View Full Version : good find or no?

12-10-2005, 04:59 PM
I went X-mas shopping today at the local shop and they had a table with "old junk" and I got to sifting threw and saw two little boxes. they were ANS phase II valves (or something like that) (still in the dusty box, new never been used, or for so it looked) without the reg pistons which were in another box on the table I beleive. they wanted $30 for each, but I didn't have the cash on me at the time, but now I am thinking, are they even worth the buy?

they were weird. where agd has the hole drilled in the valve, wasn't there, nothing was there inbetween the reg and the on/off. should it be that way? there is actully little to no metal between the two pieces.

the other thing I found was a Dye hynge type double trigger for cockers, but it was cut for a mag. never seen one, but was that a good buy? I can get a pic if needed cause it is hard to describe.

12-10-2005, 05:00 PM
Some may say yes, but i dont think so. If your going to put money into your valve, you would be better off just getting an xvalve. :)

12-10-2005, 05:01 PM
Some may say yes, but i dont think so. If your going to put money into your valve, you would be better off just getting an xvalve. :)

$20-$30 is about a normal price for them btw.

12-10-2005, 05:18 PM
The ANS valves don't add anything to your valve. Save yuor money.

12-10-2005, 05:31 PM
i figured they might be a collectors piece or something and someone might want one to buy here.

12-11-2005, 04:48 PM
ok, question.

I was trying to put the trigger frame i got for an automag, but when I was putting it on it was impossable to get the sear assembly for my RT Pro ULE w/ ULT in the frame. it has cuts for mag sears and cocker sears ect, the one I got for my cocker pump is the exact same but the one for the mag has a hole for the pin/rod and stuff like that the cocker one dosn't.


is what I got (even though this one is a cocker in the link) is there something I don't know about getting the sear and pin in there or is it possable that it might be am/mm only?

12-11-2005, 04:51 PM
I don't think I've ever seen a frame like that on a mag...sure it's for a mag?

12-11-2005, 10:58 PM
positive. the box said automag, the box was glued/fused togeither still, and I trust the guys not to fib like that, i have known them for 8 years.

it has all teh things/cuts for the mag, the problem is that I can't see a way to get the sear/pin into the needed spot without A) disasembling the sear/pin to get it in there the assemble it back, or B) milling/drilling the top of the grip to get it down there in its spot. becasue right now the piece that connects the pin to the sear (i don't know what it is called, but it looks like a fork) is too large for the opening that they (dye) have provided.

I looked at my intella frame and ther is plenty of room to put stuff, this thing has maybe 1/4 inch (or something small like that, you can't get a pencil in there, maybe half a pencil(split long ways))

if I every get off work long enough to go back up there I will ask them unless someone here knows something or can help me fit it on. it would look sweet

12-11-2005, 11:21 PM
you can't turn the sear 90* and slide it in, then turn it back the 90* so it's facing the right way? Think it's skinnier if you do it that way....at least at the 'fork' part.

12-11-2005, 11:24 PM
i tryed every which direction, turn, spin, flip. the only place big enough to let that fork in is where the the pivot point would be on the sear. I can get it so far in but I can't get the pin in the hole it needs to be in for it to set in there right. where the grip wraps screw in is blocking the way.

12-11-2005, 11:27 PM
no clue, I don't even remember if its hard to take off/on the pin. Curious, how much did you pay for it....just don't think i've seen a dye hinge automag frame.

12-11-2005, 11:34 PM
according to the sticker on the one I got for my cocker pump (was the single trigger version) it went for $119 for 1 of them!!! but I only payed $40 for both ($20 each). lol, no big loss, but I just think it would look sexy sweet.

12-11-2005, 11:47 PM
If they have any more for $20 (mag version) let me know. Be cool just to fiddle around with.

12-12-2005, 12:30 AM
toss up a pic or two so we can see what exactly it looks like. Not just the frame, but the fit i mean, so maybe we can help.

Dye did make mag frames back in the day (lol like 2000 or so) if i remember correctly there was some issue with the early ones, but i thought it was the pin holes (for the trigger pivot) were slightly oversized, making the pin easy to lose.

12-12-2005, 03:59 AM
If you have an Intelliframe, why would you replace it with one of the DYEs?

12-13-2005, 12:59 AM
If they have any more for $20 (mag version) let me know. Be cool just to fiddle around with.

I will try, I know they have a whole been full of frames, some in boxes, some not, some missing parts, I will find one if there is a good one and PM you and we'll work things out and I'll get one too you.

12-13-2005, 01:00 AM
toss up a pic or two so we can see what exactly it looks like. Not just the frame, but the fit i mean, so maybe we can help.

Dye did make mag frames back in the day (lol like 2000 or so) if i remember correctly there was some issue with the early ones, but i thought it was the pin holes (for the trigger pivot) were slightly oversized, making the pin easy to lose.

good to know, at least I don't look like I am nuts now. I will try and get some pics up, don' tknow how but I will defonatly try.

12-13-2005, 01:02 AM
If you have an Intelliframe, why would you replace it with one of the DYEs?

because I don't use the intella frame. not the double trigger (i shoot with only one finger), not the intella feed wiring, and this one i think looks cool with what I want to do.

12-13-2005, 05:36 PM
Just break out the dremel :) Couldnt hurt.

If not, then have you tried putting the sear in from the bottom? (take off the grips, stick sear so it pokes out the top)

12-14-2005, 01:19 AM
Just break out the dremel :) Couldnt hurt.

If not, then have you tried putting the sear in from the bottom? (take off the grips, stick sear so it pokes out the top)

don't have a dremel.

cant do the "from the bottom" approch, but then again I havnt fully explored that one. there is a cross bar mid way up the frame. but either or, I think Luke is going to help me out and take a look at it when I get it too him.