View Full Version : Can mags compete?

The Action Figure
12-19-2005, 11:16 AM
Ok. Honestly do you believe that mags can compete? I have found myself asking this question while I browse these forums. Ive owned several mags, and I dont think any of them could compete in the tournament level. This really concerns me because back at my start at tourney ball in 2003 I shot a stock minimag. Sure it was nothing special but it got the job done. I used to think that mags were the greatest things out there, but now im questioning myself. I would like to hear you non-biased opinions. Put all of your allegiences aside and answer. Do you believe that Mech mags can compete?

12-19-2005, 11:19 AM
Compete where? Rate of fire of the new supermarkers (unless we are talking something special like an X / Devil)? Efficiency of a Viking? For a mechanical marker I think they are the best out there, at least readily available. In the world of electros I think there are better markers. I could use a mechanical mag and have minimal influence on the type of game I play, considering how much I shoot. My back players could not.

The Action Figure
12-19-2005, 11:28 AM
I mean in any tournament. Are you saying it depends on your job on the field. would you agree with me in saying that your mag would be better for anything than say a shocker. I guess what im asking is where are mags place in paintball

12-19-2005, 11:35 AM
I wouldnt second guess my self in using my dragun-mag or my emag in a tournament. I am looking at it like lohman is as being a front man. I have the speed if I need it and when I dont I have a very reliable and light marker. Mags have a certain place for certain people, just like every other marker. Its not a matter of if a marker can perform in a tournament, its a matter of how you perform with the marker.

12-19-2005, 11:36 AM
I mean in any tournament. Are you saying it depends on your job on the field. would you agree with me in saying that your mag would be better for anything than say a shocker. I guess what im asking is where are mags place in paintball

My Devilmag when I had it was as suited to play as a Shocker / Matrix or any other high end super marker out there.

When I play speedball, and yes I compete in tournaments, I go out with a 45/45 tank on my Matrix. I carry two pods and a hopper full. I seldom go through it. I tend to fire three shots at a time at exposed targets only with little to no laning or shooting of bunkers for cover purposes. A mag would be fine in my hands, for what I do on the field. My backplayers who fire 15BPS, rely on ramping when allowed, and pod often would not find the mag suitable to them. For my purposes it is likely as good as my Matrix, though I like my Matrix for a proactive anti-chop system over LX.

12-19-2005, 11:38 AM
I mean in any tournament. Are you saying it depends on your job on the field. would you agree with me in saying that your mag would be better for anything than say a shocker. I guess what im asking is where are mags place in paintball

no marker is better at everything then any other marker. A backman doesnt care about weight as much as a front man and doesnt need manuver as much, but needs to shoot as fast as possible. A middle guy needs to be just as fast, but doesnt need as much extra weight, but does need to manuver very well. A front man needs the lightest total equipment and manuverability, but shooting fast isnt as important.

Then again I like to play front with my SC mag against angels and e-cockers. :D

12-19-2005, 11:44 AM
Yes, it can compete. No, its not the bleeding edge of tech.

/has Dmag as well

The Action Figure
12-19-2005, 11:51 AM
I definantly know what yall are talking about, but I play front and i would have rather had my old angel than a mech mag.

12-19-2005, 11:53 AM
I definantly know what yall are talking about, but I play front and i would have rather had my old angel than a mech mag.

Sure, I'd rather have my Matrix than a mech mag, and thats why I do. But I could do it with minimal difference with a mech mag regardless.

12-19-2005, 11:57 AM
Im on a tournament team and do serveral tournaments in which I use my E-Mag, does fine(By the way i play front) I think they can compete!

12-19-2005, 12:03 PM
Technology wise no, an agd mag cannot. Only custom mags have the needed modes to compete in certain events. They can hold up fine in other tournies though. Can you use mags and win....yes......but then again you can use 1999 spyder compact and win if you have the right guys on the team. There is no right answer for this and it is brought up in every gun forum.

12-19-2005, 12:28 PM
the real question is can YOU compete :ninja:

12-19-2005, 12:57 PM
I believe that a mech mag can compete if it set up properly, LVL 10, xvalve, and either a very well tuned ULT or a pneuframe. but thats just me

12-19-2005, 01:37 PM
I believe that a mech mag can compete if it set up properly, LVL 10, xvalve, and either a very well tuned ULT or a pneuframe. but thats just me

Not on the national level.

The only mags that can compete on a high tournament level is a well-tuned and upgraded X-mag, or a very upgraded E-mag, or a devilmag.

Speed is king, and you must be able to set ramping modes.

12-19-2005, 01:39 PM
as long as you can control the rate of fire as determined by the rules of play you would have no issues running a mag at any tounament..

12-19-2005, 01:40 PM
Not on the national level.

The only mags that can compete on a high tournament level is a well-tuned and upgraded X-mag, or a very upgraded E-mag, or a devilmag.

Speed is king, and you must be able to set ramping modes.

I think that may be true in the top division, but 90% of us don't play there. Face it, in the rest of the divisions there are far greater areas we could address than our marker, all of the skill based.

12-19-2005, 02:39 PM
I have only one name to say to make my point :


The Action Figure
12-19-2005, 02:56 PM
the real question is can YOU compete :ninja:

prolly not :) but seriously

Baby Huey
12-19-2005, 03:28 PM
I dont think they can compete in most novice and up tournys. But like the post above, I would take one of my teammates with my mag over some of the kids I see with the$1,400 guns. Every gun has its place. I have 2 shockers for tournys and an RPG paradigm for scenerios when it rains and when it gets dark.. Like a mechanic or carpenter, you need the right tool for the job. Merry Christmas and God Bless.

Cow hunter
12-19-2005, 03:39 PM
mags definetly can compete....... i mean why not? they're light(for the most part) fast, accurate and reliable....... just yesterday when i went paintballin i was truly amazed to fin that 2 other people had mags there..... a solid chrome minimag and a X valved mag.... the ref didnt care if he cheated so he used his X-valved sear modded mag and hit 27bps on a single trigger frame..... if theres any other gun that can do that please tell me...... then there was how comfy my newly acquired Z-grip was, thats special for mags too....... like a couple people mentioned its all about what the player wants from his marker

12-19-2005, 03:51 PM
the ref didnt care if he cheated so he used his X-valved sear modded mag and hit 27bps on a single trigger frame

Key words.

12-19-2005, 04:16 PM
the ref didnt care if he cheated so he used his X-valved sear modded mag and hit 27bps on a single trigger frame..... if theres any other gun that can do that please tell me......

well heck, if your allowed to cheat, then most high end electros out today could shoot 20+ with a single finger trigger. I dont see that as a vadil argument for mags in tournaments.

Anyway, i really feel that it depends on your level of play. I have used mech mags in local 3 man events, and won. But, i wouldnt feel comfortable busting one out at a PSP event (not to say you couldnt, but, i just dont think it would serve you as well as a high end electro in that situation).

12-19-2005, 04:17 PM
And exactly what hopper was he using when he hit this...27bps?


12-19-2005, 04:32 PM
And exactly what hopper was he using when he hit this...27bps?


rock and cock style horizontal feed, it was chroned by the newest technology, the the oscoearascope chronograph as well. :D

Cow hunter
12-19-2005, 04:32 PM
looked to be a halo.... said it was a halo b with rip and v35 victory board or somthing like that..... now that i think about it it would be pretty hard to hit that..... oh well..... somtimes i don't think......

12-19-2005, 05:01 PM
I don't think a mech mag can compete on the tournament level, but an Xmag or Dmag can.

sol tank
12-19-2005, 05:12 PM
i think any mag except the classic valved ones can compete. My mech mag shoots as fast as i fan my fingers on the trigger which makes me happy, and how i kno i will never have to worry about my mag dieing on the field, even after 10 years. Plus, the mag is very versatile. Just put new lowers on it and you got an electro! The mag can be made to fit anyone standards*except for not being LP*

12-19-2005, 05:16 PM
my hypermag will compete just fine drew. In any case, mags will do just fine. Why ask? its more the player than the gun. Ive seen paintmagnet take out dm5 shootin ppl with a nelspot pump chrono'n 240.

12-19-2005, 08:27 PM
"my hypermag will compete just fine drew. In any case, mags will do just fine. Why ask? its more the player than the gun. Ive seen paintmagnet take out dm5 shootin ppl with a nelspot pump chrono'n 240."

I have seen people with a barrel go and take out players by tagging them...no marker in hand. It certainly doesn't mean it would work every game.

"The only mags that can compete on a high tournament level is a well-tuned and upgraded X-mag, or a very upgraded E-mag, or a devilmag."

So is there some difference other than milling between an X and E mag that I am not aware of?

"the ref didnt care if he cheated so he used his X-valved sear modded mag and hit 27bps on a single trigger frame..... "

Calling BS on that one

" Honestly do you believe that mags can compete?"

I believe that when in Rome do as the Romans do.
I wouldn't take out a mag at a real national tourney and try to compete. Could I make eliminations? Sure. Could I compete? Sure. Would I be at a major disadvantage against the rest of the field? Absolutely.

I regularly pull out a warped mech mag for practices and such, but for the sake of my team I wouldn't put them in that situation during competition.

12-19-2005, 08:36 PM
I love my mag for the rec level. No gun can beat it for its durability, lightness, quick ability for snap shooting adn mech anti-chop system. Even when im playing against shockers and older angels i can still compete. its when im the only guy with a mech gun on the field and everyones playing with shockers/angels and using them to the full extent. still i do my best and i only buy new guns when ive outgrown what im using. ill most likely always keep my mag cause i love it for my style but eventually ill pick up a matrix or something alike. the most important thing is that your gun will not make you better, your the one handling it.

Scott Hudnall
12-19-2005, 08:37 PM
for most local, novice and up tournaments, a well set up mag (whether AIR or Xvalved) in the hands of a good players can definitely compete. On the higher level tournaments, would have a disadvantage in regards to ROF, but that's it.

What I've certainly observed is that once the initial "laning" has died down, the ROF isn't so much of an issue. It tends to level out once the game gets going. Admittedly, I'm not playing NPPL or Xball, but then again, neither is 99 percent of paintballers out there.

Have a Merry Christmas. Just have fun with your 'mag and don't worry about this crazy talk.

12-19-2005, 08:42 PM
I don't think a mech mag can compete on the tournament level, but an Xmag or Dmag can.

OMG, everyone shuttup. I think he just pseudo-defended mags...

He's right tho. An electro is an electro. It just depends on what board you have. The basic platform of an RT/X-valved mag has the ability to shoot fast and consistantly. As long as you make it electro with a decent board, it will be able to meet that.

On the local tourny level, you should be fine with any sort of electro mag. As a frontman, a mech would not put you at a serious disadvantage. As a backman you wouldn't want a mech of any kind. Unless it's a pneu-framed gun.

12-19-2005, 09:45 PM
It's not always about what can be used in a tourney, there are plenty of A-5's out there and I wouldn't play a tourney with one, but I'd shoot my friends with it.

12-19-2005, 10:08 PM
Can mags compete with the markers in tounries today? No.

12-19-2005, 10:12 PM
I think that may be true in the top division, but 90% of us don't play there. Face it, in the rest of the divisions there are far greater areas we could address than our marker, all of the skill based.

Good post Lohman446...

I dare say that 90% of paintballers don't even participate at any level of tournament play. I believe that AGD realized they were marketing to a minority and changed gears accordingly. Wise decision? Only history will tell the tale.

Now if the recreational players would only realize that they don't need anything close to top level tournament level equipment and focus on having fun, all of us would be better off.

Mechanical 'Mags at top level tournaments? I don't believe anything short of the RT Pro could really be competitive. Not even sure if the RT would be competitive since my knowledge of tournament play is pretty much zilch.

However, this rec player's Classic 'Mag will have to be pulled from my cold dead fingers before being left to my heirs! :D

12-19-2005, 10:47 PM
i say eff the competition... mags are quality products. in my opinion the BEST semi-auto markers and they are great electric markers. shockers and all the other guns are sweet, but i will be a mag owner forever. :headbang:

12-19-2005, 11:00 PM
I have a mech mag.. and i compete. :D So of course they can!

12-19-2005, 11:08 PM
emags compete with any gun up there in semi only tournaments, especially in connecticut where everyone thinks they're modified shockers :tard:

The Action Figure
12-19-2005, 11:09 PM
my hypermag will compete just fine drew. In any case, mags will do just fine. Why ask? its more the player than the gun. Ive seen paintmagnet take out dm5 shootin ppl with a nelspot pump chrono'n 240.

yeah ummm is a hypermag mech? No. and Daniel is pretty good anyway and the little kids at upstate suck so... but could he compete with a pump at 240 at the national level? No. also im sure he had teammates backing him up

12-19-2005, 11:13 PM
I actually recently played a tournament with my classic valved micro. It was a 5man, and 15bps ramping was allowed. I had the slowest gun there, but easily kept up. :p

I forgot to add that.

12-19-2005, 11:14 PM
In a word..... Yep, being that most of us will never be on the field starting down Oliver Lang. You can compete with anything. I saw a guy in the finals this last season playing with an bone stock A5. I thougfht it was a joke untill I realized that his team took first. He thought his primary guns board shorted out in the second game of the day ( he put in a "new" dead battery).

12-19-2005, 11:24 PM
The only mags that can compete on a high tournament level is a well-tuned and upgraded X-mag, or a very upgraded E-mag, or a devilmag.

Speed is king, and you must be able to set ramping modes.Right. And even the NPPL still does not allow ramping. Ohhhhh--- woooo--- My X-Mag can't ramp... In any tournament, where ramping is not allowed, I can compete just as well as anyone else. I love it. X-Mags are from 2003 correct? OH GOSH! How can you be using something from 2003? Anyone bother to tell every Shocker sporting team they marker has changed since 2003? Actually my bad-- 'Milled' bodies add 7bps and +1 bps for every added model year.

I still say once you get into true high end markers, it falls to personal preference.
Says the man with a Tadaoed Viking sitting in his gearbag.

SuiciDal Sn Y p ER
12-19-2005, 11:26 PM
too lazy to go through all the pages of this thread, but yes, mags can still compete :) might be a bit harder playing against some other markers out there but they still get the job done

12-19-2005, 11:29 PM
At the last tournament I went to, the 1st place team had a few different mech guns. Their back player had an Ion, and front players had a Classic mag with a Logic mech frame, and the other had a mech cocker. So, mech mags can.

And we know X-Mags and E-Mags can. I mow muppets with mine :shooting:

12-19-2005, 11:30 PM
I'd say a ult mag in any semi only tourney can compete, and an e mag defineately. If ramping's allowed that's a whole different story.

sol tank
12-20-2005, 01:55 AM
I';ve watched TIppmann effect roll over the competition at tournies with A-5's and 98C's. Since when was it that who ever had the fastest shooting gun is best?

The Action Figure
12-20-2005, 12:12 PM
ok have you seen the boards in tippmann effect's guns? and ive played against trix's and shockers with mech cockers (which i find faster than mags, but cockers are far to complex) but i would never go into even a novice tournament with one.

12-20-2005, 12:27 PM
In a competitive game, I want the marker that is reliable, fast shooting and can lay streams if need be.

Given equal players I am going to want the guy with the Viking as opposed to the guy with the MicroRT.


12-20-2005, 01:02 PM
Speed is king, and you must be able to set ramping modes.

Funny, I've played on a national level without setting ramping modes on my Proto (stock board).

/Maybe thats why we lost?
//Ehh, probably not.

12-20-2005, 01:21 PM
Right. And even the NPPL still does not allow ramping. Ohhhhh--- woooo--- My X-Mag can't ramp... In any tournament, where ramping is not allowed, I can compete just as well as anyone else. I love it. X-Mags are from 2003 correct? OH GOSH! How can you be using something from 2003? Anyone bother to tell every Shocker sporting team they marker has changed since 2003? Actually my bad-- 'Milled' bodies add 7bps and +1 bps for every added model year.

I still say once you get into true high end markers, it falls to personal preference.
Says the man with a Tadaoed Viking sitting in his gearbag.

Your jackass sarcasm is appreciated.

Well, not really.

I could have sworn I said Xmags can compete. Fast software and a good trigger job will go a long ways with those.

I think that may be true in the top division, but 90% of us don't play there. Face it, in the rest of the divisions there are far greater areas we could address than our marker, all of the skill based.

You are so, so right when you say there's other areas we need to address besides the marker we use.

But the fact of the matter is, if you don't have a marker that is quite as well suited to the game as your opponent.... that's a disadvantage. Maybe not a big one, but it's there. And I disagree somewhat about the top division statement... it makes a difference no matter where you play. If you're more of a recballer you probably shouldn't care about that kind of stuff, but even if you're a D2 player I'd consider getting the nicest gun you can.

So yes, you can compete with some mags, but why would you willingly put a small disadvantage upon yourself? I personally take every advantage I can, and most mags aren't as good at the tournament level as what you can buy these days.

So yes, there's plenty of other stuff people need to work on MORE than deciding whether they should trade their E-mag for a Timmy... but it is still an area where you can get an edge on the competition if you've got a nicer setup than them.

The Action Figure
12-20-2005, 01:22 PM
what national level have you played on?

12-20-2005, 01:24 PM
The field I frequent discourages ramping. On straight semi, there is really no firepower difference from any other gun. A buddy of mine was using an Ego and when we both covered a lane we both shot about equally fast and both dumped a full Halo at about the same time.

If TAG ever gets the Predators out for the emag it will really level the field in regards to firepower. I would see no reason that you wouldnt be able to use a Predatored emag competatively unless you are stuck on using a 45/45 tank or have something against the rechargable battery.

12-20-2005, 01:27 PM
what national level have you played on?

Owners group (doesn't count) PSP Chicago, and frankly some of the teams I played against when I travelled to a "local" Indianna event were as good or better than the teams I played against in PSP.

12-20-2005, 01:38 PM
I don't have a lot of national experience if you were asking me... PSP, some world cup, NCPA, etc. I practice with D1 and D2 players, but never played on any real good teams besides a really good local team.

All I'm saying is that it is an advantage, however slight, and I'll take whatever I can get. That's kinda hard to disagree with.

And please note, I did say that with the right upgrades and/or modifications E-mags and X-mags can compete.

BigEvil, my fields encourage ramping... there's a lot of very good D2 players (and a couple D1) around here who play PSP so we practice with ramping. So ramping is kinda important to have over here.

12-20-2005, 03:11 PM
My back players will always run electros, unless it is a mech or pump only tourney. Otherwise the mid, tape, fronts can run whatever the hell they want. I dont care as long as their first 3 shots land their mark.

FYI the only upgrade an emag needs from 2001 is 3.2 and an LvlX. That is what I would call a hell of an investment to be compatitve for nearly 6 years with the same gun. On the mech side there really is no difference bewteen a classic and a tourney legal RT. In essence your back players could be playing with 6 year old tech and your front guys could be running 15 year old setups and your team, all skills being equal, would be just as good today as they were then.

There are very few guns that can do that.

sol tank
12-20-2005, 03:18 PM
ok have you seen the boards in tippmann effect's guns? and ive played against trix's and shockers with mech cockers (which i find faster than mags, but cockers are far to complex) but i would never go into even a novice tournament with one.

doesnt matter. that just makes their guns a bit more proficient. The cyclone feed is capped at 15bps...

The Action Figure
12-20-2005, 03:21 PM
Owners group (doesn't count) PSP Chicago, and frankly some of the teams I played against when I travelled to a "local" Indianna event were as good or better than the teams I played against in PSP.

entering 1 national level tournament when its local doesnt count either id enter a national level event if one came within 6 hours of greenville

The Action Figure
12-20-2005, 03:23 PM
doesnt matter. that just makes their guns a bit more proficient. The cyclone feed is capped at 15bps...

oh wait what the bps cap in most tournys?

Im all for mags and I hope they do succeed, but seriously

12-20-2005, 04:08 PM
entering 1 national level tournament when its local doesnt count either id enter a national level event if one came within 6 hours of greenville

So you're an expert and your opinion counts more? Until you have a top-notch player go out in the situation with a mag and then say it cannot compete it is really speculation isn't it?
I gave you my opinion, with reasoning behind it, and explained the reasoning. Disagree fine, but you surely did not ask "Can mags compete on the top national level?"

12-20-2005, 04:23 PM
considering most tournaments have a 15 bps cap, why does everyone say a electronic automag can not compete? The original question was mags in general and a majority of the people saying that mags can not compete are using mech mags as an excuse. Give a electro mag a try. ;)

12-20-2005, 04:25 PM
Top national level with a mech mag? No. X or Dmag? Sure, probably. I used to play NPPL before the splitup, I went all over the US for it.

12-20-2005, 05:57 PM
I guess it comes down to what level again. It seemed to me at the level of OG Mags and Rainmakers competed favorably with Shockers and Matrix

/Matrix, matrixi, matrixs, matrixes, matri, uhh :confused: :confused: :confused:

12-20-2005, 06:13 PM
I guess it comes down to what level again. It seemed to me at the level of OG Mags and Rainmakers competed favorably with Shockers and Matrix

/Matrix, matrixi, matrixs, matrixes, matri, uhh :confused: :confused: :confused:
Matrices. :)

The Action Figure
12-20-2005, 07:20 PM
I guess it comes down to what level again. It seemed to me at the level of OG Mags and Rainmakers competed favorably with Shockers and Matrix

/Matrix, matrixi, matrixs, matrixes, matri, uhh :confused: :confused: :confused:

I meant no offense by my comments, looking back it seemed like i was attacking you personally. when I made this thread i meant can mags compete in tournaments, but now the more resonable question is if mags can compete in national level tournaments

12-20-2005, 07:21 PM
I meant no offense by my comments, looking back it seemed like i was attacking you personally. when I made this thread i meant can mags compete in tournaments, but now the more resonable question is if mags can compete in national level tournaments

At the top level of skill, Dynasty, RL, etc. the players may find themselves to outclass the marker. I don't think it happens elsewhere.

12-20-2005, 07:43 PM
The OG is not a serious tournament though in the normal sense.

The Rainmakers were shooting one rainmaker at the end and AO was sporting probably the best player.

Did the teams try to win sure! Did they care if they lost? Well one person did but other than him most everybody was laid back.


12-20-2005, 08:03 PM
one word...t.a.g. thats all we need, a predator electro mag, wether it be an e/x mag, spyder mag..tboard??...or locics new e frame...ya a mag can still own...a mech can own, an eclectro can own, but can you own??? its up to you, luke is in the process of tryin to mass produce spyermag frames..wich opens up alot..micro switches..t boards..eyes..ramping chip..if you want to ramp..go for it..some kid was dissing my emags battery, i said ok watch this, took off battery and ran it as a mech, lol he jaw dropped..when i took him out, lol ya a mag can own..

12-20-2005, 08:06 PM
.. and AO was sporting probably the best player.


Who was that?? LOL

12-20-2005, 08:14 PM
one word...t.a.g...And I'm guessing the Emag board will be released February 30th, right after pigs fly and hell freezes over.

The Action Figure
12-20-2005, 08:24 PM
At the top level of skill, Dynasty, RL, etc. the players may find themselves to outclass the marker. I don't think it happens elsewhere.

so you think that teams like xsf, diesel (vicious), gridlock, LTZ would dare step out on the field with a mech mag?

12-20-2005, 08:28 PM
so you think that teams like xsf, diesel (vicious), gridlock, LTZ would dare step out on the field with a mech mag?
Isn't it XSV? Or is there an XSF too? I seem to remember an XSF in some 720 Video...........

12-20-2005, 08:29 PM
so you think that teams like xsf, diesel (vicious), gridlock, LTZ would dare step out on the field with a mech mag?

One or two front players... maybe. I don't think there would be much of a competetive disadvantage if they did.

12-20-2005, 08:40 PM
until recently, my SFL was my main tourney gun, 3.2 software, had no problems keeping up/dominating others. I recently picked up a PM6, funny how the guns happen to line up exactly(tip of barrel, end of tank, trigger all in same configuration) i have no problems using my mag in place of the proto. the only time i find a "disadvantage" is when im playing in tourneys allowing ramping. i dont even have ramp on my proto though.(not yet anyway, UL on the way) but the only disadvantage came from not being able to send constant streams of paint out. i could snap better than the other players, and had no problem out gunning them.

Yes, i have a predator board ordered and plan on using the ramping when i can.

Yes, mags can compete, i dont run any faster/shoot any better with a heavier/lighter gun. and thats really the only small difference between my guns.

ive even played tourneys with non-bouncing mech mags and had no problem....really like pulling them out in tourney which allow ramp, cause mech bounce is allowed....22bps here i come


12-20-2005, 08:42 PM
Isn't it XSV? Or is there an XSF too? I seem to remember an XSF in some 720 Video...........

I dont remember any XSF's either but...the F key is near the V key on the keyboard, accidents happen. But anyways mags can compete at any level, its just whose using teh gun. And mags are a little expensive when you get to the point of upgrading as far as were talking;eyes, predatored etc. You could get something much cheaper that does tye same thing. Then again mags are unique.

12-20-2005, 09:00 PM
I play corner on my local team, and i flat out could not do my job effectively with a *legal* mechanical mag. electro, yea. Thats why im building one :D

12-20-2005, 09:14 PM
yes definately
if you want ramp get a spydermag and slap a t board with a ramp chip in it soon too have a xball legal and psp chip from what i hear. slap it on rouges paradigm pro and rip to hell {this is what i plan on}

a guy with game can use a mech mag in nppl, remeber some nppl guys get owned by pump players in some rec games.

its as always more of a question of if you got the guts to use it or the skill

The Action Figure
12-20-2005, 10:04 PM
Isn't it XSV? Or is there an XSF too? I seem to remember an XSF in some 720 Video...........

XSV stands for excessive, xsf is extreme sports factory amatuer team out of SC that shoot shockers won alot of big name tourneys this year and last. just making a point that its not only pro players