View Full Version : Letters

12-11-2001, 02:08 AM
Ok, this is concerning helping me get more into paintball without restriction.

My parents only let me play once very 3 months and I'm having a hard time convincing them that it isn't bad to go more and it isn't bad to buy a pb marker either.

PM me if you can write a letter addressing my parents about this issue. Please, no flames, no pranks, and most of all NO ANTHRAX( :rolleyes: )

And If you say you will do it if others do it... Raven, Cliffio, Elementelclipse, Paintballer86, Dude, and arthurdent are sending me letters.

12-11-2001, 04:44 PM

12-11-2001, 05:05 PM
Originally posted by vf-xx
Any specific angles that one should cover? I'd like to help, but I don't want to flame your parent's. Don't think that'd help much.

ne way, IF you can give me a more specific angle to cover I'd be more than happy to write up a letter for you. I'd email it to you for approval first.


Ok, cover how people would interpret what paintball is and then cover what paintball really is. Make sure to inclue solid evidence using experiences or real life examples.

12-11-2001, 05:42 PM
I'd be glad to write your parents a letter, and being around your age(15 or so) I'm sure that it would help hearing from a teen who's parents barely let me do anything tell them about why paintball is a positive influence.

12-11-2001, 06:05 PM
Originally posted by vf-xx
ok, I'll work on it either tonite or tomarrow. What is your name? I think I need it to set the proper tone for this.

PM me for the address... If you haven't asked alreaday.

12-11-2001, 06:19 PM
Dear Parents of Alex,

I have become aware of that you obviously don’t like paintball. As much as you love your son, it seems you don’t give him any say in life. Sooner or later he will be out in college and before you know it on to his own life, him looking back saying wow im so happy im gone.... the way my parents treated me was horrid. Wouldn’t you rather have your son saying, god I love my parents, they helped me when I struggled, supported me when I was down, and give me loaners when I needed money. As I can tell your son seems to be a very eager child and wants to join the paintball world. I started paintball when I was 8 years old, and went to an older friend of mind to play for his birthday. Till I was 11 I played paintball only at birthday parties because of course at the time my parents too didn’t believe I was mature enough yet alone old enough to own a paintball marker. I said whatever, sooner or later I will own one once I prove myself I am worthy to this sport. I’m now 17 years old, and I have owned many paintball markers, went through the bad and the great times of paintball and will not quit. The college that I am going to has a Paintball Club so in two years when I do go off to college I will be enjoying this sport there as well as I am now. From experience I haven’t injured myself in paintball, from my marker, from diving or sliding, nothing. Never the less have I seen any serious injuries unless you consider a twisted ankle or little bruise from sliding. And of course when a paintball hits you, it’s going to hurt, but once you feel that it’s really nothing you get use to it. For the 6 years of serious paintballing I have come to the conclusion that paintballs don’t hurt from tolerances and time, yet alone to say that they wont hurt after 2 or 3 games of your first day of play. I am sure as determined as your son is he went over and over to show you the equipment you wear which I am sure HE STRESSED that you wear a mask in which is more durable than your car door. Yet as your son posts on these boards, he goes through hell, he asks for help on whether to convince his parents that this sport is good, and from what I can see he is an honest kid and does not want to lose your respect. But from my aspect it seems that you have no respect for your son, as good parents as you may be and support him, he still needs some fun to spice up his life until he is an adult. Stories to look back at and say wow my life was great, better yet pass on this sport to his children and EVEN play it himself. This sport is very, very safe, not to mention how much exercise you get in one day compared to say a football game. Running, yet alone how much of your mind you use. In life it is said that you most likely only use 10% of your brain, well I come to notice that I think I am using 20 percent of my brain when playing. Planning, strategy, how am I going to win etc. you have to plan ahead, paintball is like chess except better because your getting in shape. Also there has been lot less injuries in paintball less than tennis, BOWLING and even shown in current studies, cheerleading. Paintball is one of the best sports there is today, and our community is one of the best, we are trying to make it better, and more public based. But by getting more members into our world, we even try to help others so they can experience what we do and to encourage their friends to join and parents. Have I yet to say that I play paintball with my father in which we have developed a great relationship. We have things to talk about etc. My dad loves paintball just as much as me...just toned down a tad. I play paintball once a month with him alone, yet to mention I play 4 times a month myself, with a team. By letting your son into the paintball community your only doing him better, and I am sure he will be safe, majestic, and a terrific paintballer. He also will be the many others "officially" involved in this sport. Unlike other sports that kids his age might be involved in (skateboarding, motocross, hockey, laccrosse etc.) Im sure he will have much more fun with this yet to mention HOW MUCH LESS injuries. I use to skateboard and do all those, as much fun as I had, I always got injured some way or another taking my play away from my sport, paintball. Now my sports are paintball and lacrosse in which I enjoy a lot.
Your son will appreciate you and your decision if it is positive. And he will be welcomed to our community and will only encounter positive achievements, and goals.

I have participated in helping your son to get into paintball. I hope you read this letter, and after talk to your son about it, instead of just turning away, your son is a person too and he should be treated with just as much respect and reverence as he gives to you. By reading this letter you will fully understand your son and what he is going through, which with this knowledge you will acquire you might have a better view of what he wants and how much he wants it.

-Vincent "Raven" Pagnotta (of AO)

12-11-2001, 06:27 PM
If you are going to send a letter please put a little more effort into the punctuation and paragraphing.

No other comment :rolleyes:


12-11-2001, 06:44 PM
find one error in there spelling/grammar and i will send you 3 dollars in the mail (seriously) be realistic and dont change the sentence around. Plus ....never mind if you werent talking about my letter (just in general)

12-11-2001, 06:49 PM
"Im sure he will have much more fun with this yet to mention HOW MUCH LESS injuries"

..........with this yet to mention less injuries.

And by the way, it is I'm or don't use contractions and simple type I am.

Now where is my 3 bucks?

12-11-2001, 06:49 PM
Foo, play this video for your parents. it is a news coverage about paintball. it brings out the good of paintball and how it is not anything violent.


12-11-2001, 06:53 PM
Raven I could drive trucks through your grammar but I won't. I think you would run out of money quite quickly :)

Your spelling isn't bad at all, but your presentation could be improved immensely by a few more paragraphs and better use of punctuation.

I didn't mean it rudely, I was trying to be constructive. People will respond better to a well spaced out and punctuated letter. I appreciate your attempt to help foo and I was just trying to help that attempt.

As a parent receiving that letter, although it has merit it wouldn't necessarily have the effect you want it to...


12-11-2001, 07:00 PM
I am have come to concern that you obviously don’t like paintball. Umm..what?

...him looking back saying wow im so happy im gone.... Should be in quotes.

god I love my parents, they helped me when I struggled, supported me when I was down, and give me loaners when I needed money Should be in quotes, and God is always capitalized.

laccrosse Only one "c".

I'm not going to mention the plethora of unused punctuation.

Keep the $3 to buy a new dictionary and thesaurus!

12-11-2001, 07:08 PM
whoa whoa whoa-one big note: Try to avoid anything that sounds like telling the parents how to parent their kid-to them, that could be extremely offensive.

What I would write would be how I got into paintball, how it is safe, no injuries, etc, and how I understand that his parents care for him and just don't want him to be hurt, but if all the safety precautions are taken(including wearing a mask or safety glasses when taking apart your mag:) ) then he should be all right...you know, that paintball is __ million strong and it is really a fun and safe sport. Try to relate to them, and yet at the same time enlighten them. I know my parents would NOT be responsive to someone writing them a letter saying they are screwing up parenting me by not letting my play.

No flame, no disrespect, just adding my humble opinion:)


Foo, something you might do is ask your parents to attend a tournament with you JUST to watch, so they can see how it all works.

12-11-2001, 07:54 PM
No local tournies until after christmas. They only problem with asking them for that is that they wouldn't go.

12-11-2001, 07:57 PM
I would like to make a suggestion. It may be more helpful if members of the forum who are parents themselves write your mom and dad rather than just younger members. You make more of a compelling argument for yourself if it came from those of us who are parents and have children playing the sport. Also, beware that your mom and dad may not appreciate people writing to them and trying to convince them that their decision about paintball is wrong.

As much as we would all like to see you have the ability to enjoy our sport more often, I don't believe it's our place to suggest to your parents that they're wrong whether we believe it or not.

As a parent I'm sorry that I can't help you by offering your parents my opinions because I don't feel it is my place to do that. Good luck and I hope it works out for you.

12-11-2001, 09:00 PM
"Also there has been lot less injuries in paintball less than tennis, BOWLING and even shown in current studies cheerleading."

I think this is a run on sentence or something, is that worth $3 ???

Seriously, though, maybe the approach here is all wrong.

One of the kids mentioned he was about the same age. Wouldn't a letter sound better coming from that guy's parents as to "why paintball is an acceptable recreational activity for their son"??? Remember, parents used to be kids who tried to talk their parents into activities too! Surely one would be glad to lend a hand.

Just a thought.

12-11-2001, 09:14 PM
Well.. Ill see if I can get my parents to write a not on the values of the sport, that it encouraged good behavior ect...

REMEMBER!- I started this IDEA~ wahoo lol

12-11-2001, 09:15 PM
The letters from anyone would work. The letters from parents would work better. I'm not telling people to tell my parents how to parent. I'm asking people to write letters to show them what paintball is all about.

12-11-2001, 09:27 PM
Fu[|{ you all man and where the hell did half those errors come from. The one on my computer has zero errors and i checked it over and over and over so eather i copied and pasted it from my old letter or i missed those. And no none of you get 3 dollars per error because those are all old mistakes :) next time ill post my good copy but right now im tired and been up since like 6:00 so im gonna lay off the computer a bit. Hey i will admit though that alot of those errors prior to my final copy were stupid, careless mistakes....that i fixed but whatever. And no there are not many run-on sentences just alot of typos. I think and write...not think then write. (just my way)

12-11-2001, 09:32 PM

no quotes I wasnt saying it in present time, like
Joey said, "I hate you!"

and dont correct someone on spelling when its right the first time ;)

god is not always capatilized i didnt use it as a noun ;)(at least i think...ill ask my english teacher tommorow...we never do any work anyway.)

and not all people believe god like that .....(even though i do)

oh yeah im not going to type all good and professional on the boards im too lazy

and also i not Im is I am or I'm but yes again a careless, lazy mistake which i corrected tx :)

12-11-2001, 10:07 PM
foo you are deffinitly going through some great lengths to get to play pb... i wish more ppl like that lived around me!!!

12-11-2001, 10:12 PM
Paintball has become my passion... I can't give up if I try this hard. It just doesn't seem worth it if I give up. That's why I'm trying so hard...

12-12-2001, 03:35 AM

12-12-2001, 05:08 AM
Originally posted by RaV3n_Pa1ntba||
and dont correct someone on spelling when its right the first time ;)


You do realise that the little red wavy line under the word means it is spelt wrong don't you? :rolleyes:

la·crosse (l-krôs, -krs)
A game played on a rectangular field by two teams of ten players each, in which participants use a long-handled stick that has a webbed pouch on one end to maneuver a ball into the opposing team's goal.

As Army said. Only one 'c'


12-12-2001, 08:06 AM

what about finding an older guy (like a "big brother") that you parents trust...that can take you out to play paintball...kinda "look out for you" while out on the field...not that you would need "looking out for", BUT, it might be important for your parents to know that someone they trust is there....

maybe a friends dad can come over, meet your parents, hang with you guys when you play and take you back when youre done...

just an idea


12-12-2001, 09:17 AM
Originally posted by alf

what about finding an older guy (like a "big brother") that you parents trust...that can take you out to play paintball...kinda "look out for you" while out on the field...not that you would need "looking out for", BUT, it might be important for your parents to know that someone they trust is there....

maybe a friends dad can come over, meet your parents, hang with you guys when you play and take you back when youre done...

just an idea


It's not that they don't trust me. It's just that they don't like it.

12-12-2001, 02:14 PM
stupid, The reason why i took that friggin pic was to show you the way Army corrected me (I copied and pasted it directly) which was wrong...and thats why theres a wavy red line under it duh. Unless army changed his spelling to make me feel stupid after i posted that pic.

12-12-2001, 02:42 PM
I sure hope this whole idea doesn't backfire. :(

12-12-2001, 04:43 PM
If it does then I'll call a rally of paintballer outside of my house in the morning on a saturday and hold my parents in until they agree....

12-12-2001, 04:57 PM
i know this has been mentioned but you should show them this and maybe they will edge over you know?

12-12-2001, 04:58 PM
Originally posted by speedballbanks
i know this has been mentioned but you should show them this and maybe they will edge over you know?

Showed them. They don't care...

12-12-2001, 05:01 PM
do they bowl or any of the above sports?
if so try planting boobie traps and have them hurt themselves lol just playing have them go out to the paintball field with you show them all the nice people and shoot them in the leg and show them how fun it was for you to shoot them lol just tell them hmmmmmm hold on lemme think umm you want to join the school basketball team and then say can you buy me 1000 dolars in pads so i dont get killed they might buy you paintball stuff then or at least let you play more lol

12-12-2001, 05:03 PM
lol... my parents don't play sports... they play mahjong...

12-12-2001, 05:05 PM
whats that?

12-12-2001, 05:25 PM
Originally posted by vf-xx
Drill little holes in the tiles and put black cats in them :D

Wait.. No... That would be wrong... Nevermind...

lol... my parents play using small tiles... they wouldn't fit a black cat...