View Full Version : Solid Gelatin "Fill"

11-30-2005, 04:52 PM
Seems like the only problem remaining with putting spin on paintballs (specifically rifling) is the viscous fill. So I thought why not a solid gelatin fill? I'm not talking about gel like insole gel toughness, think more the consistency of Jell-O Gelatin. This would allow the inside to be "solid" why still being easy to break and not cause any more (i would think) pain that a regular pb.

a few problems however, like if the "jello" fill might spin in its own direction within the ball. If that happened, the same problem as the liquid fill would occur. I dono if this would happen because of the "imperfect sphere" of the paintballs. But if it did i would reckon you could give the inside of the ball a semi-rough surface to stop spinning, or attach small "bumps" on the inside (just a few) that wouldn't affect the outside shape, but would act as a stopper to movement inside.

the other main problem i see would be actually making the balls but ill let the engineers worry about that :D

11-30-2005, 06:15 PM
well the nubs inside the shells shouldn't be hard, as they are strips of gelatin that run between two rollers, and adding a little nub on the shell would be fairly simple.

and for the gelatin; when the ball is made, paint is injected between the seams as the 2 sides of the ball come together. if the paint could be made to solidify a bit, yet remain liquid at first, i could see this happening. like plaster, its liquid at first, but quickly sets up.

11-30-2005, 07:05 PM
thats what i thought at first as well, but then i worry about shrinking/expanding volume that could create odd shapes or voids

11-30-2005, 08:52 PM
well if the calculations and chemical reactions are done right i'm sure it would be possable to have it solidify and expand in a very quick time, so that when they are tumble dried, they already have the correct amount of filled space in them; so that no wrinkles and stuff form.

Cow hunter
11-30-2005, 09:37 PM
think about the gel fill for a sec...... if you got hit it wouldnt spred would it? like throwing jell-o.... it'd leave a small mark and flop to the ground, as the paint absorbs into clothing and spreads on skin........ this seems to make sense to me........ yah...

11-30-2005, 10:30 PM
think about the gel fill for a sec...... if you got hit it wouldnt spred would it? like throwing jell-o.... it'd leave a small mark and flop to the ground, as the paint absorbs into clothing and spreads on skin........ this seems to make sense to me........ yah...
correct me if I'm worng but i think he means like a large percent of the paintball is gelatin and a smaller percent is liquid. But I'm not sure if thats what he was tryng to get at

11-30-2005, 11:07 PM
as long as it weighs less the 3.5g

11-30-2005, 11:50 PM
Well i do imagine it wouldn't leave as vivid a mark as regular paint, but because of the power behind the ball, i'd think the gel would splatter pretty finely, and some would stick (considering its still "wet", so to speak). but imo that's not that big a deal.

and secondly i don't imagine it could weight too much more than paint, if it weighs more at all.

12-01-2005, 09:54 AM
Another problem is the cost. Yes, it might only cost pocket change for the paint companies to add the new features but the consumers will pay the price becuase it will be "Super Premium Paint" or "The Best Paint Ever". I see drastic price hikes with paint like that. I also think the demand for it wouldn't be too great, at least where I'm at. Most of the people at the fields I go to buy the field grade paint, very few buy the premium or tourney paint. I think the accuracy increase would be great if they could do something like that but I wouldn't want to pay the potential mark up. Right now Kentucky windage is the way to go.

12-01-2005, 10:10 AM
paintball wold still be round, not very aerodynamic, and spin is still useless. even if you got a solid gel fill the ball is still not the best shape to use when spin is involved.

12-01-2005, 11:48 AM
Get the stuff similar to gel shaving cream.
Ever dropped that stuff on the ground?(or had a can release itself in the shopping bag)..it spreads out nice.

And it smells better than normal paint;)
Still bio degrades .
You can use it to shave after...always a good thing for the date after the day of play.
Still with that classic paint NASTY taste. :cheers:

12-01-2005, 12:10 PM
Read the thread about paintball spin dynamics in Deep blue.

Paintballs are too small and too light to benefit from any aerodynamic tuning.

VORTEX SHEDDING. It's all you need to know.

12-01-2005, 02:51 PM
Read the thread about paintball spin dynamics in Deep blue.

Paintballs are too small and too light to benefit from any aerodynamic tuning.

VORTEX SHEDDING. It's all you need to know.
wrong. it isn't neccesarily the weight or size or shape or viscosity. its those things in combination.

a solid gel would cure the last problem. you could create after that, working rifled bullet/football shaped projectiles. i dono how much success you would get with rifling plain spherical pbs, but id think there would be benefit there too.

things like the "finned" paintballs DID work. the problem with those was the damage or injury caused by it. if you can give the ball a spin like that (maybe bullet/football shaped but with "grooves" on the round and not the barrel?) without those dangerous effects, then thatd be big.

12-01-2005, 05:37 PM
things like the "finned" paintballs DID work. the problem with those was the damage or injury caused by it. if you can give the ball a spin like that (maybe bullet/football shaped but with "grooves" on the round and not the barrel?) without those dangerous effects, then thatd be big.

You can't spin or stabilise a painball given it's size, shape, and weight.

AGD was given a truck load of cash to solve this very problem. The result? The FN303.

Heavier, and fin stabilized.

A solid ball, at the same weight as size, even spun in excess of 30,000rpm gives not improvement in accuracy. AGD spun paintballs to these speeds, or some such rediculous number, as well.

12-01-2005, 10:56 PM
You can't spin or stabilise a painball given it's size, shape, and weight.

AGD was given a truck load of cash to solve this very problem. The result? The FN303.

Heavier, and fin stabilized.

A solid ball, at the same weight as size, even spun in excess of 30,000rpm gives not improvement in accuracy. AGD spun paintballs to these speeds, or some such rediculous number, as well.
those aren't the finned balls im talking about.

they were just plain finned paintballs

if you notice i did say something about making different shapes. so the only thing that hasn't changed would be the weight, and 3.5 grams is plenty of weight to force it to have aerodynamic effects. i dono, you seem to be stuck in the thought that paintballs simply cannot, no matter what, be aerodynamically engineered to perform better without hazards (ie increasing weight). lets think outside the box.

12-02-2005, 08:40 AM
i dono, you seem to be stuck in the thought that paintballs simply cannot, no matter what, be aerodynamically engineered to perform better without hazards (ie increasing weight). lets think outside the box.


The ONLY way to increase accuracy of paintballs is to change the shape.

That leads to many negatives. Biggest amongst them being trouble loading and manufacturing cost.

Your initial observation is undeniably erroneous on three counts. One that paintballs can't spin because of their fill, two that solid fill would somehow help, and three that spinning the ball with rifling would even work.

12-02-2005, 09:05 AM
Seems like the only problem remaining with putting spin on paintballs (specifically rifling) is the viscous fill.

Let end this all right here , there's no problem spinning a paintball...paintbals spin like mad.




Prove the benefit of spinning paintball , show a reliable consistant method of spinning each and every paintball the exact RPM and in orientation to the seam at 20 ball a second and then show me a paintball manufacturer who can make 2000 reasonably priced paintballs that are absolutely identical in every single regard.....and THEN we'll have a discussion worthy of debate.


12-23-2005, 01:20 PM
use a fat based substance that at 70-75 turns liquid and maby you'd have a fun product
heres a experiment to try at home get a little peice of paper put it in a empty pop bottle fill with water till it looks like it is going to overflow and cap it at this point there should be no air inthe bottle or almost no air now shake the bejeasus out of it --- nothing right tell ya why without air to allow the movement of the water the water will stay on almost the same position
we have this problem with a vinegar and oil mixture at work it requirers a air gap to move
so the question is do we need a solid fill or somthing that is less prone to air being in it..

Temo Vryce
12-23-2005, 02:07 PM
Those of you that are asking for a more solid are forgetting one small factor. The more solid the projectile the greater the impact damage will be at a given volocity. The more solid you make the fill the lower you are going to have Volocity. A paintball shell fill with shaving cream gell will do far more damage to a person than shell with standard fill. I agree that it would be nice if we could have a paintball that could be spun to increase accuracy, but I can't see it happening at this time.

Scott Hudnall
12-24-2005, 06:15 AM
paintballs have the basic ballistic coefficient of a musket ball. it's round. it's not what's inside the ball that make it spin ("english" like on a pool ball) but exterior factors, including dampness in the barrel, odd/egg shaped balls, wind, humidity, etc.

interesting thoughts, though. keep on thinking. we all need something to live for, eh? :rolleyes:

12-24-2005, 11:36 AM
What i guess i dont understand is what is the fascination with putting spin on the ball is in the first place , all your going do then is make it curve . Now if the paintball shaped differently ,read bullet shaped, I could see wanting to spin it. Solid spherical items (golf ball, baseball, etc) curve when you spin them.

12-24-2005, 09:38 PM
i think that if it were made it would act like a hardboiled egg- unbalanced. also tyhe break would be alot different. i like the more gooey paint rather than the really really runny stuff.