View Full Version : Warp Qs

12-09-2005, 06:05 PM
Ok I am going to get a warp feed for my BKO. I am wondering first what adapters I need to attach it. I think I have found the right ones but I'm not completely sure. Also how sensitive is the warp and if it senses the balls arn't moving will it stop turning.

Anybody have pics of a warp on a BKO/Bushy.

12-09-2005, 06:22 PM
you can adjust the sensitivity on them. or you can hook it up to your gun's electronics to spin when you pull the trigger.

it has a dwell setting, so when it is activated, it spins for a certain amount of time. which is also somewhat adjustable.

it doesn't break paint though. there are two disks that go on either side of the ball, and if the balls stop moving forward, the disks will just slide right past the balls for whatever amount of time you set it to. its usually about a second.

edit: if your gun is blue, i have one you may be interested in. LMK

12-09-2005, 06:29 PM
Got a few offers but send a pic of yours. A blue one would look great with my gun.