View Full Version : PTP MicroMag Bolt Question....

12-11-2005, 08:40 PM
Ill be recieving a PTP Micromag soon and Im curious what level bolt the stock bolt is since its PTP, or if its a standard bolt in general. Im new to mags so im still learning on the basics... If anyone has the answer to this I would greatly appreciate some replies!


12-11-2005, 08:59 PM
Its an early level 7, at least mine was, it was a regular level 7 with a spring instead of the powertube spacer.

12-11-2005, 09:27 PM
how is it on chopping? I read a review on the nation saying level 7 sucks on eating paint...

12-11-2005, 09:30 PM
on my level 7, all you need is an electro hopper.

if you feed faster than you shoot, you shouldnt have any problems.. unless possibly on forcefeed loaders forcing paint past detents or whatever..

anywho, my tsa loader kept me from chopping.

Scott Hudnall
12-11-2005, 10:12 PM
What a great great great myth about chopping!!!!

Here's the formula, my friend, to have a Level 7 bolt and shoot all day with little or no chops. I went "almost" all summer this past season without a chop. seriously.

Use the "foamie" bolt. Use the plastic nubbin (twist lock barrels), but since you are getting the PTP, you'll have the ball detent and cocker threaded barrels.

and most of all, use good quality paint and a fast loader. Don't need the HALO B, just one of the other reputable loaders. You'll do fine.

I can't stress the importance of finding good paint you can trust. and budget minded paint is not always the worst for breaking....stay away from the "brittle tournament formula" paintballs.....everyone tends to break that at one time or another, no matter what they are shooting.

good luck. Enjoy the PTP micromag. :bounce:

12-11-2005, 10:21 PM
Thanks for the fast replies gang, much appreciated! As for the hoppers, Ill probly convert to a stick/spring feed soon, but im slightly considering gettig a revvy. Are those fast enough to not chop bad? -- as for paint, i generally get draxxus inferno , very good paint IMO.

12-12-2005, 12:52 AM
My PTP is an awsome gun. But you will find that its not easy on the paint with the lvl 7. I suggest you upgrade to the lvl X and and learn the trigger. The biggest prob with chopping comes from short stroking the trigger w/ the LVL 7. When I used the the LVL 7, I would run RPS marb and had very few breaks in the gun except when Short stroking on a long fast string.
When I upgraded to the LVL X, the chops stopped even with low grade paint and short stroking. :headbang:

12-12-2005, 01:26 AM
how do I go about getting a Lvl X without breaking my pocket? Do you know if there are people selling just the lvl 10 setup at a low price? sorry ifim typing funny, my meds just kicked in. When the ptp arrives, ill probly give and take some parts and resale it, to be honest, unless theres someway I can change the evil feed! I hade using powerfeed, warp feed is expensive, qloaders are expensive..... maybe i should just sell my other mag and hook this one up.

ALSO - are the internal parts interchangable with each model (aside from the electrical, of course) such as valves, bolts, frames, and bodies.


12-12-2005, 07:04 AM
All automag internals are interchangeable from classic valve to classic valve. and all xvalve internals are interchangeable. BUT you cannot change between classic and X valve parts. only the lvlX is interchangeable between both markers. PTP has its own unique body and rail combo. It is not interchangeable. The Grip frame is interchangeable with classic automag frames, Intelliframes and aftermarket frames made for the classic automag. As for a cheaper LVL X check the amo classifides or Ebayfor a better price. If you order from Ebay be sure that the kit is complete with all spacers and carriers O-rings can be used from the automag parts kits that are commonly found on most paintball sites and at agd store page.

http://store.airgun.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=catalog.catalog (http://)

12-12-2005, 07:11 AM
My Hero! Thank you so much for all the time and great information!

12-12-2005, 07:22 AM
if you properly shoot a mag (dont short stroke) you dont need a level x.. not worth it imo, more complicated than what you need. a revy will keep up fine with a classic.