View Full Version : How would this study look in Paintball?

11-29-2005, 05:12 PM
They should do a study for Paintball.


Cow hunter
11-29-2005, 05:27 PM
hmmmm maybe more like this

"Among the findings:

_ Nearly one in 10 young athletes admitted cheating.

_ 13 percent said they have tried to hurt an opponent.

_ 31 percent had argued with an official.

_ 13 percent had made fun of a less-skilled teammate.

_ 27 percent had acted like "bad sports."

"5 in 10 cheat
40% try to hurt opponents
70% argue with officials
30% make fun of lesser skilled
20% are bad sports

this is based on when i last played...... lots of people are horrible sparts and really go for people........ gives the sport a bad name...... but dont people always look at the bad side....... people in surveys are always the bad people

11-29-2005, 05:29 PM
lol, cow hunter is probably right.

11-29-2005, 06:03 PM
what percent pertain to 'none of the above' option, and where is that option?

11-29-2005, 06:08 PM
my really general, broad and reactionary take on it is: kids are dumb.

11-29-2005, 06:34 PM
I'll tell you why it's the way it is. They've become so secularized in public schools, that they can't even mention the word "values". Even though morals and values don't have to be taught in a religious context, public schools still consider them religious topics. Why? Because people who work in public academia are morons for the most part. Yea, my local public high school is rated like #1 in the country, but have the people doing those studies ever met the kids going there? Obviously not, obviously those stupid regents tests don't accurately describe the intelligence or character of a person. Because about 90% of the kids going there are losers. They are ignorant, immature, self-centered losers. This is simply because no one ever taught them to act like a decent human being. Why didn't anyone teach them this? Because they aren't allowed to. Teachers aren't allowed to call you an idiot when you're acting like one and thus the kids are going to continue acting like jerks.

When I or one of my classmates acts like an idiot, our teachers are totally allowed to rip on us. It's called operant conditioning. If you reinforce certain responses to stimuli with consequences, you can shape the subject's behavior. They should be using negative reinforcement in public schools, but they aren't. Example:

Student A acts like a prick towards Student B --> Teacher makes fun of Student A's ego --> Student A acts like a decent human being to avoid being called out in front of everyone.

The side effect is also that everyone else in the class observes the outcome of Student A's actions. They too will be conditioned as a result. But no, this isn't right according to the liberals running academia (I am not a flaming conservative, I'm a moderate, so I'm looking at this objectively).

But hey, I guess that's what seperates the upper echelon from the morons. Yes I am distressed that these kids act like this and no one's doing anything about it, but at the same time I take great joy in knowing that I'm a superior human being! So, for all of us who aren't idiots, and many public schoolers do just fine in spite of this idiotic system, be proud. Don't worry about the lower half, becaue we're the ones who will be in charge. We are the ones who will get into good colleges and get good jobs. Not the boobs who the system fails to educate. Again, I'm not bashing public schoolers, just the public school system. I am friends with several local publich schoolers who are really great people. I even date one. Luckilly, they got by on their own steam and I think they're stronger for it. I have alot of respect for them. It's easier for us at private schools, especially a Jesuit one, to become responsible and well educated young people. But they had the American public school system as a barrier. Anyways, it's the way of the world. Some people are stupid and childish, and the rest of us succeed in life. Some of them make it big, but it's the minority. So don't worry about, it's not worth our time!

11-29-2005, 06:38 PM
^^^Well said.

11-29-2005, 07:38 PM
Thank you! :D

11-29-2005, 08:29 PM
my really general, broad and reactionary take on it is: kids are dumb.


11-29-2005, 09:05 PM
"5 in 10 cheat
40% try to hurt opponents
70% argue with officials
30% make fun of lesser skilled
20% are bad sports

so, basically, 140 % of players are bad sports.

11-29-2005, 09:33 PM
No, that's not what he said. All of those categories can overlap. You don't need to know even the most basic statistics to understand that. And btw, when grouping those all together like you were trying to do, it would come to 160% or 210% if you include the cheating part.

11-29-2005, 09:35 PM
you forgot the %27 that are too agg to even play :rolleyes:

11-29-2005, 10:36 PM
Haha, yeah the kids that sit around in the staging area dry firing.

11-30-2005, 11:25 AM
I'll tell you why it's the way it is. They've become so secularized in public schools, that they can't even mention the word "values".

This is because my values may differ from yours; so whos "values" should i bring into my classroom? Maybe we can set forth a national set of values and teach the children to beluieve anything but is unpatriotic, worked for the nazis.

Even though morals and values don't have to be taught in a religious context, public schools still consider them religious topics. Why? Because people who work in public academia are morons for the most part.

How about the parents sack up and do something with their children? Since the 1950's their has been a steady lowering of test scores; also since then the working family has changed. It once had 2 parents; one of which was stay at home. Today when you find a 2 parent family typically both parents work. Who is expected to pick up the workload? teaching things such as morals, responcibility and your much tauted "values" Public schools of course. So not only are we to teach your kids we have to raise them for you to, nice. And i should mention that without parrental support it is nealy impossiable to teach the little brats anything; this could be easily fixed though just bring back corpral punisment. If i could nail little jimmy with a tazer everytime he opened his fool mouth than i could have time left in the class to actually teach something.

Yea, my local public high school is rated like #1 in the country, but have the people doing those studies ever met the kids going there? Obviously not, obviously those stupid regents tests don't accurately describe the intelligence or character of a person. Because about 90% of the kids going there are losers. They are ignorant, immature, self-centered losers.

Thats right you tell them. Now what exactly gives you the right to make this statement? Observations? Well i have observed that you are a loud mouth prick, so there it is written in stone truth. warbeak is a loud mouth prick. :rolleyes:

This is simply because no one ever taught them to act like a decent human being. Why didn't anyone teach them this? Because they aren't allowed to. Teachers aren't allowed to call you an idiot when you're acting like one and thus the kids are going to continue acting like jerks.

Again i point to socity we have made a decision that money is worth more than our families, and now we must live with that. If a father sat up one night a year telling his son what it is to be a man of the X family, than you would see many of these problems evaporate. However daddy doesnt care for Jimmy anymore cause he is workin 45 hours a week.

11-30-2005, 11:44 AM
Oh wait im only half there:

When I or one of my classmates acts like an idiot, our teachers are totally allowed to rip on us. It's called operant conditioning. If you reinforce certain responses to stimuli with consequences, you can shape the subject's behavior. They should be using negative reinforcement in public schools, but they aren't. Example:

Student A acts like a prick towards Student B --> Teacher makes fun of Student A's ego --> Student A acts like a decent human being to avoid being called out in front of everyone.

First you have punisment and negitive reinforcement bss ackwards, that is a perfect example of punishment; that wont work in a modren classroom. As a teacher you are pushing that student to either esclate matters until their pride is intace OR be seen as a loser. No student with a repatation to protect will take that and not give the teacher back more. SO yeah theirs a way to help, spend one of you 200 teachable days a year in a flame war with a 15 year old know it all; man that will help them pass the state exams. I really want to know where you got your edu degree from, cause you be talkin like a man with a paper butthole

The side effect is also that everyone else in the class observes the outcome of Student A's actions. They too will be conditioned as a result. But no, this isn't right according to the liberals running academia (I am not a flaming conservative, I'm a moderate, so I'm looking at this objectively).

Good im a moderate as well, so we can say that my whole argument has been made odjectivally, because being a moderate we have no bias :rolleyes: Again i must mention you dont know what your talking about, thisnt the Marines, teachers are not allowed to mentally "breakdown" the students they get and then rebuild them in a more enjoyable immage. If you want that send your kids to boot camp, we teach what the parents send us (hopefully) without bias or prejustice.

But hey, I guess that's what seperates the upper echelon from the morons. Yes I am distressed that these kids act like this and no one's doing anything about it, but at the same time I take great joy in knowing that I'm a superior human being! So, for all of us who aren't idiots, and many public schoolers do just fine in spite of this idiotic system, be proud. Don't worry about the lower half, becaue we're the ones who will be in charge.

Somehow i dont picture you in charge of much, ever.

We are the ones who will get into good colleges and get good jobs. Not the boobs who the system fails to educate. Again, I'm not bashing public schoolers, just the public school system. I am friends with several local publich schoolers who are really great people. I even date one. Luckilly, they got by on their own steam and I think they're stronger for it. I have alot of respect for them. It's easier for us at private schools, especially a Jesuit one, to become responsible and well educated young people. But they had the American public school system as a barrier. Anyways, it's the way of the world. Some people are stupid and childish, and the rest of us succeed in life. Some of them make it big, but it's the minority. So don't worry about, it's not worth our time!

You sound like just the elitist POS that private schools turn out, i will never work at one (no not because a lack of offers) but because they are elitist by nature and skim form the pool of students. I bet you thin a voucher system would fix everything right mr. moderate? The very intresting thing about private school kids is their high turn over rate in the real world; it seems many of them are unable to work in real life situations where your boss might be some lame knownothing. Many of us in the work force know how stupid bosses can be, but guess what happens when you open your mouth to them. It aint them standing in the unemployment line. Public schools are closer to the real life working world out their, private scvhools are happy fun time where all the kids with a mommy AND daddy can go and play togeather in happyness. :rolleyes:

11-30-2005, 01:53 PM
Ok, I guess you make some good points. You did it in an immature and nasty way, but they hold some validity. I still hold to my original opinions so I disagree, but that's cool. I won't argue further about it since it's not really the topic of the thread. I will say one thing. Negative reinforcement is used to strengthen a desired response. Punishment is used to weaken a response. I may have used the example somewhat wrongly, it's a very fine line between the two. I'm not trying to be an elitist, just a realist. Note that I said there are public schoolers whom I consider in the upper echelon. I don't consider myself better than them at all. I think you have some preconcieved notions of private schools yourself. However again, not trying to start an argument, sorry if I offended you with my opinions. Have a nice one.