View Full Version : N2 Tank Exploded???????

12-07-2005, 01:53 PM
Well it really didnt explode but it was sitting on my desk for about a week str8 full of air (4500 psi) .when all of a sudden i hear it start letting out all the air ...... it sounded like some1 disconected a hose from a compressor ! it was very loud and the air was comming out very hard . ive never heard of this happening before so your help would be greatly apreciative......... i will have pics up tonight of the tank ....... its a 48/4500 . i will get the brand up as well layter on tonight ... it is carbon fiber if it makes a diff. thanks again guys

11 Bravo
12-07-2005, 01:57 PM
where did the air come out?

12-07-2005, 02:02 PM
where did the air come out?

i REally didnt notice since i didnt touch it till it finished leaking out all the air. i was worried it would blow up in my face......... it most likely was from the top ... nipple i guess....... what else could it be ... other than the nipple or quick fill plug ??

12-07-2005, 02:26 PM
can you please not say n2 tank exploded when all that happened is a nipple oring or burst disk. very misleading.
go to your local field/store and tell them to fix it. If you have no idea where the air came from you will need to put air back into to see the leak.

12-07-2005, 02:36 PM
can you please not say n2 tank exploded when all that happened is a nipple oring or burst disk. very misleading.
go to your local field/store and tell them to fix it. If you have no idea where the air came from you will need to put air back into to see the leak.

sorry i didnt want people to freak out . no1 got hurt ...... i understand it was kinda misleading ......... i apologize again ! .............and yes i will be going to fill it today to see whats wrong with it ........ thanks again

12-07-2005, 02:38 PM
o0h and what will happen if i use a low pressure tank on my mag ?? ive done some searching on this forum but can seem to find what im looking for . thanks ! pete

12-07-2005, 02:52 PM
more than likely it will not work. mags usually need at least 800psi to fully work without issues.

12-07-2005, 03:30 PM
the air most likely came out of a burst disk. Ever leave a co2 tank in your house in the winter? The co2 becomes unstable and gains a higher pressure thus setting of the burst disk. It is created so the air can safety vent out of the bottle.

12-07-2005, 03:37 PM
the air most likely came out of a burst disk. Ever leave a co2 tank in your house in the winter? The co2 becomes unstable and gains a higher pressure thus setting of the burst disk. It is created so the air can safety vent out of the bottle.

WTF is WINter . im FROm MIami FLorida .... LMAO ... BOrn ANd RAised .... o0o0h thats right were in winter right now ..........THe news just said its a chilling 80 degrees today !!! hahahaha ....... but nah ive never seen or heard of nething like this ever happening to a tank .......... :tard: :tard: :tard: can you post a pic of a burst disk ?? like the tank internals i guess....... thanks again guys ! :headbang: :headbang: :headbang:

12-07-2005, 03:52 PM
Well I happen to live in a ****hole called Ny
25* outside

Burst Disk

12-07-2005, 03:58 PM
hahah sucks man !! sorry to hear that . what am i actually looking at in this pic ....... is the burst disk the whole top portion of the tank ??
v ?
Burst Disk

12-07-2005, 04:13 PM
brass thing on left side of tank
Thing on top is the pin valve, when pushed gas is released

Better pic of disk

12-07-2005, 04:18 PM
ooohh. ok ... so what actually breaks on this ........ that bottom copper peice ? how much are these usually..... it looks to be a univesal peice for most tanks ?? thanks again man . your saving my life here !! you should move to miami :hail: :hail: :hail:

Oldest Sage
12-07-2005, 04:19 PM
Wishone, so you'll miss playing Winter ball in the snow. Sorry, man. ;) The burst disc is inside the nut on the left of the valve (in the picture). Since you didn't readily know where it was on your regulator I agree you should take it to a qualified airsmith to check out. Probably not real serious or expensive, burst disc or fill nipple o-ring.

12-07-2005, 06:32 PM
If its the burst disk its like a 7 dollar fix at most and if its a fill nipple its like a 15 dollar fix at most. If the reg went and needs rebuilt it may be a little more and a bit of work. I dont know what type of tank you have though to know how easily the reg can be rebuilt if the problem was there. A buddy of mine had a fully 20oz go on him. It was the pin valve that went bad. It was pretty scarry until we knew what was actually going on. By that time the tank was pretty much empty though.

12-08-2005, 02:14 AM
well Here she is ....... it looks like i have 2 burst disks ????////////////////////////


lmk what you guys think .......... thats a million again ........... i cant stop thanking you guys !! :clap: :clap:

12-08-2005, 01:00 PM
Yes, you have two burst disks. One of them sits on the high pressure side of the regulator and the other sits on the low pressure side. The one on the high pressure side goes when the tank gets overpressurized. The one on the low pressure side goes if the regulator fails for some reason. I would strongly recommend taking the tank to someone qualified to troubleshoot and repair it. Most good paintball stores around here (and some fields) have people on site who can handle burst disks and regulator problems.

If you are considering fiddling with the tank, regulator, and/or burst disks yourself, remember that you are working on a potential bomb. Make sure you really know what you're doing before you start doing it.


12-08-2005, 01:06 PM
ooohh. ok ... so what actually breaks on this ........ that bottom copper peice ? how much are these usually..... it looks to be a univesal peice for most tanks ?? thanks again man . your saving my life here !! you should move to miami :hail: :hail: :hail:

There is a metal disk inside that is designed to fail at a certain pressure, usually around 150% of the tank rating. A 3000 psi tank would have a disk that is designed to fail between 4500 and 5000 psi, most likely. The disk fails and allows gas to escape in a controlled manner, before you exceed the tank's pressure tolerances.

Burst disks are one-time use items, once one opens, you have to replace the whole burst disk assembly (the whole stainless steel bit that screws in). I remember several years ago that you could purchase replacement disks rather than the entire assembly, but I think sales were discontinued due to safety concerns. They're inexpensive, in any case.


12-08-2005, 01:30 PM
i was doing some research and from what i read it is recomended to put a higher psi disk on your bottle for example ....... my tank is a 68/4500 .......so therfore the stock disk holds up to about 5000psi before it gives way . so why not put a 5000 psi disk on my 4500 psi bottle ... wouldnt the tolerence level go up ... maybe about 5500 or maybe 6 ....... this would make for less disk bursting ?? ......... i might be totaly wrong . again my assumption is from total hearsay.......... lmk what you think . ;)

12-08-2005, 02:19 PM
I'd keep the same PSI tolerance on the new disk as on the stock disk. The tank is 4500 psi because that is the pressure it's rated to hold. Filling it with pressure beyond that limit is dangerous as the tank could explode. If the tank gets overfilled I'd rather the disk break and let the air out, rather than the tank explode to let the air out.

12-08-2005, 02:22 PM
You dont want the tank to get to 6000 psi though. If the stock burst disk was 5000 then replace it with a 5000. More times than not they go bad for a reason other than pressure over the tanks ratings. I have never seen a 4500 tank reach 6000psi, I have never seen a 3000 tank reach 4500 psi. You really dont want to over stress the tank. If anyting I would try and get closer to the rating the tank has and since you say its a 4500 I would just use a 5000. The last thing you need is to add another 1000psi in the tank before something gives. The increased burst disc rating would give to less bursts due to overpressurizing but again do you really want to let the tank have to get to 6000psi before it lets loose any air?

12-08-2005, 02:25 PM
the stock burst disk is always rated higher than the tank. then again, i am just some person on teh internet, so do not believe %100. Take it to a shop/field=probelm solved

12-08-2005, 03:11 PM
I HAs NEVer PLaning On Taking the tank passed 4500 ......... i was just suggesting putting a stronger disk ........but i will go to the shop today and have a new 5000 one put on ......... now that i think of it .... i dont think the tank was even full when it leaked the air ??? mmmmmmm kinda wiered ...so which one do i need to change since theres 2 ?????

12-08-2005, 03:22 PM
i am pretty sure both, but you need to get the reg inspected to see what caused this

12-08-2005, 03:59 PM
I HAs NEVer PLaning On Taking the tank passed 4500 ......... i was just suggesting putting a stronger disk ........but i will go to the shop today and have a new 5000 one put on ......... now that i think of it .... i dont think the tank was even full when it leaked the air ??? mmmmmmm kinda wiered ...so which one do i need to change since theres 2 ?????
Just take it to a shop and tell them all of a sudden air started leaking out and it got worse and worse until it was empty. It could very well not be either of the burst disks. I have had the fill nipple go bad on me and leak and leak until the tank was empty. Also the pin valve on the tank could just be stuck slightly open and be leaking. There are many things that could be wrong with it, all of which a qualified shop can fix for relatively cheap.

12-09-2005, 02:53 AM
taking it tomm. to the shop . ill will let you know how bad they rip me off :tard:
lol . thanks guys !