View Full Version : 9volts are faster

angel seed
12-10-2001, 06:44 AM
those of you that have a 9volt revy and are out shotting it ive got a trick for you get a 12volt paddle and put it on your 9v and see the difference mine was way faster then my 12v was .

12-10-2001, 11:21 AM
Where did you get the 12v paddle, online or at a store.

angel seed
12-10-2001, 11:35 AM
i had both and read that a 9v was faster and man is it ever 4 sec faster than my 12v yes you can buy them online or at some store's

12-10-2001, 11:39 AM
Lacks all logic. Can you explain how you measured this speed variation and what you mean by a "12V paddle"? I didn't know the paddle had... volts...

angel seed
12-10-2001, 11:39 AM
www.unlikelyheroes.ca is where i found it first for 4.50 canadian
so for 5 bucks you can make your 9v faster cool eh

angel seed
12-10-2001, 11:42 AM
cphillip it may lack logic mut if you dont trust me go try it by paddle i mean the little black paddle that has the four fingers on it that touches the balls as they go into the feed neck soc smarty just try it

12-10-2001, 12:02 PM
All I asked you to do was explain how you arrived at your conclusion. Seems you still haven't presented any. Do you not have any evidience?

Smarty? Well I never! :eek:


12-10-2001, 12:03 PM
? A 9V revy with a 4 paddles is going to be slower than a 12V revy with 4 paddles... simply because it has less power.

12-10-2001, 12:05 PM
Miscue... you... you... you.....SMARTY!!!! :D

12-10-2001, 01:25 PM
i agree with both miscue and cphilip, there is more power behind a 12 volt then a 9 volt, more energy driving the little motor thingy to move the paddle faster to feed faster. Is there any real difference between the paddles anyway?

12-10-2001, 01:39 PM
Originally posted by vf-xx
Not neccicarily. You can look at it like this: 1, a 9 volt was designed with 2 paddles, so it may be set up to spin faster than a 12 volt with 4 paddles. The voltage itself doesn't tell you much until you accurately describe the system.

That's just what I was thinkin!

12-10-2001, 01:43 PM
Based on my observation: (only used a 9v once), the 9v spun slower than my 12v. BUT, I notice that the last 20 or so balls in my 12v get wacked around in the hopper kindof like one of those rolling penny wishing wells because the 12v spins faster and whacks the balls hard enough to not fall down the hole. Could it be that the 4 seconds difference are on those last 20 balls because the 9v with slower speed doesn't knock them around the "well" so to speak? I definately noticed a better feed rate with a full hopper on my 12v, but I shoot my warp in bursts so i probably wouldn't notice.

12-10-2001, 01:53 PM
good point, probly fed better, and if it was an older 9v and a be 12v with that slight delay, over a hopper load it could translate to an extra second or so

12-10-2001, 01:55 PM
Now that's getting better. By the way I never said it couldn't I just want some numbers. Also looking back and seeing the authors details I realize there is nothing about number of paddles he had to start with or changed to just references to volts and paddles. You guys are assuming some stuff. I would like him to explain exactly what he had to start with, what he did to change it, how he counted the speed and what are his before and after measurements. That's all... ;) We want scientific evidence and details of the swap before we buy off on them and get into debating them. We don't got em right now do we?

12-10-2001, 01:57 PM
True dat

12-10-2001, 02:04 PM

12-10-2001, 02:14 PM
It might if he had a two paddle and went to a 4 but he seemed to imply a 9 volt revy would be faster than 12 volt revy. Both with four? I dunno. I should think they would both be about the same with four paddles. Just that the 12 Volt would run longer on a set of batteries. But not enough info on his mod to tell what it is he is saying.

12-10-2001, 02:15 PM
There are still some misconceptions on how the hopper works. How fast the rotor spins does not directly relate to feed speed. Gravity drives the balls down the neck and all the rotor does is make sure there is a ball over the neck to fall in. This is why use a warp or halo is both of these designs use a rotor to push a ball into the gun. In the WARPIG test no hopper did better than a straight tube comming up from the neck. All topped out at about 12 bps. Chances are that the 9v./ 4 arm combination doesn't bat the last few balls around as much as was said. It takes a while to get out the last few so I keep it full above half most of the time. I like to see people checking.

12-10-2001, 04:02 PM
Explain, how is 9v faster than 12v? :)

12-10-2001, 04:46 PM
Originally posted by PyRo
Explain, how is 9v faster than 12v? :)

All that can be said is that the 12v spins faster. This doesn't necessarily correlate to faster feeding. For instance... what if you had a 100v hopper? It probably wouldn't feed very well... not to mention the soup bowl you'd have for a hopper.

12-10-2001, 04:50 PM
A 100v could spin even slower than a 9v. You just have to mess with the moter a bit :)

12-10-2001, 05:10 PM
BE/VL uses the EXACT SAME motor on all the curent 9vs, 12vs, 12v X-Baords, and eVLutions. SAME MOTOR!!!
dont believe me? call up BE

12-10-2001, 05:55 PM
same motor...diff board. the question is the time it takes to empty a hopper...so since most of it is a gravity drop "assisted" by the paddles, the times are gonna be reasonably close. if the 12v spins faster and knocks the last few balls around instead of dropping them...then it may take longer. so ...not really any sort of test for speed...maybe reliable feeding.

12-10-2001, 05:58 PM
I have a stock 9v with the 2 prong paddle, and I think it sucks. Even when it kicks on it takes like 5 seconds for the balls to drop down anyway. I end up having to shake the thing just like a nonmotorized. i've also noticed then when you look inside sometimes the paddle gets jammed and it just sort of wobbles back and forth. I've never shot a 12v but from the experience i've had with my 9, i think i'd like to try one.

angel seed
12-11-2001, 06:46 AM
im sorry what i have is a 2001 12v and a 2001 9v i feed a whole hopper 180 balls through the 12 volt and it took 16seconds to empty then i took my 9v and feed 180 balls through it and it took 24 seconds so then i took both apart and put the 4 paddle off of the 12v and put on the 9v put them back together and feed 180
balls through it and it took 12 seconds to empty dont ask me why cause i dont know but it works if you dont believe me then try it its so easy to check out i only give honest facts i hate junk

12-11-2001, 09:12 AM
i am certain my vl200 feeds faster than a 12v revy.

12-11-2001, 10:23 AM
voltage as a general term has nothing to do with speed. it is simply the amount of power you have going to the motor. if you have a four prong paddle on a 9v motor, it will spin slower than normal because the power the 9v revy supplies is not sufficient enough to keep a four prong paddle revolving at the same speed. what you could do, however, is solder the circuitboard and turn the 9v into a 12v. and then get the four prong paddle and whalla, you've got no difference between the two. but just changing the paddle simply makes for more surface area on the prongs and requires more power to revolve.

12-11-2001, 10:40 AM
I thought we were discussing actual feed rate rather than whether or not the paddle actually spins faster. I mean, isn't it all about finding the optimal paddle rpm anyway?

angel seed
12-11-2001, 11:40 AM
ok those of you who think that is doesnt work then go try it and see ive done it and it does i dont know why but it does i didnt say it spun faster i said it feed balls faster 4 seconds faster then a 12volt thats all i knowjust try it ok

12-11-2001, 11:53 AM
angel seed, take it easy man no one says they don't believe you they are just trying to figure out what you realy were saying. Be proud of the fact that you started a nice debate here and got so much interest in one of your first threads. We are all technical here and love this sort of back and forth thing. Enjoy it. No one is trying to put you down.

12-11-2001, 05:34 PM
I think Animal has nailed it.

optimal paddle rpm.

Faster is not necessarily better. As far as the wiring on the 12v. The batteries are wired in parallel to give them a total of 18 volts which then goes through a resistor to drop it to 12 volts spinning a 9 volt motor. This lets the motor spin faster but not burn it out too quickly.

I should take my 12 and my old 9 apart and start playing with them.


12-11-2001, 08:19 PM
Angel Seed, a word of advice, try punctuation in your sentences (like periods& commas) it helps get your point across better. It also helps with headaches, trying to decifir your run-on sentences.