View Full Version : Saddam "Trial"

11-28-2005, 07:23 AM
So the trial has restarted. I overhear on the news this morning that its current focus is the "murder" of a group of Kurdish men by Hussien for an assasination attempt back several years ago.

My question is, if the men tried to assasinate Saddam then wouldn't his killing them be the result of their treason?

/not to be confused with sympathy

11-28-2005, 07:52 AM
It wasnt the 12 assassins that they are concerned with.. it was the 400+ other villagers that he smoked along side them.

11-28-2005, 11:30 AM
So the trial has restarted. I overhear on the news this morning that its current focus is the "murder" of a group of Kurdish men by Hussien for an assasination attempt back several years ago.

My question is, if the men tried to assasinate Saddam then wouldn't his killing them be the result of their treason?

/not to be confused with sympathy

Tell us, what are your thoughts on this issue. By the creative use of your quotation marks, you give the impression that you don't think he should have a trail....

11-28-2005, 11:49 AM
So the trial has restarted. I overhear on the news this morning that its current focus is the "murder" of a group of Kurdish men by Hussien for an assasination attempt back several years ago.

My question is, if the men tried to assasinate Saddam then wouldn't his killing them be the result of their treason?

/not to be confused with sympathy

Saddam Hussein did not "murder" people. He executed them. If you ever read anything about Iraq before this mess happened, you'd know that we knew-- journalists here reported on it-- some of what Hussein was doing to his people. The government knew. People interested in the goings-on in the middle east and surrounding area knew. It's not unlike the massacre between the Hudus and the Tutsis in Rawanda, or the execution of thousands of Hazaras in Afghanistan when the Taliban seized power, or the genocide currently happening in Sudan... an assassination attempt doesn't mean you get to drag twelve men into the street and shoot them in the head in front of their families. It doesn't mean you can massacre your people and dump them into mass, unmarked graves. As much as I dislike Bush Sr, did he have the man that attempted to assassinate him taken out and shot? No. Because that's not justice. It's revenge, and those two aren't the same thing.

Ruling through law and order is different than ruling through fear.

11-28-2005, 07:53 PM
Tell us, what are your thoughts on this issue. By the creative use of your quotation marks, you give the impression that you don't think he should have a trail....

Well first off I really don't give a ___ what they do with him. As far as I am concerned we could have saved a lot of time and money if there had been a weapons malfunction out there in the desert...oops!

But let be honest for a moment. Do you really think this trial is anything more than a puppet show to the inevitable ending with Saddam swinging at the end of a rope?

11-28-2005, 07:55 PM
But let be honest for a moment. Do you really think this trial is anything more than a puppet show to the inevitable ending with Saddam swinging at the end of a rope?

think about it though.

You kill Saddam and you instantly turn him into a martyr for these people. Which might not be the best thing.

11-28-2005, 08:01 PM
think about it though.

You kill Saddam and you instantly turn him into a martyr for these people. Which might not be the best thing.

There are groups of people who will see him as a Martyr regardless.

11-28-2005, 08:25 PM
Saddam and his sons had a habit of raping any women that rejected their advances, and murdering any one who they thought posed a threat, either physical or political. The man deserves a short drop with a sudden stop. Just like the Nazi's at Nurenburg.

11-28-2005, 08:42 PM
dont known if anybody cares for a jarheads views but if we kill him we will make him a martyr for the people over their. It sucks over thrie know just fighting the small groop of prople fighting us but if that nation strikes back were in some deep KIMCHI. US casulities will triple per day . The stuff my friends show me and tell me when they come back is sad and horrifying. imagine a 8 year old boy handing your best friend a gernade with no pin and it kills all three Marines. But his father is over the berm and just gave the child the gernade because he wants us gone or because of his belifs. Now i respect everyones beliefs but if some guy asks me to give up my child id become a very bad person just leave it at that.

Now Saddam has got to go to a deep dark hole where are childerns childern will forget his name and Iraq will have a gov. and be allys for us when the stuff hits the fan with Korea. Now thats goin to be a good time!! ;)

11-28-2005, 09:07 PM
Saddam and his sons had a habit of raping any women that rejected their advances, and murdering any one who they thought posed a threat, either physical or political. The man deserves a short drop with a sudden stop. Just like the Nazi's at Nurenburg.

I'm not doubting whether he deserves it. But like lazebum said, he will disapear.

There is a reason why for the most part before the trial he was kept off of the front pages.

11-28-2005, 09:19 PM
Well first off I really don't give a ___ what they do with him. As far as I am concerned we could have saved a lot of time and money if there had been a weapons malfunction out there in the desert...oops!

But let be honest for a moment. Do you really think this trial is anything more than a puppet show to the inevitable ending with Saddam swinging at the end of a rope?

You and I agree...Opps, my M16A2 misfired 30 times, reloaded itself and then misfired again...30 more times.

I could care less if it is a dog and pony show or not. Just shoot the *** and get it over with. But that is why they don't let me make the rules.

11-28-2005, 09:23 PM
Saddam and his sons had a habit of raping any women that rejected their advances, and murdering any one who they thought posed a threat, either physical or political. The man deserves a short drop with a sudden stop. Just like the Nazi's at Nurenburg.

You hit the nail right on the head. He needs to hang.

11-28-2005, 09:30 PM
dont known if anybody cares for a jarheads views but if we kill him we will make him a martyr for the people over their. It sucks over thrie know just fighting the small groop of prople fighting us but if that nation strikes back were in some deep ****. US casulities will triple per day . The stuff my friends show me and tell me when they come back is sad and horrifying. imagine a 8 year old boy handing your best friend a gernade with no pin and it kills all three Marines. But his father is over the berm and just gave the child the gernade because he wants us gone or because of his belifs. Now i respect everyones beliefs but if some guy asks me to give up my child id become a very bad person just leave it at that.

Now Saddam has got to go to a deep dark hole where are childerns childern will forget his name and Iraq will have a gov. and be allys for us when the stuff hits the fan with Korea. Now thats goin to be a good time!! ;)

Why do we as a country feel the need to "respect everyones beliefs"? Since when did we find it necessary for everyone to be right and no one wrong? Blowing up kids for political or religious reasons is just plain wrong. No matter if your faith is Christian or Muslim or Buddist. People that do that do not require our respect. And we do not need to tiptoe around that fact.

Recon by Fire
11-28-2005, 10:49 PM
Saddam's trial is just a formality, the Iraqi's just want to execute him anyway. Which they should, alive he is just a symbol for the Sunni/Baath insurgency.

11-28-2005, 11:12 PM
Why do we as a country feel the need to "respect everyones beliefs"? Since when did we find it necessary for everyone to be right and no one wrong? Blowing up kids for political or religious reasons is just plain wrong. No matter if your faith is Christian or Muslim or Buddist. People that do that do not require our respect. And we do not need to tiptoe around that fact.

Ya know, I agree with you to a point. But... I still respect people's beliefs, if not their actions. I think someone has every right to be racist, homophobic, or sexist-- as long as they dont act on those beliefs. The moment they act, their... rear end... is mine.

(yes, I know. Get back in the kitchen.)

11-29-2005, 08:02 AM
You hit the nail right on the head. He needs to hang.

hanging him is too good for him.. letting every single person who had a family member executed, raped, or harmed by his regime kick him in the groin on top of massive amounts of torture prior to death would be much more appropriate.