View Full Version : Really wish I could play paintball... right now!

12-11-2001, 01:04 AM
This may be a little off topic, but here goes.

[pointless pseudo-rant about nothing]

Everytime I think about paintball, and can't play... I go online. I look around at all the stores, all the classifieds and all of the forums.

I think this is the reason I spend so much money on paintball. My inner capitalist just wants to buy buy buy. I think if I got to play more, I'd spend less on it.

I think this is why so many owners of so many different kinds of markers spend so much money just making it up to date with the style, and color coordinated and everything. We see other peoples' really nice stuff and want it soooo bad.

When I'm at a field I barely notice what other people have, and they don't seem to notice what I have either (except for the warp)

I guess this post is kind of pointless...
but try to notice if you are spending too much time longing to get your cocker milled, or that new $1700 angel. Just remember how much fun you had playing last thursday with the marker you have now.

[/pointless pseudo-rant about nothing]


12-11-2001, 01:24 AM

[random rant]

I didn't play paintball last saturday so why do you ask? I mean, what's with that? It's not like I can go the field every week like you do.
I live on these forums because I can't play. You might ask "Why can you play?". I'm not allowed to. What is so bad about paintball? Nothing! It's so simple and yet everyone looks down upon it! Some even say nerf, water, and BB guns are better than paintball guns! What's the point in that, to show someone that you are a complete idiot?
I like "window" shopping for paintball stuff because it's almost as close as I can get during those 3 months of paintballessness.
People need to think more about paintball! I mean it's not called paint-kill or anything! This game is as harmful as eating crackers in your kitchen while walking! Choming down on those goldfish of yours would be almost more dangerous than playing paintball! What is with that? I mean, golfish crackers for crying out loud! Little orange, cheese flavored crackers can hurt you worse than a paintball!

JEEZ, what is with the world these days?

[/random rant]

12-11-2001, 01:54 AM
I'm 24 years old and I feel just like deded..except i ordered all the parts to put together the minimag of my dreams..and i'm just sitting here waiting..and hoping that all the parts get here in time so that i can play this weekend..waiting sucks...

12-11-2001, 02:00 AM
Originally posted by DiRTyBuNNy
I'm 24 years old and I feel just like deded..except i ordered all the parts to put together the minimag of my dreams..and i'm just sitting here waiting..and hoping that all the parts get here in time so that i can play this weekend..waiting sucks...

I feel ya... I have to wait 3 months between trips to a paintball field... and pm me so you can write a letter to my parents

12-11-2001, 02:08 AM
With the new iZ-Grips coming in the not too far off future i've decided to build another minimag just for those...I may just mount a stock trigger frame on it for the time being but oh well...