View Full Version : Got bored....

12-20-2005, 01:19 AM
Chris and I got bored....again, and had a spare RT rale to victimize. We did this all with a dremel and grinding wheel, its not finnished being polished yet, but check it out:


12-20-2005, 01:20 AM
wow, have fun trying to adjust velocity without the valve unscrewing

12-20-2005, 01:22 AM
Not too seem mean or defensive, but....

wow, that was easy...not so much fun though....

12-20-2005, 01:24 AM
The back end of the gun is usually regarded as slightly important to the gun's operation

12-20-2005, 01:28 AM
You're completely correct. I don't see how this has anything to do with the topic at hand though.

In case anyone is wondering, we have it aired up and working right now.

12-20-2005, 07:43 AM
I thought the reason the rail is so long was to hold the back end of the valve in.. thats why that funky little groove is in the back of the rail. Without that piece of the rail you risk the rearend of the valve coming undone while its aired up.

12-20-2005, 11:20 AM


12-20-2005, 02:23 PM
actually...the back end of the valve (the reg) is held on by threading!?!?!?! :tard:

12-20-2005, 02:26 PM
actually...the back end of the valve (the reg) is held on by threading!?!?!?! :tard:

And a pin that keeps it from unthreading (goes into the groove on the rail). Further because that groove has a "Z" in it it serves as a second catch to keep the valve from coming off.

12-20-2005, 04:33 PM
Hmmm, yeah, the back of the rail was there for a reason. But, besides the possability of the valve coming unscrewed when adjusting the velocity, I don't think anything bad will happen. The SFL doesn't have the Z groove. I don't think the X does either.

Scott Hudnall
12-20-2005, 04:38 PM
Uhm......should your field strip screw break (which they are prone to do.....I've seen several break in the middle of a game, include mine), then you will have a ROCKET coming out of the back of that gun as the valve separates from the rest of the 'mag. The grooves in the rail are meant to be a safety mechanism to keep the valve from shooting out the back of the gun if/when the field strip screw breaks.

12-20-2005, 04:46 PM
It isn't something that either of us were planning on playing with, but I do sincerely appreciate your deep concern for our safety.

12-20-2005, 08:43 PM
i think it looks pretty nice personally.

i wouldnt worry about the reg unthreading as it goes on damn tight, and although ive never seen a field strip screw shear, i spose it could happen. think the screw is stainless isnt it? dont know what youd have to do abuse wise to shear that thing off and rocket yer valve out


obv, the z groove was a smart "save yer butt from a possible freak incident injury lawsuit" move on agd's part :) companies need to protect themselves where they can

tom could probably tell you the probability of those circumstances occuring depending on wind direction and the air-speed velocity of an unladen swallow.

African or european you ask? don't know that....wraaaaghhh!

whoops got off topic there, chuckle

12-20-2005, 10:53 PM
Are you suggesting that coconuts migrate? And who ever heard of field strip screws breaking? Honestly, can an old hag walk through the streets anymore without being heckled about a shrubbery?

Seriously though, I don't know how you can get a fs screw to snap lol. That setup should be just fine.

12-20-2005, 11:08 PM
I can tell you from servicing hundreds of Mags that it's not un common at all for the field strip screw to snap right at the valve body.

12-20-2005, 11:09 PM
getting popped in the face by a valve at 850+ psi would definitely wake your butt up!

12-20-2005, 11:36 PM
yeah....cause i tend to sleep while playing paintball....you know. :clap:

good ref....yes , all of them!

12-20-2005, 11:37 PM
do people really send you their mag just b/c they broke their field strip screws? :rolleyes:

12-20-2005, 11:38 PM
Perhaps if two swallows with a bit...ah screw it I can't remember how it goes.

Geoff Call
12-21-2005, 12:06 AM
I've seen the field strip screw sheer. In fact I do belive the valve is sitting on my bosses desk right now. Not a pretty sight and rather disheartening to see a valve completely disabled.

Secondly... "What is your favorite color?"

12-21-2005, 12:43 AM
do people really send you their mag just b/c they broke their field strip screws? :rolleyes:

I wouldn't want to be responsible for messing up a perfectly good valve just because I couldn't get the top half of a screw out of it.

12-21-2005, 02:01 AM
Hmmm, yeah, the back of the rail was there for a reason. But, besides the possability of the valve coming unscrewed when adjusting the velocity, I don't think anything bad will happen. The SFL doesn't have the Z groove. I don't think the X does either.

My Xmag does not have the Z groove. When the field strip screw is removed the valve slides straight out. Is this going to turn into another Pinto exploding gas tank kind of thing? ;)

12-21-2005, 08:26 AM
do people really send you their mag just b/c they broke their field strip screws? :rolleyes:

Alot of people don't know how to extract a screw broken off flush in a surface...or they're afraid to damage the valve trying to get it out...or there's just enough of the screw protruding making the valve 'seem' stuck even though the 'think' they removed the field strip screw...or...thats just a completely moot point in regards to the fact that the field strip screw is prone to breaking due to the fact that it is 'the' common stress point during the firing of the marker , it's only made out of stainless steel (weak screw metal) and IS the screw MOST likey to fatigue in the whpole marker over time.

:rolleyes: < what ever that was for.

12-21-2005, 08:32 AM
Alot of people don't know how to extract a screw broken off flush in a surface...or they're afraid to damage the valve trying to get it out...or there's just enough of the screw protruding making the valve 'seem' stuck even though the 'think' they removed the field strip screw...or...thats just a completely moot point in regards to the fact that the field strip screw is prone to breaking due to the fact that it is 'the' common stress point during the firing of the marker , it's only made out of stainless steel (weak screw metal) and IS the screw MOST likey to fatigue in the whpole marker over time.

:rolleyes: < what ever that was for.

So I guess it is a good idea to periodically replace your field strip screw then?

12-21-2005, 08:40 AM
So I guess it is a good idea to periodically replace your field strip screw then?

It's not a bad idea depending on how often you remove and replace and/or whether you like to use an allen wrench to snug it up (some Mags function better that way) . I always have extras with me.

12-21-2005, 01:53 PM
oh ic

12-21-2005, 02:32 PM
oh ic


12-21-2005, 03:54 PM

12-21-2005, 04:03 PM
that's disturbing

12-21-2005, 05:32 PM
rare breed?

12-21-2005, 06:30 PM
wow,....some things are not good to see in certain states of mind (owlcats)

as for the rail....i think you could go smaller .... ;) ... :ninja:

12-21-2005, 07:22 PM
i like the way you think! :clap:

12-23-2005, 03:24 PM
ok, heres a little question just because I don't know all that much about the subject....

...now, if you were to break the end of a high pressure tank off thats filled nicely, i can imagine thats alot of pressure released all at once and it would rocket theoretically.

now, take that same high pressure but only in the volume thats held in the reg/air chamber. with having no knowledge in this area, i would assume that the pressure would quickly blow the valve off the back of the gun from the air line flexing, but the valve is attached by the air feed line. i would imagine that the pressure once off the rail, would blow the on off valve out of the valve body. i dont see the valve rocketing anywhere, but it might snake a bit under the pressure untill you shut down the tank.
anyways, just random musings without really knowin the science to it all. I guess i dont see any real major issues even if a screw did shear off. i kinda like the rail job

12-23-2005, 06:32 PM
like ramen said...this is not intended to be used....although right now i am working on a design for a rail somewhat like this except with the z groove part left on and as much cut out as possible. i will post pics in a new thread when it is finished.

12-23-2005, 07:02 PM
Dude! I like that "meowl".

12-23-2005, 07:19 PM
i like that rail, its really kewl, are you by chance going to get it annd?

12-23-2005, 08:55 PM
well.....i dunno, it needs a quite a bit of work before anyone would even consider anno....prolly not this one but the next one. I'll post my ideas in a couple of hours.

12-23-2005, 09:22 PM
How much does it weigh? I'm always interested in seeing really light 'mag parts...

12-23-2005, 09:33 PM
Hmmm, yeah, the back of the rail was there for a reason. But, besides the possability of the valve coming unscrewed when adjusting the velocity, I don't think anything bad will happen. The SFL doesn't have the Z groove. I don't think the X does either.

the sfl does have a set screw and a small indentation to prevent the valve from turning while velocity addjusting, and i thought the x had a z lock style mechanism, guess not!

12-23-2005, 10:14 PM
http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a238/Chris_automag_07/P1010191.jpg :D

anyway....it weighs in at about 1 1/2 pounds...with the x valve and ule body.....sadly enough witht he classic body and the classic valve it weighs over 2 pounds. i have rough designs done to scale and everything but kinda shabby looking. ill post them in a sec

12-23-2005, 10:39 PM


this is what i was thinking.......it might be a little difficult.(one of my friends has a mill :rolleyes: ) what do ya think? oh, it will be done with a classic rail if you were wondering.

12-23-2005, 11:47 PM
Looks cool, give us pics when its done. You could put some diagonal slots in the back of the rail like on the older winged rogue rails or the thrasher rail to make it look cooler.

12-24-2005, 12:17 AM
i will probably do something cosmetic to the outside....just havn't decided what yet
oh btw...the white outline around the draft is where the actuall classic rail's lines are at.

12-24-2005, 03:28 PM
That's so cute how you traced it!

12-24-2005, 04:44 PM
hey ...gotta start somewhere.

12-24-2005, 04:45 PM
btw...ramen...we have to go to this certain friends house and ......um well, force him to let us use it ;)

12-24-2005, 05:30 PM
Yeah, definitely.