View Full Version : Anyone play Return to Castle Wolfenstien Online?

12-10-2001, 07:01 PM
Just curious if anyone here plays Return to Castle Wolfenstien online and if so what servers? Maybe someone could set up a dedicated and give all of us AOers the IP addy and we could all have some fun and play. Im so addicted to the game I play it all the damn time! haha, already beat single player twice. lol! no cheats the first time but the second was for fun. So if you play reply here and let me know what server and maybe we could meet up for some online action!!!!! :D

12-10-2001, 08:47 PM
How recent is this Return to Castle Wolfenstein? I remember playing the Old Skool Wolfenstein 3d...what a rad game...it all started there. I still don't think a lot of games matched the guts of that one...I would get a rush from running around the tight corridors and hearing the Germans coming.


12-10-2001, 08:52 PM
I LOVE THAT MULTIPLAYER! Even though I suck at it...

12-10-2001, 08:57 PM
RTCW, is a very, very poorly made game.
Sure, it has graphics, but it is just so boring....

12-10-2001, 09:11 PM
Originally posted by Arman/XPM
RTCW, is a very, very poorly made game.
Sure, it has graphics, but it is just so boring....

I like it. I like the multiplayer mode... FLAME THROWER!!!

12-10-2001, 09:52 PM
Originally posted by Arman/XPM
RTCW, is a very, very poorly made game.
Sure, it has graphics, but it is just so boring....

Arman, WHAT do you base this statement on???? Do you own the game? What is so poorly made about it? The game gets nearly perfect scores in every magazine. It is a very fun game to play (granted it is a first person shooter, but it is made in the heritage of the origional first person shooter that started the entier genre!) and the single player game was exciting to me and everyone else I know that played it. Plus, you CANT beat the multiplayer capabilities!! Its the most diverse multiplayer system to come out yet. Sure, games like Halo and the upcoming planetside are going to surpase it, but for now its a very well made game, very stable, very diverse in mulitiplayer and VERY shoot'em'up in single player. What are you basing this empty statement on?

12-10-2001, 09:58 PM
Originally posted by Dave
How recent is this Return to Castle Wolfenstein? I remember playing the Old Skool Wolfenstein 3d...what a rad game...it all started there. I still don't think a lot of games matched the guts of that one...I would get a rush from running around the tight corridors and hearing the Germans coming.


To answer your guestion dave, it came out November 24th i believe (or around there) and is the sequel to the famous Castle Wolfenstien!!! Its based on the Quake III engine and has immense multiplayer capabilities. It takes place in the WWII era and you play the one and only JJ Blazkowitz from the origional series. Single player has you running through castles, underground tunnels, airstrips and out in the woods to name a few maps, chasing down nazi's, looking for documents or just plain blastin nazi's and super soldiers away!!! Its great fun (to me and my buddies anyway) and the multiplayer makes it worth EVERY penny. In multiplayer you can be either allie or axis, and you can pick from one of four classes: Soldier (which you have to be in order to use the sniper rifle, vemon machine gun, Panzerfaust rocket launcher or flame thrower!), Engineer (you plant bombs and arm/diffuse dynomite), Medic (you can heal downed soldiers and give out health packs), or Lieutenant (you can call air strikes!!!!! and give out ammo). Its great fun and I highly reccomend the game to any fan of first person shooters. :D

12-11-2001, 11:54 AM
very cool. So it just came out like three weeks ago?

Wonder where I can get it from...wow, cool! To think that there is a game that might equal Wolf 3d...I mean, that game didn't have incredible life like graphics...but you got the feeling you were actually there...and it was like a rush...my favorite computer game...well, that and Motocross Mania, hehe.


12-11-2001, 12:19 PM
DUUUUUDE!!!!!! That is RAD!!!!! I just found the website for it! This is what I have been waiting for! A brand new Wolf 3d game!!! I want to get this and if I do, you bet we'll be playin' multiplayer! Sweet!


12-11-2001, 01:32 PM
I played Return to Castle Wolfenstien when teh multiplayer beta testing came out in Sept. It was pritty fun...but we all got bored of it.

12-11-2001, 02:30 PM
Originally posted by Dave
DUUUUUDE!!!!!! That is RAD!!!!! I just found the website for it! This is what I have been waiting for! A brand new Wolf 3d game!!! I want to get this and if I do, you bet we'll be playin' multiplayer! Sweet!


Could you put that URL up?

12-11-2001, 03:32 PM
here it is:



12-11-2001, 04:11 PM
It looks really cool. But I'm an avid Unreal Tournament player myself. Plus I found a cool Cartman voice package for UT.

12-11-2001, 05:02 PM
I've had the game since it came out, actually, the day after it came out, I got it. Very very fun game. I like the single player more, but the multiplayer is alright. THey should have included a straight deathmatch though. I play a a LAN with anyone else, and it gets boring. Arman/XPM, you have not played the game yet. If you did, you would know it is a very great game. If you think it is boring, I'd just love to see what kind of games you like.

Max Payne is awesome as well. I will sell for $35. Bought new for $50, have had it for only 4 days(Beat it in that time, just because it is addictive. All is in mint condidtion.

As for the server, why don't we jsut make one instead of deciding on one? udtseal, do you have MSN, AOL, or ICQ instant messangers? We can get in contact through there.

12-11-2001, 09:01 PM
yeah thats what I mean, i would love to get on a server with other AOers and play, but i dont think it would be that possible cause someones ping might wind up being bad. My AIM name is SprayingMango (dont ask) so contact me and we will see if we can all play sometime.

Everyone thinks its a boring game but me, I must be easily amused :rolleyes: