completely reverasable, just unclip the device and you have youre normal single 9v warp feed device...

Perhaps I can make a business of this what do you guys think... $5.00 for the device, free shipping? Too much? AGD to make sure I don't mess up ill send the "device" to you for inspection... I dont want to sell somthng that wont be approved by AGD...

12-10-2001, 03:21 AM
ill just post the plans for free...

Give me a week until after finals to find my pictures and write instructions...

Ill keep you guys posted...

12-10-2001, 08:02 PM
if you don't mind me asking,
how come the warp wasn't designed with a switch and
two 9 volts in parallel to begin with?


12-16-2001, 07:45 PM
Should i not have asked that question?

taboo maybe?


12-16-2001, 07:47 PM
Originally posted by rammschtein
Should i not have asked that question?

taboo maybe?


It's a pretty easy mod to do to your warp... If you need http://www.5thgenmaximas.com/vbb/images/smilies/1zhelp.gif then do a search, I think there is something on that mod...

12-16-2001, 07:49 PM
I know how to do it,
i have done it already to my warp,
i'm just curious as to why it wasn't originally designed into the warp feed,
i dunno, no offense to tom or anybody but i thought something like a
switch on the battery would be put on there.


12-16-2001, 08:20 PM
I'd really like to see a factory installed jack, in both the E-Mag and the warp feed, to power the warp feed directly off the E-Mag's battery

12-16-2001, 08:34 PM
The emag mod looks like a somewhat hard mod to do. I have one on my emag but i bought it like that and dont dare to mess with it. If you know basic electronics it is easy. I actually had the guys at radio shack give me ideas and small stuff like that. Eventually i would like to see these mods on the guns in more of a neat and clean cut thing.

Good ideas guys!!!

12-19-2001, 05:36 PM
I guess the question of why the warp feed wasn't designed with a switch will go unanswered. i wonder what the reason is for not saying anything......