View Full Version : What gun should I get next??

11-28-2005, 04:36 PM
I already have an Emag so don't suggest and Emag or Xmag :D

Here's the thing. I want a second gun. It must have eyes. They all do, as far as I know, so it shouldn't matter. Right now I'm shooting an Emag so it has a pretty good possibility of taking over as my primary gun.

I can't decide between the Proto or the DM4. They don't look that different to me, so I'll probably just get whatever is cheaper.

I've always liked Timmys and now you can find some pretty darn upped ones for around $500

The shocker is probably the least desirable. I love the new body. However, it doesn't take autococker barrels, unlike my Emag and the other two.

Ok, one other odd thing. I really want it to be purple or pink. Yea, I know, weird. But all my other guns have always been black or camo. I want something flashy. Another reason is that a friend of mine, a girl , has expressed a desire to play regularly. Since I have an extra set of gear (mask, harness, hopper, ect.) she can play with my stuff. Who knows, maybe she'll buy it.

Ok, to recap, otherwise known as TL;DR - Need new gat. Want it to be pink/purple. Would prefer autococker threads. Must have eyes.

Oh, and if anyone in Northern VA would like to trade with me for a couple games at Pevs, I'd appreciate it. Might be able to hook you up with a free fill cus I ref there

EDIT - Wild Card: What about an Orracle Autococker with an E1 frame?

11-28-2005, 05:02 PM
You can pick up Eblades pretty cheap. Go for one of those.

Soopa Villain17
11-28-2005, 05:14 PM
theres a like new proto in the bst for 450

11-28-2005, 05:16 PM
You can pick up Eblades pretty cheap. Go for one of those.

He said that he wanted one with cocker threads....mwhahaha, I crack myself up..

Anyway, if you are highly interested in a DMWhatever of a proto, I would go with the proto06, alot smaller than the dm's, and if you want it for a friend that is a girl to borrow(I know that I';m just generalizing here, but....) girls are generally smaller=less stamina, and strength. Might think about that? You know her better than me.

11-28-2005, 05:16 PM
I had Doc's Rainmaker, all purple, cocker threads, eyes, all that jazz. I would love to sell it, but it was stolen from me :( . Sorry for stealing this thread......
I would go for an eblade. I have owned one, and as long as you time it right, they are GREAT guns, very under-rated if you ask me. Good luck with whatever you buy.


Death of Rats
11-28-2005, 05:19 PM
This is all personal prefrence here so please take any advice I give you in stride.

First of all it would be good to know what you are planning on using the marker for. If merely for recball, scenarios, or speedball fun I would add a phantom to that list as it is the most fun I have ever had with any marker even without price being a consideration.

Second, if for tournaments and speedball almost exclusivly then let me tell you what I like about each.

Timmy- For some reason I have never found the intimidators very pleasing when compared to other markers but honestly others swear by them and I have never owned one. They seem to be a bit longer when you look at them but when actually used are the same size. I think my problem with them is that they feel like it should be heavier for the size but again my prefrence and I am not a owner of one. Also I don't ever think of buying these because almost all of my barrels are cocker threaded like yours.

DM4- Nice all around marker as far as I can tell,

Proto-Can get one for about the same price as a dm4 but brand new. Really similiar guns in all honesty so again personal prefrence. (This is the marker I would get)

E-bladed Orracle. This is the marker setup I have and I must say that I have truly enjoyed using it. Red to yellow fade so always a eye catcher. I love this gun for its back block in all honesty. One of the main reasons I stick with cockers is their ability to switch between mech, pump, or electronic depending upon my mood.

Maintance wise I think all of the high end guns can and most likely will have problems at some point. I have seen people with all of these diffrent markers having issues due to either mechancal problems or user stupidity I mean error. So don't go believing any hype that some marker will always work better than another its all relative really.

All of these guns shoot very similiarly when it comes to amount of balls put down range, and accuracy. I haven't done any true accuracy testing between them and most anyone else who says otherwise is usually speaking from opinion, but I would say a good paint to barrel match would do you well. Feel the markers and out and try to shoot each on at a local field or shop. Thats all I have to say.

After all of that I would still say get the Phantom.

11-28-2005, 05:32 PM
how about a viking? excellent air...

11-28-2005, 05:41 PM
how about a viking? excellent air...
Vikings are awesome guns, the only reason I won't buy one is the fact that they are no longer made.

11-28-2005, 05:50 PM
Vikings are awesome guns, the only reason I won't buy one is the fact that they are no longer made.

Although I can understand your reasoning, any part you need is always available. AKA still manufacturers parts for Vikings and Excaliburs. Many dealers are also out there who service them. I guess having a Viking in my lap makes me a little biased, ehh? :p But, anyways...

To Slateman- You basically stated you are interested in ever high end gun out there.
What are you looking to do as far as maintenence goes?
Are you looking to tinker with your marker, lube and clean it out often or do you just want to set it and forget it? Or a mix of all three?
Do you care about size, weight or efficiency?

That's really the only way I can reccomend someone a gun, is by knowing their answers to these questions.

11-28-2005, 05:58 PM
The Ebladed cocker is like $350 but I could probably talk him down :D Then again, its a cocker . . . and well . . . the elves require a ton of TLC :D

Soopa Villain17 - Where? Links are always appreciated

ramennoodles - Such a sexist pig :p And this girl does pole vault so she works out. She could handle it. And yes, for those of you wondering, I do like this girl. Moving on . . .:D

Death of Rats - I too get puzzled at Timmies. SOme look great. Others make me want to puke.

Only reason I don't wanna get an Orracle is cus it doesn't have eyes. Do they make a level 10 for cockers? :( Or do the elves help? :D

No pump. Have one, and frankly, I've never liked playing pump. Except for the part where I only use 100 paintballs in the day :D

Plan on using it for recball/hyperball. Not like a team or anything, just a little intense, but friendly competition.

11-28-2005, 07:02 PM
i agree with ramennoodles on this one.......she hot? :rofl:

11-28-2005, 07:24 PM
how about a viking? excellent air...
I second the motion. Best gun I can think of IMHO. That or maybe an E Blazer (http://palmer-pursuit.com/topsecret/forbidden.htm)

11-28-2005, 07:35 PM
I have to go with the cocker on this one.

As has already been stated you can pick up an E blade for near nothing. It would be very easy to pick up a marker with everything you would need done for a great savings. Contrary to popular opinion they are actually easy to work on.

If getting a great deal isn't really an issue I would suggest a Matrix of any sort. The Early protos had weak solder points, but I am pretty sure thats been resolved by now. DM4 had the problem with the membrane pads. Otherwise super smooth shooting markers.

11-28-2005, 08:08 PM
i agree with ramennoodles on this one.......she hot? :rofl:

I think she is gorgeous. But that really isn't the point.

Can you put eyes on one of these Orracles? I have been so completely spoiled by my level 10 mags. I never chop :D :headbang:

Tinkering kind of intrigues me as I won't have much to do this Xmas break. If I wanna play, theres always my mag. It always works.

The Action Figure
11-28-2005, 08:16 PM
Get a timmy

11-28-2005, 09:05 PM
Try a Freestyle, preferebly a newer one. They are basically an E mag on Roids.... and diet pills.

11-28-2005, 09:26 PM
get a dumpe doff 05 timmy or get a 05 proto. I would recomend the proto more, cheaper and have a ton of upgrades if you want them. Light, fast, quiet, and no kick.

11-28-2005, 09:29 PM
Ebladed cockers are soooooooooooo cheap nowadays. Perfect for a second gun.

BTW, I like you. When dinner and a movie seems too boring, you get a girl a nice setup and take her pballing. I'm proud to call you my fellow man because you sir have imagination! I should take my gf paintballing. Thank you for the inspiration!

11-28-2005, 09:40 PM
I second the freestyle motion. She is smaller i presume? then she will probably prefer a smaller gun(in my experiece) for size, shes not as big as you(i hope..) and for weight. unless she benchs more than you :D

ya, from my experience, small ppl like small guns. I have no idea though so forget everything i said.

Recon by Fire
11-28-2005, 10:03 PM
I just bought a 2004 Viking fresh from Destructive Customs, arrived tomorrow! So you can still get them...

11-28-2005, 10:09 PM
Sooo....whats the problem with getting another mag. The ULEs are everything you need. Smaller, lighter, and fast enough for anyone that knows what paintball really is. Also, the new Bob Long Defiant2s are very small and light. I shot one recently and it was pretty fast, and very small and light. I think it would be perfect for what you need.

11-28-2005, 10:13 PM
Sooo....whats the problem with getting another mag. The ULEs are everything you need. Smaller, lighter, and fast enough for anyone that knows what paintball really is. Also, the new Bob Long Defiant2s are very small and light. I shot one recently and it was pretty fast, and very small and light. I think it would be perfect for what you need.

Cus I have two thats why. I want something different :p

Cany you put eyes on an E1 Orry?

11-28-2005, 10:21 PM
you can put eyes on an orry yes, you just have to have the body drilled and all of that good stuff.

11-28-2005, 11:47 PM
look around on ebay and such and you can find some e1 orracles with eyes....
btw i was just messin with you if it wasn't obvious. :cool:

11-29-2005, 01:25 AM
I just bought a 2004 Viking fresh from Destructive Customs, arrived tomorrow! So you can still get them...

arrived tomorrow? :confused:

j/k. Not everyone can afford a DC vike to play woods w/. It would be nice to have one though.

I say go w/ the eblade for a woods gun. Its cheap and readily available. Dont bother w/ finding one w/o eyes, you can get one w/ eyes already in it for not much more money. eyes are a must w/ most electros.

if not, i suggest proto. you can get a good price on an 05 too. They are so smooth. It kinda feels like your shooting about 100fps, but you chrono at 280. Thats what I like about trixes.

Recon by Fire
11-29-2005, 01:57 AM
Oops, "arriving" tomorrow!
Has Tadao M5 board inside.

11-29-2005, 02:32 AM
Recon.... thats bangable.

My biggest concern is... do you want to put an Autococker in the hands of someone just starting?

Obviously no high-end marker is maintainance-free or never chops, but I'd say look for something simple that will take a little abuse.

11-29-2005, 07:27 AM
did someone say that wanted an e-orry....with eyes......all black.....with upgrades......(pm me) :ninja:

11-29-2005, 08:03 AM
Recon.... thats bangable.

My biggest concern is... do you want to put an Autococker in the hands of someone just starting?

Obviously no high-end marker is maintainance-free or never chops, but I'd say look for something simple that will take a little abuse.

Well it would be really for me. Though now that I think about it, loaning it to someone might not be such a great idea. Though honestly, what could someone do? I mean, I'd tell whoever is borrowing it to not mess with stuff. With an E1 frame, all they would have to do is tap the trigger. And it shouldn't be anymore fragile than any other electro I got. Eh, if it they mess it up, they'll just have to use my ninja mechanical mag :ninja: :cool:

did someone say that wanted an e-orry....with eyes......all black.....with upgrades......(pm me) :ninja:

Oh . . . so close. Tell ya what phantom, reread my posts and tell exactly what you're precious elf driven cocker does not have :D Still, sent you a PM ;)

11-29-2005, 08:14 AM
Recon.... thats bangable.

My biggest concern is... do you want to put an Autococker in the hands of someone just starting?

Obviously no high-end marker is maintainance-free or never chops, but I'd say look for something simple that will take a little abuse.
If it has been taken care of and has good parts, it will take quite a bit of abuse

11-29-2005, 08:23 AM
pm sent, take this thing away from me before it kills me :cry:

Cockers are pretty straight forward guns, I have never broken anything on it and it held up well for my primary gun while my others were in route. I have never chopped a single ball with (there was an incident were a teammate thought it would be funny to turn my eyes off in practice while I was not looking.....not the best game for me) it so the eyes seem to work fine. To each their own, its time to find this gun a home. It has been sitting in my closet for at least a year now.

11-29-2005, 11:47 AM
Hmmmm . . . and the plot thickens . . . . found a pink Empire Timmy for $500. Wonder if I can talk em down to $450 . . . . :D

11-29-2005, 01:41 PM
Well you can find really nice Ecockers with everything upped for under $400 which is nice. Vikings are another good option, you can find them in the $500 range now. OR for under $400 you can get a fully decked out older style Trix with eyes, Tadao, and possibly an Evolve bolt too. It'll shoot just as good as the proto or DM4 but it'll be cheaper and get better efficency too :)

11-29-2005, 02:19 PM
System X NME

Death of Rats
11-29-2005, 03:00 PM
My ebalded orracle does have eyes. Or at least a photoelectric sensing device that tells when a ball is in the chamber or if the bolt is in the chamber. Not break beam but works under a very similar concept. Only problems I have really had with this gun so far was I bought it used and the previous owner I am pretty sure he had turned up the operating pressure to high and that basically killed my solanoid. It worked for about three weeks of play every weekend. (Im pretty sure it wasn't me who did it because I afraid to change anything since it worked at first). Had to send it in to get it fixed. After that it worked fine for a while (about 6 months) until I played with the settings on the eblade oops. Had to change it back to factory settings because of that then look online for some better settings than factory fast. (very easy to do). Then my last issue I had set the eye detect to high so it wasn't detecting balls 100% of the time. Easy to fix. Again my own dumb fault.

Now the marker works like a champ but I don't play with it anymore becuase I have changed over to pump. Whatever. Still is a great gun. All the problems here were caused by human error my own and the previous owner. There are a lot of sites online that will tell you exactly what to do with one if you don't know. So if you can get one cheap that you are decently sure is in good shape then go for it.

I would still go for a proto because I like how they feel and I have 3 autocockers now. Only one ebladed. If you haven't done it yet try shooting them. It will help in your decision if you have a field near you.

Oh and yes I play with a RT uled mag with a 90 Frame on it. Only reason I am not supporting the marker right now is because our fun loving buyer said he already has an emag and wants a diffrent style.

11-29-2005, 03:02 PM
Ive always been a fan of the Angel 05 speeds. With the 06's out you can get them set up for about $500ish.

Secondly, I think that DMs shoot really nice. I dont quite like the looks of them, but you cant argue with the way they perform.

11-29-2005, 07:24 PM
I'm sorta in the same situation -- And for now, my next marker will be an '06 Matrix -- but will buy it AFTER the '07 comes out. Gotta love Depreciation !!!


12-01-2005, 01:01 AM
I saw a pink 05 speed on angelowners.com for $500. I really like the feel of the new angel 45 frames.

12-01-2005, 01:36 AM
I started another thread guys. Go here and give input (http://www.automags.org/forums/showthread.php?t=187433)