View Full Version : AO Critique? Our team banner..

12-23-2005, 10:01 AM
I just got finished messing with our team banner, which we will use for the upcoming season.. What do you think? This will roughly be around 4ft long (gotta love vector images). Some of the "glow" got lost in converting it to a .GIF file so pay no attention to that -- it's much more pronounced in the actual file, which makes it alot smoother.


12-23-2005, 10:15 AM
Looks like poop. :)

Actually, it looks good, but with all that color and shading, it's gonna be expesive to print.

12-23-2005, 10:21 AM
Needs more lens flare.

Seriously though, it looks pretty sharp. I had to concentrate a little bit on the sponsor web sites and the canobiepaintball.com parts, but that's probably more my screen and the fact that I just woke up than actual sloppiness. And I'm sure it'll look cleaner at 4 feet long, too.

Hot stuff!

12-23-2005, 10:22 AM
It will work I guess… but I would not use that font for the URL’s. In my opinion they are too hard to read at a glance. I know you are trying to be “stylish”, but often times less can be more and if your intent is to inform at a glance, a more simple font is best. And at the same time you make it look more professional.

It also took me a little bit to figure out what the background was. If you made it a bit smaller so more of it is seen maybe it would be more instantly recognizable?

Everything else is in good proportion and placement IMHO.

I hope this helps.

12-23-2005, 10:25 AM
Looks like poop. :)

Actually, it looks good, but with all that color and shading, it's gonna be expesive to print.
Several years ago I would have said the same thing. But now days you can get a full color digital print on vinyl at pretty cheap prices, less in fact than what a 2 or 3 color silk screen used to cost. We see some pretty cool digital prints up at my local field.

I believe Kinkos offers this service now as well and at very reasonable prices.

12-23-2005, 10:30 AM
It will work I guess… but I would not use that font for the URL’s. In my opinion they are too hard to read at a glance. I know you are trying to be “stylish”, but often times less can be more and if your intent is to inform at a glance, a more simple font is best. And at the same time you make it look more professional.

It also took me a little bit to figure out what the background was. If you made it a bit smaller so more of it is seen maybe it would be more instantly recognizable?

Everything else is in good proportion and placement IMHO.

I hope this helps.

I will try it with a "easier" font on the text.

The reason why the background is like that, is more due to how our logo is.. It has the Main "Fusion" like above but the isotope is off center. If I used the entire logo as it was, it would make the banner lopsided -- it just didn't look right. So I opted to make that portion of it almost transparent while making the "FUSION" part of it what sticks out.. (not to mention, the actual logo will be seen on our jersey's hopefully in whatever pictures we take with this thing :) )

I've attached a picture of the original design, which shows how it was lopsided.. Not being able to center the actual logo really bugged the hell out of me..

Load is going to do the printing for us, which wasn't that bad of a quote..


12-23-2005, 10:43 AM
Yes, the original is very busy and detracts from the overall ease of reading. The second is much better.

Yeah, you sometimes have to do a bit of give and take to do what is best for most applications. Good job so far.

12-23-2005, 11:12 AM
That's cool. Your sponsors hopefully like it. You play in NEPL? If so, do you know Judd LaFrenier? I forget his team name.

12-23-2005, 12:49 PM
I like the second one much better....much clearer and easier to read at a glance

12-23-2005, 02:12 PM
Both look good, but the second is better IMHO.

Good stuff,

12-23-2005, 02:24 PM
i like the second on better. looks for organized to me

12-23-2005, 05:02 PM
i like the first one better, i think it delivers the message much faster and easier. it says FUSION big and loud, thats what its all about, it isnt a sponsor banner, its a team banner. IT delivers the message louder and stronger than the second. also, i like the centered look.

In my opinion, the team name comes first, the sponsors are second on a team banner. The first puts the team name out there, then if interested, which some one should be as it catches the eye with the huge FUSION on it, then the reader can take a closer look at the sponsors.

12-23-2005, 05:06 PM
? i think the first one looks better, actually. it just doesnt look right with the full fusion logo.

i do think the point about the font was good though. it looks good, but our priority should be making it really readable, and at least for the three websites the font takes away from that.

12-23-2005, 07:25 PM
the first 1 is better, i like asymetrical pieces as opposed to symetrical, the font of the websites, as has been stated by numerous posters is too much of a display font, and im sure your sponsors would like more readability, overall its a nice piece