View Full Version : Regulator Preferences?

12-02-2005, 03:38 PM
Hey Everybody, wanted to know what you guys thought about this... I have a late 90's 45/48ci apocalypse regulator by air america, and was thinking of upgrading to the flatline 4500 reg. I only want to do this because i figured that AGD knows what is best for my e-mag and has been tested with mags and produced for mags. Is this really worth it, am i doing a down grade? And why does everyone use a 4500/68 those thinhs are huge, i like to be light and tight as possible, but I am also not a spammer. Anyways suggestons would be awesome!!!! AGD Rocks

12-02-2005, 07:36 PM
Most people use the 68/4500 because its a nice compromise between size and the amount of paint you can shoot per fill, in other words its not so big you feel like your carrying a lead weight on the back of your gun and you can still shoot a hopper and 6 140 round tubes of paint on a single fill.

12-02-2005, 11:48 PM

You have an excellent air regulator there from Air America.But unfortunatley they have fallen off the face of the earth.And parts are hard to come by.Nobody knows what has happen to them.Rumors have it that they went under or have been bought out, but no one knows who by exactly.

On the other hand flatline regs are awesome too.I personally don't have any experience with them.But there is many members on here that can vouch for them.

Try running your Air America at 900 you will see wonders in your emag.
