View Full Version : Idiots ruining paintball

12-07-2005, 04:52 PM
From Google news:

Last November a guy in Texas freaked out just about everybody when he launched a site that allowed you to hunt animals on his property with a remote gun controlled via the Internet. John Lockwood freaked people out so much that legislatures in several states enacted laws to make it illegal.

Not to be discouraged, Live-Shot.Com has spun off their main site to a new endeavor. Live-Paintball.Com. That’s right, now you can tag people with a remote control paintball gun over the Internet.

Not only does the site let you shoot at real live people. Those people include Live-Paintball employees dressed up as celebrities, your boss and yes, even bikini clad women or guys in Speedos.

I don’t think there is any sum of money that would convince me to slip on a pair of Speedoes and take a paintball to the thigh, none whatsoever.

*origanl post by Colin Thompson*

Here (http://www.Live-Paintball.Com) is the link to their main site, they have a video on there. There is also a place to send e-mails, I hope you guys care about paintball as much as I do and will give him your sentiments ( :mad: ).

12-07-2005, 04:54 PM
Who cares - consenting adults, ethical hedonism, no harm done to anyone but the participants.

12-07-2005, 05:05 PM
that is sweet. and yes i love paintball but its not hurting anything.

12-07-2005, 05:06 PM
lol, that was funny with that girl screaming like Bigfoot or something. very bad for paintball, no mask :tard:

12-07-2005, 05:17 PM
The general public frankly does not care if you are wearing a mask or not. Look at hockey, do they look safe on the ice for pucks travelling at high rates of speed? Or baseball for balls being thrown near 100mph

Cow hunter
12-07-2005, 05:20 PM
sounds fun.... how much u figure those guys get paid to get shot? :D

12-07-2005, 05:37 PM
very bad for paintball, no mask


Q: Will the targets, models, actors, actresses be wearing eye protection?

A: Yes, absolutely. In some of our promotion video previews, the targets aren't wearing eye protection, but will be wearing proper safety protection during actual member sessions.

So not so much with the whining please.

12-07-2005, 06:37 PM
The general public frankly does not care if you are wearing a mask or not. Look at hockey, do they look safe on the ice for pucks travelling at high rates of speed? Or baseball for balls being thrown near 100mph

Hockey and baseball is a little different.. in the game there is one puck/ball and I can easily see if its comeing my way..

as for this.. like the post above me says they are wearing proper protection.. so I dont have a problem with it.

12-07-2005, 06:56 PM
Hockey and baseball is a little different.. in the game there is one puck/ball and I can easily see if its comeing my way..

as for this.. like the post above me says they are wearing proper protection.. so I dont have a problem with it.
I broke my nose during baseball running the bases. I never saw it coming. A little higher and it would have hit my eye socket which the ER lady was thankful didnt happen. You dont always see it coming just because there arent as many things in the air.

12-07-2005, 07:20 PM

Q: Will the targets, models, actors, actresses be wearing eye protection?

A: Yes, absolutely. In some of our promotion video previews, the targets aren't wearing eye protection, but will be wearing proper safety protection during actual member sessions.

So not so much with the whining please.

so you saying, YOU GUYS are doing this? damn. got balls? :wow:

12-08-2005, 10:02 AM
I think you guys are to quick to nock this idea. Think about this; a remote turret set up at a key crossroads at a large scenario game. The turret is neutral and immune to small arms fire. Somewhere there is a guy sitting at his computer controlling the thing. It would be like a live version of that beachhead video game, plus it would add a fun aspect to the scenario. To make the whole concept more sporting, and more exiting for the turret operator (give him more players to shoot at) there could be a small target some where on the turret that if hit shuts it off for a short period of time (something like 5 minutes) allowing players to pass by unmolested. There could even be points awarded for each turret kill, meaning the operator would see plenty of action.

12-08-2005, 10:26 AM
interesting idea refugee but think about the lag between what the camera pics up and how fast it sends that info to the computer. By the time you saw someone on screen they'd be half a mile away from the turret.

12-08-2005, 10:26 AM
The reaction OMG its going to ruin paintball, he's playing without a mask is overdone.

How many baseball movies / scenes / advertisements have you seen where the batter does not wear a helmet?

How about football and proper padding?

Hocker (especially roller hockey) without padding?

Skateboarding without protective gear?

The point is, the general public doesn't care if some set up situation is done without a mask / protective gear / etc. The knee jerk reaction is just that...

12-08-2005, 01:08 PM
so you saying, YOU GUYS are doing this? damn. got balls? :wow:

I gots nothing to do with it. I am simply literate and don't like to over react. Reading a bit of info on their web page shows that this is not sime evil deal, it's simply a company tossing together a FPS on a robot and maybe making money. I don't see any real problem with it. Not everything that folks don't like is going to ruin paintball.

I'll use my CKY/Jack*** example. Just because a bunch of yahoos made some videos of foolish stunts in shopping carts, did it ruin the shopping cart industry? Nope, had zero effect. A second example: Do all the slasher films with butcher/chef knifes cut into Wusthof's (http://www.wusthof.com/main.htm) sales? Don't think so. The use of a technology or device for strange and sometimes offensive uses does little, or nothing to tarnish the technology/device.

Me, I'll keep using shopping carts. I'll keep using my Wustohf knives. I'll keep playing and intorducing new people to paintball. All of those things have a much greater positive impact than any of the above examples.

12-08-2005, 01:16 PM
interesting idea refugee but think about the lag between what the camera pics up and how fast it sends that info to the computer. By the time you saw someone on screen they'd be half a mile away from the turret

I admit to not knowing much about the limitations of the technologies involved, however since the same concept was used to allow the hunting of live animals from a home computer, which would also call for a quick reaction time, I would think that the idea is not entirely improbable.

12-08-2005, 04:09 PM
Retarded. It would be cool if you could play a game with other people shooting back, but as it stands it's just retarded.

12-08-2005, 07:10 PM
I admit to not knowing much about the limitations of the technologies involved, however since the same concept was used to allow the hunting of live animals from a home computer, which would also call for a quick reaction time, I would think that the idea is not entirely improbable.

True enough. Not entirely. It would be very cool though. Imagine your sat at the base camp organising a big game scenario and you get to defend a position using a remote setup like that. Would be awesome. I agree that there would have to be some way of disabling it though. Would eb unfair otherwise. Although reloading would be a *****.

12-08-2005, 07:25 PM
The bambi one was a hoax. (http://www.snopes.com/inboxer/outrage/bambi.asp)

12-08-2005, 08:23 PM
True enough. Not entirely. It would be very cool though. Imagine your sat at the base camp organising a big game scenario and you get to defend a position using a remote setup like that. Would be awesome. I agree that there would have to be some way of disabling it though. Would eb unfair otherwise.

Better yet the control center is an open objective some where in the middle of the field with controls for 2 turrets faceing each teams base/insirtion point. ;)

12-08-2005, 08:40 PM
Maybe this is just me, but I don't have any desire to shoot girls in bikins. Now if there was a site that let me order girls in bikinis, shipped to my door, with a paintball gun, sign me up.

12-09-2005, 08:55 PM
Who cares - consenting adults, ethical hedonism, no harm done to anyone but the participants.
100% agreed.

seriously, both parties are agreeing to this. no one is getting hurt except those who say 'ok' to it.

so what the hell is the problem?

12-09-2005, 08:56 PM
Maybe this is just me, but I don't have any desire to shoot girls in bikins. Now if there was a site that let me order girls in bikinis, shipped to my door, with a paintball gun, sign me up.
i would hella wanna shoot fat chicks in bikinis with paintballs

12-10-2005, 03:23 AM
a lot of people have been ruining paintball for a long time.

i'd still put '98-200 as the peak of paintball, when fulcrum freeflows were the gun held by the local stoner phenoms that made hat tricks look easy. a lot of people doing a lot of ruining since.

12-10-2005, 07:28 PM
i would hella wanna shoot fat chicks in bikinis with paintballs
Aim for the boob.

12-10-2005, 10:37 PM
Aim for the boob.

no, take it from a guy who has shot a fat chick (yes it was a legal game on a legal field on a normel day of play) shoot 'er in the belly and watch the shot ripple everything around it :eek: :D