View Full Version : Question re Freak Barrel System

12-21-2005, 12:37 PM
I know how the system works, and have seen them around, though never really looked closely at it. Now, I have found what I think to be a pretty good deal on a set. What I'm not clear on, and the seller wasn't too helpful about is the length. He says he has a 16" & 10" front. With a Cocker threaded back, how long is the total barrel? I usually use 8-10" barrels, and 16" seems silly long. He also says he has 6 inserts. What 6 do I need? He hasn't answered which ones they are either. The guy is local, so I will be meeting before I buy.


12-21-2005, 12:50 PM
When he says he's got a 16" and 10" front he means that the total length with be 16" or 10" with those fronts. 16" barrels are nice for being able to "work" bunkers or to stick through bushes etc. I use either 14" or 16" depending on the type of play.

The three most inportant inserts (to me anyway) are .687, .689, .693. These should cover most paint. Having the biggest (.697) is also nice for really humid days.

The Action Figure
12-21-2005, 12:57 PM
yeah he just gave a perfect definition to the freak barrel system

12-21-2005, 01:10 PM
So how long is the back? And, a weird thought, how does it work w/out the tips?

Seems odd calling them tips if they make up most of the length.


12-21-2005, 01:42 PM
The back is somewhere in the neighborhood of 6" (I'm entirely without a ruler so I can't measure mine lol), it's basically the same length as the Freak inserts or a DYE Boomstick back. THe barrel itself won't work without the tips as they are necesary to keep the insert in place, otherwise they'd just get blown out of the barrel back.

Officially the "tips" are called "fronts". Though the implication of tip being that its the "front tip" of the barrel. A note, All American fronts used in combination with a Freak yield a barrel that's half an inch shorter than advertised (so a 14" AA Front on a Freak back would yield an overall 13.5" barrel).

12-21-2005, 03:17 PM
not true they are held in by friction so it will work but terribly.

12-21-2005, 04:34 PM
As for the inserts, just get the largest one he has (the gold and the green inserts are good for firld paint). I have a whole insert kit and i only use the two aformentioned inserts (i believe .691-green & .693-gold), the others are too small for all the paint i shoot.

12-21-2005, 05:42 PM
not true they are held in by friction so it will work but terribly.

That is not true. They are "held in" by the front. You can push them out either direction. Just take a look inside the front and you'll see a sharp step. This is what the insert presses against when you screw on the front and it's what holds the insert in place.

Yes there is a lot of friction which could allow you to shoot paint for a while without the front but you'll eventually start pushing the insert out of position. Perhaps you saw one (I assume you’ve seen it) shooting without a front but if so, it was too tight. If you can shoot paint all day without using a front then amount of force needed to change the inserts would seriously risk bending one.

The need for a front is why they made the Tag front. It's really short (1" or 1.5" I believe) but still holds the insert in. Pretty foolish IMHO but hey, whatever floats your boat.

12-22-2005, 02:36 PM
Look man seriously consider a Deadlywind CF wisper barrel. I shot 200 rnds last night with my freak set 10" teardrop 12" all american & 14" all american with evil balls and the CF wisper barrel owned all of the SP tips. It was way more accurate all three of my friends did'nt think it was going to shoot that much better but it did and (IT'S SO LIGHT). We settled on a .693 insert for our test, distance was 30 yards and the milk jug was :shooting: gunned down.

12-22-2005, 04:06 PM
I know there is a Phantom barrel out there that uses the Freak inserts. That is one of the reasons when I saw a good deal I thought I'd take it. Are there any other "systems" that use the Freak inserts? Are the tips or backs inter-changeable w/ other barrel "systems"?


12-22-2005, 08:35 PM
The only Phantom barrels I know of that takes freaks are the ones that Brad at PBMaxx made. There is rumor about there being some CF/freak phantom barrels-- will have to see where that goes. :) :)

BTW a freak insert is about 5.087" long.

The 14" Wispers went really fast, And we are out of them at the moment.
still have quite a few 12" tho.
They were built with the ULE mag in mind.. they fit and work great with them. :D
Just helping to make one of the lightest setups even lighter!

12-22-2005, 08:56 PM
White Wolf Airsmithing FR-Antom II barrels

One piece phantom barrel that takes freak inserts.


Haven't shot this one but I have his single bore barrel (truth series) on my mag and it shoots pretty well, especially for the price. It breaks the occasional ball at the tip when I shoot fast but shoots through the break really nicely. Looks like he only has them in stock in black though and not too many at that. I also think that they look really cool.

12-23-2005, 12:55 AM
The only Phantom barrels I know of that takes freaks are the ones that Brad at PBMaxx made. There is rumor about there being some CF/freak phantom barrels-- will have to see where that goes. :) :)

BTW a freak insert is about 5.087" long.

The 14" Wispers went really fast, And we are out of them at the moment.
still have quite a few 12" tho.
They were built with the ULE mag in mind.. they fit and work great with them. :D
Just helping to make one of the lightest setups even lighter!

I don't doubt it, those were pretty sweet.

If you ever make a 16 incher, I will be all over it like . . . . . well, me on a twinkie. :rofl: