View Full Version : Best Loader

12-08-2005, 04:50 PM
Id like to know what you all think is the best, stock off-the-shelf, loader on the market.

12-08-2005, 04:52 PM
For fast shooters , Halo B
Rec Revvy,reloader

I would take a halo over a reloader because I like eyes and if you keep them clean you will get the performance out of them.

12-08-2005, 04:57 PM
Id like to know what you all think is the best, stock off-the-shelf, loader on the market.

I'd like to know why you'd like to know this.... ;) :D

12-08-2005, 05:16 PM
I'd like to know why you'd like to know this.... ;) :D

For no other reason than curiosity.

12-08-2005, 05:23 PM
I like my q-loader.

12-08-2005, 05:36 PM

12-08-2005, 05:38 PM
Never used any of these other than a Ric. I have seen halos screw up and same goes to Reloader 2s. My rik is kinda weird. The tab stops some balls from falling into the feedneck. I won't vote because I just don't know.

12-08-2005, 05:41 PM

Nuff said


11 Bravo
12-08-2005, 05:51 PM
^^^^ :) I have had both the Halo and the Reloader B. I like the Reloader B a lot more.

12-08-2005, 06:12 PM
Faster: empire B

Slower: revvy

12-08-2005, 06:22 PM
High performance: Realoader B

Reliability: Realoader 2 (got to love the magnetic lid!)

12-08-2005, 06:25 PM
Best loader out of the box is definatly the reloader B, however the best loader possible is a Halo B with a predator cheetah, I have never used anything faster, it rips.

12-08-2005, 06:30 PM
reloader B FTW. you just cant beat it

12-08-2005, 06:54 PM
Halo B with rip and cheetah for speed
Pre BE Revvy for reliability and quality

12-08-2005, 06:58 PM
I voted Revi, but have to qualify that by saying pre BE shells w/ the X board put in.

Super reliable, tough as nails, great on batteries, light, smaller profile....and quick enough to make due if you pick your shots.

12-08-2005, 07:37 PM
Has them all but the Empire (http://www.warpig.com/paintball/technical/loaders/lineup2/index.shtml)

12-08-2005, 08:26 PM
ricochet, hands down the best customer service.

12-08-2005, 09:00 PM
reloader B, since it comes with the rip drive right out of the box

Although, im using a revvy exculisvley right now

12-08-2005, 09:02 PM
Halo B, because the reloader b force feeds into peoples guns(my friends say, dont take my word on it{And yes they do own reloaders, lol}).. so I figure ill just stick with my problem-free, fast-enough.. Halo B.

12-08-2005, 09:02 PM
if i owned a bolt action pump that had to hand feed ball by ball i would still attach a halo to it somehow.

12-08-2005, 09:44 PM
Empire Reloader or Halo... To me they are the samething, generally speaking.

The are fast, reliable, consistent, and durable. Also they don't stop working when you want to shoot reballs. :hail: Whereas the Evolutions and Revolutions I tried had major jamming/feeding problems.

12-08-2005, 10:06 PM
I think the new force feed hopper by ricochet will be the best. oh wait... :dodgy:

12-08-2005, 11:29 PM
ricochet, hands down the best customer service.

Meh, they have great customer service, but the best hands down would have to be AIC's (Qloader). They have the best customer service I've ever dealt with. Ricochet were good guys too when I needed them, but no one comes close to AIC.

paint magnet
12-09-2005, 12:02 AM
Ricochet Apache - faster than a Revvie, but just as light and reliable. Not quite up to Halo speed and not nearly as quiet, but a whole lot lighter and easier to take apart.

EDIT - Have to go with the pre-BE 12v. Revvie as my all time favorite though, I have one that has outlasted I don't know how many guns.

12-09-2005, 12:24 AM
A Revvy is all I have ever needed for my Spyder all the way up to my Viking.

12-09-2005, 12:34 AM
A Revvy is all I have ever needed for my Spyder all the way up to my Viking.

Are you saying that you can't outshoot it or that you don't want/need to?

I kind of feel the same way about my Reloader 2 (~14bps TOPS) but I'm interested in your resoning as I can/do outshoot the R2 hopper from time to time and I'd chop without eyes, L10, etc so I use a Reloader B when it's important that I can shoot fast.

12-09-2005, 12:43 AM
I can outshoot a Revvy, but it only happens in long, high bps strings. The Revy is much lighter than my Halo, and works just as well with snapshooting. A revvy is also very simple, atleast with compared to some other hoppers.

I can understand a need for a faster hopper if you have a fast gun with no anti-chop system or if you are a back man that needs more firepower than 12 bps.

Recon by Fire
12-09-2005, 01:08 AM
I'm sold on Halo. I have had top notch customer service from them in the past and that earns business in my book.

12-09-2005, 02:25 AM
Why hasn't this been quoted yet? :)

12-09-2005, 08:01 AM
Winchester 40 round hopper. Because I rarely play against more than 40 people. :)

12-09-2005, 08:33 AM
Really I would say the Q-loader. I use a modded Revolution with the intellifeed which actually increase by feedrate by a few bps. The Q-loader though feeds 30pbs and is almost impossible to outshoot, however, the Q-loader has a low ball capacity and at some times can be tempermental. I'd suggest it to either senario players or people who just don't want to go through half a case of Wal-Mart paint a game.

12-09-2005, 03:47 PM
Meh, they have great customer service, but the best hands down would have to be AIC's (Qloader). They have the best customer service I've ever dealt with. Ricochet were good guys too when I needed them, but no one comes close to AIC.

I would hope so. How much are those Q loaders?

12-09-2005, 03:48 PM
I can outshoot a Revvy, but it only happens in long, high bps strings. The Revy is much lighter than my Halo, and works just as well with snapshooting. A revvy is also very simple, atleast with compared to some other hoppers.

I can understand a need for a faster hopper if you have a fast gun with no anti-chop system or if you are a back man that needs more firepower than 12 bps.

:headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: None truer

12-09-2005, 03:54 PM
voted for the halo, because i have 2, and (call me crazy)but i dont trust sound activation.

im working on getting my revy working again though...would like to have a smaller hopper for some games.

12-09-2005, 03:57 PM
Man, I had no trouble outshooting my revvy. Stepping up to a Halo was like night and day. But its sluggishness wasn't the main problem - the biggie was its feeding consistency, which was crap... I'd get bursts of 4-5 and then a slight pause in my stream of paint. That's a problem.

Reloader B is the best on the shelf right now. The sound activation is more reliable than eyes, which can get dirty. I truly dislike the weight, battery life, and low max capacity of the loader though. Plus they're freakin expensive and the drive cones *always* break.

Dream hopper = consistent 20BPS revvy

I've got a VLocity on order. I'll be interested to see how that one stacks up after I hack down the neck a bit. Lightweight, high-capacity and 9V powered for the win!

12-09-2005, 04:03 PM
I still like my evolutions, but I belive in true semi also. ;)

12-09-2005, 04:16 PM
I wish they could've included the warp in some way to see what the best one might be in that situation as well. (warps are a dying breed I know). I've run a Halo B on top of my warp since the halo B came out, and I've never outshot the halo when paired up with the warp on my 1.37 emag (even when messing around with hybrid). SOmetimes I wonder why I botherd with L10

I'm not saying the B is the best by any means, but I would like to know what the best possible hopper on top of that warp is so that there's no way I can ever outfire my max sustained feed rate. I can and have done it on a long string with an Xboard revy.

12-09-2005, 05:34 PM
These numbers are definitly interesting. I never would have guessed theyd turn out like this.

12-09-2005, 05:59 PM
i like my eggy, fits nicely with the warp feed

12-09-2005, 10:20 PM
I've had issues with just about every loader I've owned. Maybe I should just stick with stock class, but I even break the 10-ball tubes, so that's not a great soltion.

Halo's and Reloaders are battery hogs. If one gets a bettery pack for them, they are tolderable.

Even though the first generation eggs had extremely brittle shells, the new ones last pretty well. I've never had the issues with the Eggy that I've had with Halos and Reloaders...

12-10-2005, 01:09 AM
These numbers are definitly interesting. I never would have guessed theyd turn out like this.
Yeah.. I was amazed to see how many people like the revvy over the eggy.

12-10-2005, 05:08 AM
Id like to know what you all think is the best, stock off-the-shelf, loader on the market.
I will let every one know that halo b is the best this is something I did one day. I went to place in Orlando Florida at a place called sky craft, and I found a pully that is brass that fits perfect on the drive motor but is larger. This changed the speed of a stock halo b to be faster than the victory board. I took one halo b with out the victory board and one with the new pully and you could see a big differance. The victory board cost around $30.00 and this pully only cost me $0.50 cents. If I could find the way to put photos on this site I would put a photo of it on this listing. If someone can help I can send the photo to you and you can put it in the listing. :confused: It is 7/16 inch wide

12-13-2005, 04:20 AM
I will let every one know that halo b is the best this is something I did one day. I went to place in Orlando Florida at a place called sky craft, and I found a pully that is brass that fits perfect on the drive motor but is larger. This changed the speed of a stock halo b to be faster than the victory board. I took one halo b with out the victory board and one with the new pully and you could see a big differance. The victory board cost around $30.00 and this pully only cost me $0.50 cents. If I could find the way to put photos on this site I would put a photo of it on this listing. If someone can help I can send the photo to you and you can put it in the listing. :confused: It is 7/16 inch wide

Well, the numbers agree with you. If you were to combine the Halo and Empire Halo, the numbers account for more than 1/2 of all votes.

12-13-2005, 04:46 AM
still up as well rouge ;)

EvoII would have been a very nice loader if the thing didn't self-destruct 2 weeks after buying it.

12-13-2005, 04:55 AM
still up as well rouge ;)

EvoII would have been a very nice loader if the thing didn't self-destruct 2 weeks after buying it.

Yeah, I am still up Skod. ;)

Ive used all but the QLoader. My Evo wasnt bad, just not as nice as the Halo. Id have a hard time voting.

12-13-2005, 05:02 AM
i've used them all except for a reloader. Currently have a small qloader army - 9 pods, 5 or 6 mounting heads, the CMS (custom mounting system), ptp warp adapter....but no gun ;) I've used a qloader before for a short while, bought it just to test it out. Was neat, sure fed fast at a constant rate.

Top choice would have to be Halo for me, though reloader might top it if i've actually used one myself.

12-13-2005, 12:04 PM
Just got a new rico today. Love the new design.

trains are bad
12-13-2005, 12:59 PM

Actual hopper-Ricochet-as fast as an egg, doesn't break like an egg, is at least as light as an egg, looks better than an egg.

12-13-2005, 07:17 PM
I use only Q-Loader. Have used them for about 2 years and love them. I use an Egg or Halo to load my pods!

I thought that the Q-Loader would've scored less then it has.

12-13-2005, 08:19 PM
Just got my Q-loader..well it's been sitting at my parents house motivating me to finish finals, on prinicpal I voted for it because I love the idea and the design. All and all I'd go for a rico, I have one of the first R2K's and my shells didn't break untill my brother steped on it...4 days before a tourny no less, called them up and they got me the shells in time for the tourny. Definatly gonna get a Apache to replace my R2k as a back up hopper when I get the coins. All the people that say they suck just make it cheaper to get one on PBN ;)

12-23-2005, 12:53 AM

I am surprised that the Revvy is 3rd in the list. Halo, Halo, Revvy.

Who would have thought?

Evil Bob
12-23-2005, 02:41 AM
Not really surprising if you crack the pages of PGI or any of the rags that cover tourny play and look at all the photos of what top dogs are playing with, its usually either an eggo or a halo, with halo being the predominate loader in the tourny scene especially now that ramping is completely legit in the big series.

The Pre-BE Revy is hard to pass up, its still a solid workhorse for those that dont need to blaze but want something that is reliable and wont break when it gets hit.

There is really only two loaders that can keep up with 16+ consistant BPS, that's your Q-loader and halo, and you dont see many Q's at the top end of the spectrum, so that leaves you with the halo being the defacto choice.

For those of you who need the speed of the halo without the weight, look at the LI battery options from the link that was posted here on AO last week for the custom Halo's (dont recall the name and can't look up the link right now, sorry). LI will reduce the weight factor considerably.

-Evil Bob

12-23-2005, 02:44 AM
Not really surprising if you crack the pages of PGI or any of the rags that cover tourny play and look at all the photos of what top dogs are playing with, its usually either an eggo or a halo, with halo being the predominate loader in the tourny scene especially now that ramping is completely legit in the big series.

The Pre-BE Revy is hard to pass up, its still a solid workhorse for those that dont need to blaze but want something that is reliable and wont break when it gets hit.

There is really only two loaders that can keep up with 16+ consistant BPS, that's your Q-loader and halo, and you dont see many Q's at the top end of the spectrum, so that leaves you with the halo being the defacto choice.

For those of you who need the speed of the halo without the weight, look at the LI battery options from the link that was posted here on AO last week for the custom Halo's (dont recall the name and can't look up the link right now, sorry). LI will reduce the weight factor considerably.

-Evil Bob

I am not surprised at the Halo. Just the Revvy being 3rd. I would have thought the Revvy would have scored lower.

12-25-2005, 05:20 PM
Empire Reloader B in yellow Diamond

The diamonds make your reloader feed 3 more balls faster! :)

12-25-2005, 10:48 PM
Empire Reloader or Halo... To me they are the samething, generally speaking.

The are fast, reliable, consistent, and durable. Also they don't stop working when you want to shoot reballs. :hail: Whereas the Evolutions and Revolutions I tried had major jamming/feeding problems.
the reloaders/halos do jam on occasion, just give it time.

however, my egg does not jam with reballs, but instead, it feeds ~6bps instead.

I personally run a halo for all cf needs, but for my warp I like the Halo Backman.

12-25-2005, 10:49 PM
Gravity - never fails.

12-26-2005, 01:25 AM
I'm a fan of my evo, even though I've had to replace the lid and battery door. On a side note, how's the q loader on weight? I used to run a warp and loved the low profile but ended up ditching it because of the extra weight, but I'm looking at the q long and hard and will probably buy one if it's comparable in weight to a normal hopper.

12-26-2005, 11:12 AM
I'm a fan of my evo, even though I've had to replace the lid and battery door. On a side note, how's the q loader on weight? I used to run a warp and loved the low profile but ended up ditching it because of the extra weight, but I'm looking at the q long and hard and will probably buy one if it's comparable in weight to a normal hopper.
Well let me put it this way.....the heavy-est part of your loader is most likely the battery(ies). The Q-loader doesn't have any, only a spring. I would have to guess (never weighing one), that the Q-Loader is lighter.

The reason I liked them is because there are no batteries to go dead when you need them the most. Single biggest draw back is the 100 ball capacity. I carry 4 pods plus one in the gun and don't usually have a problem. Most of the guys I regularly play with also use the "Q" so if one guy runs out we just toss them to each other. Works out for us.

12-26-2005, 04:08 PM
Little respect for a Q-Loader around here I take it? I dont like electronics in paintball unless its a chrono. I would much rather use a Q-Loader. While it does hold less, and it does require work to have it working the first time, it is much better for you can mount it many places. Get yourself a ULE Warp L/R Body for a mag, and hook up a Q instead. I have seen it done, and it it beautiful. Plus you get a Warp Feed for free when you buy the body, so you can have a Q and a warp (and buy a good hopper for it). Its all about the options for me ;)

12-26-2005, 10:47 PM
Are revvys still made out of crappy plastic that would break when hit by a paintball?

Cow hunter
12-26-2005, 10:50 PM
Are revvys still made out of crappy plastic?
when you say "crappy plastic" do you mean;
A:plastic that is not good
B:plastic, as in all plastic is crappy

revvy's are made of a pretty tough plastic... or at least mine is.....

???? whoa the "P button on my comp made smileys!!!!!!??????

Evil Bob
12-26-2005, 11:33 PM
The modern BE revy has had some serious issues with the plastic quality, usually it was extremely brittle and would shatter when struck by a paintball. I have personally had 4 that were shot clean through the hopper by inbound paint, we're not talking hot shooting, we're talking arond 270 fps (field limit), the plastic was fragile enough that 270 fps had enough energy to pop the hopper at 30 feet.

The feed neck had the same problems with the brittle plastic, if you twisted it to fit it into the marker, you ran the risk of sheering the feed neck off in the marker's feed port, leaving you with quite a tough time trying to get that garbage out.

Then there was the whole fiasco with the change in the feed neck sizing that BE made when they took over ViewLoader.

The old school Pre-BE Revy didn't have these kinds of problems, still have 2 of those left today, tough as nails and still working smoothly.

-Evil Bob