View Full Version : Things for a Mag repair kit.

12-12-2005, 08:36 PM
I'm new to Mags and I need to know every piece on a classic valve Mag that can break or wear out so I know what I should buy.

12-12-2005, 09:02 PM
This will take care of 90% of any thing that can go wrong with a mag

12-12-2005, 09:15 PM
in a 68automag/minimag parts kit you get
2 reg seats- (this is the piece of rubber between the valve front and valve back)
if it has or gets a deep grove you can have weird velocity drops/spikes (i think im not sure ive never had this problem so i dont know completly)

2 barrel nubbins-
bassicly the plastic/wire ball dent built into the barrel if you have problems with double feeding just replace it

1 bumper-

the blue piece that rests on the front part of the valve and makes it so the bolt doesnt slam metal on metal(cushions the bolt)

1 bolt spring-
if your spring is worn out then the bolt will not catch the sear all the way or wont catch it at all

4 power tube orings-
the orings that are 2 or 3 sizes bigger then the small white ones(dont know how else to put it) used for the power tube (the bolt goes over this) and can be used in the on/off assembly

2 barrel orings-

used to keep the barrel a tight fit so it doesnt turn or come off while playing

2 reg piston orings -

orings that go around the black part inside the velocity adjuster(reg piston) maybe only one oring tho on the reg piston pretty sure there is

1 reg body oring-

the big oring that goes around the back of the valve body theres a gap between the threads and the solid part that has automagclassic or minimag

so basicly the on/off assembly with wear out,the power tube,the spring,the sear maybe to,the regulator seat and that should be about it

Cow hunter
12-12-2005, 09:25 PM
use your mag repiar kit..... then some O-rings for barrels and tanks......LVL 10 parts (if you have a LVL 10)...... then some allen keys...... then pliers and screwdrivers....... lastly duct tape...... thats what i have in mine and at backyard matches ive fixed all the guns there (spyders n' such) and thats all ive ever used.....

12-12-2005, 09:27 PM
duck tape i use it to haha what did you use it on i attempted to fix a friends brass eagle blade it ended up with me breaking it to :cuss: haha i guess you could make a shiny hopper out of it

Cow hunter
12-12-2005, 10:34 PM
i use duct tape for feednecks of the other guns....... small leaks...... hoppers....... grips........sometimes thats all that hold on other peoples c02 tanks...... a "ghetto spyder" of sorts....... but it really does come in handy