View Full Version : My RT for a gen e matrix?

12-21-2005, 10:35 PM
should i make this trade?....

for this


12-21-2005, 10:43 PM
Honestly no. A straight up trade would be nowhere near in your favor.

What rail is that? :confused:

12-21-2005, 10:50 PM
it is some rail i got for 27 dollars off of ebay(im a ebay-aholic) and it is completely milled out, more than i have ever seen on any rail before. nut luke said it looked like one of his because of the the notch on the back under the valve.....my mag weighs next to nothing........and about the trade, i was considering it but i really want an emag, i am in need of more firepower....just to try it out....but i hate to get rid of my baby for some ugly led matrix.(not really ugly....just not a mag)

12-21-2005, 11:07 PM
I would wait for that perfect emag to come along if i were you. However, if you really want more firepower asap then go with the trade. I personally wouldn't however.

12-21-2005, 11:09 PM
well, it is a while untill i need the firepower.....so i dunno. i told him i would sleep on it.it doesnt come with a barrel, loader or anything that would make the trade good for me.

12-21-2005, 11:13 PM
How is your experience with LvL10? Do you know how to tune it or have some one that can do it for you? If not I wouldn't go with a E-Mag. Also, your going to have to look very hard to find someone willing to trade an E-Mag for an RTP, even if you would be cash/equipment. Your best bet would be to part out your RTP and get as much cash as you can.

12-21-2005, 11:17 PM
the LVL 10 is great..never chops unless its in that nasty dye barrel that you see on it.
thats what i was thinking...no one would switch from an e to a rtp unless they were mad.

12-21-2005, 11:23 PM
Ya.. E/X-Mags are allready RTPs with the only difference being the inability to use ULT, in mech mode. Trade my X for an RTP... Psh-- Ya right. :D

What else have you been looking at? DM4s can be had for around $400 and upped 03/04 Vikings for $400 - $500. Just to name a few...

12-21-2005, 11:37 PM
this i did not know.....i havnt seen any vikings go for that low. i wish i had. but a dm4 would be nice too...i think i might just buy some lowers.

12-21-2005, 11:38 PM
excuse my ignorance, but what does rtp mean?

12-21-2005, 11:43 PM
Check over at AKA AO (http://www.akaowners.org/) in the classifieds, I saw a few Vikings going for cheap in there.

RT Pro

12-21-2005, 11:58 PM
Honestly no. A straight up trade would be nowhere near in your favor.

What rail is that? :confused:

wtf? howwoulda trix not be in his favor? its a superior gun to the rt, even in its old led forum. if there are no issues with the trix, go for it, hell im surprised he isnt msking you add.

12-22-2005, 12:00 AM
Get some pics of the matrix.. it could be really nice.

12-22-2005, 12:13 AM
I might know someone who is interested and has a dm3 with eyes, I'll give him your info if you want. lmk. I declined his trade because I like a light gun.

12-22-2005, 12:42 AM
excuse my ignorance, but what does rtp mean?

Retro Pro

the RTP ULE's are just Retro Pro Ultra Light Engineering.

12-22-2005, 02:39 AM
wtf? howwoulda trix not be in his favor? its a superior gun to the rt, even in its old led forum. if there are no issues with the trix, go for it, hell im surprised he isnt msking you add.

cause its old, and LARGE, and a pain to maintain, AND cause they go for almost nothing when sold for cash. Thats why. Now if it were a DM# then thats a different story.

I say if oyu need to get faster and are in no hurry; part out
200 for the x vlave
75 for the ULE body
60 for the frame
25 for the barrel
25 for the rail (if the milling is clean and not a dremel job!)
10 for the grip

Lets say people haggle, and you get 350 or 325 not bad, now scrounge 100 to 150 and pick up that e mag you want. OR get lucky, get 400 and find someone with a functional if not pretty emag and brag about how you went from a RTP to emag on the cheap!

12-22-2005, 02:59 AM
I wouldn't do it either. The older matrices are still nice, but not as smooth or easy to maintain as a newer trix. If he were to let the trix go for fairly cheap as in well under $400 I would try to pick it up and keep your mag. The mag looks like a cool little gun. If you're not interested in buying the trix, then I would just save slowly for the emag when the one you want comes around. Christmas is close and you will probably get some money or something. The emag is a good gun as long as it has 3.2 software or 4.0 in rare cases. I had 2 emags that I was ready to get rid of until I got 3.2. The first emag I got had 1.37 and it was slow as hell. I loved them once the 3.2 was available.

12-22-2005, 04:44 AM
what emags have 4.0?

12-22-2005, 07:55 AM
very few if not none. they were all made to be reflashed to 3.2. i would trade for the trix.

12-22-2005, 01:03 PM
idunno....it is blind.....and i think i may have found an emag to buy...i dunno i find out.
i also had another guy interested in a trade but for a dm3...should i do that instead...i may go out to the field and shoot the one they have up there first.

12-22-2005, 01:13 PM
That would be an awful trade on your part.... that trix is worth $200 tops. You can get a Dye matrix used for around $300 - has eyes, mini rocket LPR (same as a SCM), rocket reg (same as a sidewinder), and a gun20 chip. You could easily get over $300 for your marker parted out. I love trixes, but if you really wanted one you could find upgrades ones with either an evolve bolt kit or Tadao installed for under $400. The LED trix you're looking at isn't much better than your RT if at all. Oh, the efficency on that trix is going to be worse than the RT too.

12-22-2005, 01:16 PM
idunno....it is blind.....and i think i may have found an emag to buy...i dunno i find out.
i also had another guy interested in a trade but for a dm3...should i do that instead...i may go out to the field and shoot the one they have up there first.

The DM3 would be a better deal, find out if it has any upgrades though and make sure it has the mini rocket LPR, not the original long one that was crap. If you get to keep your Ultralite barrel in the trade then it's definately a good deal :)

12-22-2005, 02:31 PM
If it weren't blind, then it would be a good straight up deal. But it doesn't even have eyes or an aftermarket board. I'd have him add around $100.

12-22-2005, 04:37 PM
Yes, those early Trixes are nice.
*EDIT* Didn't see the part about no barrel, have him add one.

12-22-2005, 05:23 PM
I wouldn't trade a nice Mag with and X-Valve for a Electropneumatic without eyes. Eyes are what really made electros "better" then nice mechanicals (remember when people were still using super (non-e) cockers in tournys?).

Sure you could shoot faster but only till you chop which you will do without eyes. You could turn the ROF way down and use a Halo but at that point it won't be any faster than your RTP.