View Full Version : Wal-Mart Paint?

12-08-2005, 08:31 PM
If I am stuck buying some of this stuff to test-fire a gun tommorow...have any of you guys found a decent brand they sell that shoots alright? I have seen horrible things from some of their stuff that sits around for months so I wanna check if there is a certain type that might have better results then this.

12-08-2005, 08:33 PM
If I am stuck buying some of this stuff to test-fire a gun tommorow...have any of you guys found a decent brand they sell that shoots alright? I have seen horrible things from some of their stuff that sits around for months so I wanna check if there is a certain type that might have better results then this.
try to get some big ball. thats the best stuff they sell. I short some of their skorch as well, that shot better than some field paint I had that day.
Try to stay far away from wild streak blue streak or any of that camo BE paint crap.

Look for RPS paint as well. Not all the paint there is neccasarily crap.

12-08-2005, 08:36 PM
I bought a case of ZAP for 33 bucks at our walmart, played all day with in in a classic mag, no level and I had no chops, barrel breaks or happer breaks.

12-08-2005, 08:39 PM
SCORCH. My freind uses it all the time. I mean thousands of rounds of it. Won't break in any gun we've used it in. Pump all the way up to epney

12-08-2005, 08:43 PM

not big ball.

ive never had a problem with draxxus or scorch.

bigball has been horrible all the time.

12-08-2005, 08:45 PM
try to get some big ball. thats the best stuff they sell. I short some of their skorch as well, that shot better than some field paint I had that day.
Try to stay far away from wild streak blue streak or any of that camo BE paint crap.

Look for RPS paint as well. Not all the paint there is neccasarily crap.

I had to buy walmart paint once(last time i hope) and I noticed the big ball in the colored boxes work better than the ones in the black/white boxes. the difference was, the stuff from the colored box got out of my gun in one piece. I was shooting a freestyle that day too, very soft on paint.

Cow hunter
12-08-2005, 08:55 PM
i use the ZAP and those work quite well...... make sure its good though i once got a full box all soft!!! but my mag still didt chop one ball...... got bolt stik but no breaks even with barley holdable paint...... Anywayz all the other times ive used ZAP it was fine .687 i think

12-08-2005, 09:03 PM
i've bought wild streak and zap, and both were horrible....you could hardly see the fill, the paint shell was so rubbery it wouldnt break, and it was very inconsistant in shape/size. :(

12-08-2005, 09:03 PM
I got some cheap paint once, and it was really soft. It jammed my halo B like crazy... and it never jammed before(or after). I still have most of it, and use it to just hand load and shoot in my backyard.

12-08-2005, 09:09 PM
I'll see what they have, its in kinda the boonies without fields around so they dont get the best of selections. Probably go with some scorch or zap.

Thanks guys, Appreciate it.

12-08-2005, 09:15 PM
I have found the blue streak shoots alright, just doesnt show up when it breaks on target..

just make sure they let you open up every bag/box you buy to make sure none is broken.. they SHOULDNT have a problem with that, as my friend and I do it every time we buy from wally world

12-08-2005, 09:28 PM
nice thing is, you can take it back to walmart :)

12-08-2005, 09:32 PM
I have only shot Super Swirl from Walmart. It shot decently but not as well as Marbs. No breaks or anything like that, just not as accurate.

12-08-2005, 09:39 PM
my recomendation......tell the people what gun you are "testing" out
do you know i was suppose to test it out too?
mysupposed friend testing out my gun!
6 th generation of the gun is what you are testing.

JK man, its not my color, but I do want to shoot it. I recomend anything at walmart except blue streak, stay far far away.

12-08-2005, 10:25 PM
Get some CORE at gallions(now dicks) or some wal-mart.

stuff has a really think fill and pisses me off alot espically when i get my gun shot up.
but it shoots good and is cheap.

Recon by Fire
12-09-2005, 12:52 AM
I only by the Swirls from WM for test shooting and once in a while for woodsball, cuts through underbrush good with that thick shell.

12-09-2005, 12:59 AM
Zap all the way

12-09-2005, 05:39 AM
For just backyard goofing off, I've had no problems with VL Heavy Metal. I get it in the 100rd pods. I recently picked some up for $1.50 a pod...If nothing else, I've at least got some small pods for my tac-vest!

12-09-2005, 05:15 PM
actually, i got some of the wild streak stuff for xmas from my not so paintball smart grandparents, and i finally decided to try some out on my angel, with the pred set on psp ramping 15 bps and a zboarded egg. Didnt have problems until i got to one that was like larger than my barrel, only a .690. Thought for sure i would chop to death, but its not too bad of stuff.

12-10-2005, 07:18 PM
Joe he mentioned that you wanted to shoot it this weekend and I told him you would understand...and hate me >.<.
I test fired the DM6 last night and it shot 500 scortch wonderfully, today it had some issues but we reset the LPR and reg and got it to work.

Once the techs got it to stop "being a matrix" it worked beautifully, streams of paint at the end of the day. I was supposed to ref all day today but it happened my future team played so we got our stuff ready and had a fun time. BUT all of our guns went down the whole first part of the day.
for me..
1.DM6 leaked after it didnt fire, bolt stick I believe, take out bolt and lubed. find its two messed up O-rings on the back that DYE changed the sizing on for the new bolt.. The rebuild kit they gave me didnt have these O-rings in it and so I said screw digging through boxes of O-rings til later.
2. Air up an ION setup that worked a second before I had it. Take it outside...tanks burst-disks go.
3.Air up Impulse on wall, shoots for a game and a half before the bolt doesnt recock and shoots damn short.
4 AND THEN! Air up the MAG RT with a VL200...lubed it a little, stick DM6 ultralite on it..the next two games I take the snake and shoot 4 out of 5 of both team's players in both games.
So basically the mag gods hated me and later rewarded for coming back to them.

Later in the day I DID get the DM6 figured out with the guys out and player with it a couple 2 on twos and it shot amazing, I never use the term but it seriously shot such steady ropes of paint I was amazed. FANTASTIC and SPECTACULAR GUN...when its working.

Summary: Use mags when all else fails because they wont let you down when you UBERDYESPEEDBALLMOWER doesn't work. Not to mention you shot people with a mech haha.

Thanks for the advice again guys!

12-11-2005, 10:53 PM
so did you buy it? sorry you had issues, alot of people are having quirky thigns happen to the 6s for no apparent reasons, and since dye hasnt released teh 6 yet they are not rebuild kits and manuals for the gun. It is a big learning curve to get used to working on them, but after that they are gold.

12-12-2005, 12:48 PM
Yup I bought it, it shot amazing but I had first shot shoot-down all the time yesterday at practice. I think its just because it wasn't lubed well enough. The self cleaning eyes REALLY do help too, I used such crappy paint and broke a couple right in the breech to still have it not chop any when my Halo was feeding bad. The manual is on DYE's site now too so I have been looking through that and finding some useful information.
*and yes I already scratched it Joe haha*

12-12-2005, 01:08 PM
Nice!! The only thing I do not like is the reg length. Does anyone know if aka still makes reg extenders? I still think I am going to pickup an ultralite frame to slap on my 5. Your first shot drop off can really be only one thing, the abs is too low or not turned on. Look at your dip switches and make sure abs is on, and if it is on check what setting it is at. I normally run at 9/10 but sometimes in the could you can bump it up to 12.

Also, play around with the lpr a little. All you do is screw it in or out, nothing to mess up. Get it as low as possible without affecting the cycle rate. Since they replaced my bolt my dm5 shoots much much much smoother. I thought they set the lpr too high because it was shooting too hard, but it was actually lower than what I was used to. I can run it without issues at 3.5 turns out whereas before I had to use 4.5-5. Damn bolt, I am glad they replaced it. Other than that lube it every other weekend.

12-12-2005, 01:24 PM
Yeah I read something about that. Stock the ABS is after 15seconds of not firing it will do a higher velocity shot which Is what I am guessing you are telling me I can turn down. That would Definately solve my problems so I will mess with that before I come out and play. Which will by the way be when I am home so maybe we can get to play on the same day and you can shoot around with the DM6.

12-12-2005, 02:00 PM
jsut make sure your switches are set that enables abs. If it is ste at 15 then that is more than enough, just leave it there. I am just saying make sure it is turned on.

When are you coming back to Chapel Hill or Jax? I want to play before the snow falls.

12-12-2005, 06:53 PM
I'll be back this week until friday and leaving on that friday til the 22nd. So lets do some ballin the first weekend I'm back.

12-12-2005, 08:44 PM
i shold be going back to visit this weekend, what day do you want to play? sat or sun

12-12-2005, 09:42 PM
Im gone this weekend man, leaving on friday 16th. Be back on the 22nd so come on into town some time between Decemeber 22nd and January 16th and we'll play.

12-13-2005, 11:46 PM
Registered User Join Date: Jul 2003
Location: lebanon MO
Posts: 811

I bought a case of ZAP for 33 bucks at our walmart, played all day with in in a classic mag, no level and I had no chops, barrel breaks or happer breaks.

I played out of this exact case of paint (yes....we split the cost, we are broke) and put in my RTP with LVLX and no chops...except when i didnt have a front on my freak.. :tard: . But when i put it in my classic....oh god....i got like three out of five balls out without chopping......it is in bad shape right now. needs to be fixed.
its a snowblower.....But its MY snowblower. :clap:

Geoff Call
12-14-2005, 12:09 AM
Shooting walmart paint is like shooting dice. It sits in a warehouse for who knows how long and comes out with angles. The end.