View Full Version : i'm sorry, but...

12-24-2005, 03:20 PM
ok so i have heard that "e-mags aren't as fast as other electros" from lots of people, even mag owners.

when people say this, do they mean they arent as fast when you go full auto? because to say that a gun isnt as fast in semi auto doesnt make sense to me, because the speed is in your fingers. wouldn't all electros be the same speed in semi-auto!?!?

i want to get e-lowers for my mag, but ive heard mag owners say that an ion is faster. if i get a board with my lowers that does full auto, ramping, rebound or any of that other crap, i will never use it.. so my question is.. is an emag just as fast as an ion (or even angel or ego for that matter) in semi -auto mode?

i havn't shot a lot of electro guns. i've only been playing for 10 months and it is recreational. i have shot an emag, an ion, and a carni. thanks for reading and sorry for this question i just had to ask.


12-24-2005, 03:34 PM
In semi mode an emag is technically just as fast as any other electro(as long as you have the current software). Really it will only be limited to how well tuned your lvl ten is(or if you have eyes) and the speed of your hopper.

12-24-2005, 03:37 PM
...so i'm failing to see the difference between an emag, an ego, and an ion or any other electro... if most fields only allow semi-auto, and the gun is as fast as your fingers... then... why would you spend money on anything except cosmetics and weight?!?!?!

12-24-2005, 03:40 PM
...so i'm failing to see the difference between an emag, an ego, and an ion or any other electro... if most fields only allow semi-auto, and the gun is as fast as your fingers... then... why would you spend money on anything except cosmetics and weight?!?!?!
Good question. People just think mags are slow for some reason.. i dont know. :D

12-24-2005, 03:46 PM
Isn't the Emag's noid not capable of anything over like 23 bps?

12-24-2005, 03:48 PM
thanks guys. that feels better. i will now spend my money on e-lowers and maybe eyes rather than an ion or wrath.

rogue: my paradigm is ripping. thank you.

12-24-2005, 03:49 PM
Have you considered Logic's new frame? It should be lighter and "faster" than Emag lowers and cost around the same price.

12-24-2005, 03:52 PM
Isn't the Emag's noid not capable of anything over like 23 bps?

i'm not sure, but omg im not getting an emag now. ONLY 23BPS?!?! :rolleyes:

if you think you need >23bps (or can even achieve that) , then go with another gun dude.

i would get a logic.. but i dont wanna wait for it. but then again i am not completely decided about going electro, so maybe they will be available by the time i make a choice.

12-24-2005, 03:56 PM
i'm not sure, but omg im not getting an emag now. ONLY 23BPS!! :rolleyes:

if you can walk @ over 23, then go with another gun dude.

I was just trying to help you. I believe the noid is the reason people say that the Emag is "slower" than other electros.

Have you considered Logic's new frame? It should be lighter and "faster" than Emag lowers and cost around the same price.


12-24-2005, 03:58 PM
sorry minimag, i am just a little frustrated. didnt mean to take it out on you :cheers:

i responded about the logic in my above post

12-24-2005, 04:02 PM
really the only difference is trigger pull.

with a spyder, its hard and long, with a dm4, its light and short. some others snappy, others smooth etc...

so if you had a spyder in semi and a dm4 in semi then you would probably go faster on the DM4. (given they are both stock). same with an emag. if you have an ion and an emag in semi you might go faster on one than the other.

also take into consideration weight and balance. i like a gun that is balanced right behind the frame with the tank and hopper on. my mag is like that. some guns are really heavy and bulky, others are light and small. that comes down to preference.

also the style of the trigger. the "S" style is supposed to be more atomacally correct because your middle finger moves less than your index. or a trigger like a cp that is at a 45* angle, easier to walk. frame too. the z or y grip are more ergomically designed so you can have your arm straighter. also cost and reliability and whatnot.

wow i got a little off subject on that...

so to awnser your question personally i would go with emag lowers because the mag is more reliable.

but then you could get an ion and have 2 guns, 1 electro other mech... but then again the emag has 2 modes, mech and electro. also the emag battery pack would be heavier.

wityh 2 guns if one breaks/doesent work right you always have the other.

12-24-2005, 04:06 PM
really the only difference is trigger pull.

with a spyder, its hard and long, with a dm4, its light and short. some others snappy, others smooth etc...

so if you had a spyder in semi and a dm4 in semi then you would probably go faster on the DM4. (given they are both stock). same with an emag. if you have an ion and an emag in semi you might go faster on one than the other.

also take into consideration weight and balance. i like a gun that is balanced right behind the frame with the tank and hopper on. my mag is like that. some guns are really heavy and bulky, others are light and small. that comes down to preference.

also the style of the trigger. the "S" style is supposed to be more atomacally correct because your middle finger moves less than your index. or a trigger like a cp that is at a 45* angle, easier to walk. frame too. the z or y grip are more ergomically designed so you can have your arm straighter. also cost and reliability and whatnot.

wow i got a little off subject on that...

so to awnser your question personally i would go with emag lowers because the mag is more reliable.

but then you could get an ion and have 2 guns, 1 electro other mech... but then again the emag has 2 modes, mech and electro. also the emag battery pack would be heavier.

wityh 2 guns if one breaks/doesent work right you always have the other.

as for the trigger, i would definitely get a tunablade. i dislike the stock emag trigger. (haha i cant say the "h" word)

my mag has a drop backward and the balance point is @ the trigger. i like the same amount of weight in both hands. i dont like a tank in my shoulder.

ok im gonna go enjoi my christmas. later homies

12-24-2005, 04:35 PM
Here's the catch...

The Emag is painfully 'semi' auto.

Everyone who says thier currenet marker is faster in Semi is because 99.9% of those peoples' markers are borderline or completely illegal in terms of the being truly semi auto.

Thier markers 'feel' faster cause typically they're getting added shots at higher ROF which is hard to discern by the shooter. Advanced multishot buffering software and intentional (by design) sequential debounce software gives the illusion of a faster marker and is why some markers 'feel' faster than other apparently equally set up markers. The manufacturers like it that way. ;)

12-24-2005, 05:01 PM
wait a sec... if you have a paladium (sp) (rouge's mag, how ever you spell it) i am not telling you what to do, but what I would do is conciter the Logic UMF frame, becasue it can just drop onto your mag and would cost so much less then getting a complete new marker.

paladium $450 + UMF $450 = $900 { 1 marker

Paladium $450 + Emag $1k = $1450 { 2 markers but can only use one on the field. and have to switch hoppers and tanks.

and the RPG+UMF combo is lighter faster easier, and has all of the same things as the E/Xmag. and I think the RPG+UMP would have more accessorys available for it.

just my $0.02 cause I have been here and looking at the 2 options.

12-24-2005, 05:04 PM
wait a sec... if you have a paladium (sp) (rouge's mag, how ever you spell it) i am not telling you what to do, but what I would do is conciter the Logic UMF frame, becasue it can just drop onto your mag and would cost so much less then getting a complete new marker.

paladium $450 + UMF $450 = $900 { 1 marker

Paladium $450 + Emag $1k = $1450 { 2 markers but can only use one on the field. and have to switch hoppers and tanks.

and the RPG+UMF combo is lighter faster easier, and has all of the same things as the E/Xmag. and I think the RPG+UMP would have more accessorys available for it.

just my $0.02 cause I have been here and looking at the 2 options.

i want to get e-lowers for my mag

That is in the very first post of the thread. I mentioned Logics frame a couple posts down.

12-24-2005, 05:46 PM
RPG paradigm

Cow hunter
12-24-2005, 06:49 PM
IMO all electro's are EXACTLY the same in speed internal wise..... i think its all in the triiger weight/sensitivity for speed, oh and your finger skill too

...then again ive never owned an electro, only shot them and worked on them
meh' a board might be important too......... or not really? for true semi does the board speed really matter? idn't it really just the noid?

also the style of the trigger. the "S" style is supposed to be more atomacally correct because your middle finger moves less than your index. or a trigger like a cp that is at a 45* angle, easier to walk. frame too. the z or y grip are more ergomically designed so you can have your arm straighter. also cost and reliability and whatnot.
those "S" triggers are the most :cuss: ing difficult things for me.......
i own a Z grip!

12-24-2005, 07:07 PM
when people say this, do they mean they arent as fast when you go full auto? because to say that a gun isnt as fast in semi auto doesnt make sense to me, because the speed is in your fingers. wouldn't all electros be the same speed in semi-auto!?!?

No Here's why:

1. Trigger design and tuning. This is the simple one. When your trigger is tuned for you, you'll rip on it a lot faster than if it's improperly set up. This also goes for trigger style. Some guns are designed with better triggers, while others are not. Rubbing of internal wires, hosing, etc will affect a trigger physically.

2. Board design. All boards are NOT created equal. Some boards have better firmware than others - meaning that the software coders did a better job than others. It's the same as video games. Some companies produce better engines and coding than others, making games really great or kinda stinky. The same goes for boards. That's why a semi-auto S.O.B. board isn't as fast as a semi-auto tadao board. It's because with the Tadao, the code is written better.

3. Board settings. Again, the S.O.B. board doesn't have many settings, while a Predator or Tadao board have many way to fine-tune and tweak the trigger and board, even while remaining semi-auto! Debounce, dwell, eye-delay, etc. - all of these have to do with speed.

4. Internals. A stock Impulse will not shoot as fast or as nicely as an upgraded Impulse. Stock impulses, shockers, autocockers, etc. do not include the best parts in them, meaning that they have more friction, more kick, and less capability than an upgraded one. Think of the difference between a stock Subaru Impreza and a WRX Impreza. Huge difference!

Now, I have no idea about Emag software, or anything like that. I like mags (though I like Freestyles the best!) :) but I'm not sure about their specs. Emags are nice, dependable markers, but they're certainly not the fastest, lightest or smallest. That being said, they're still a great marker.

12-24-2005, 07:08 PM
Mechanically E/X-Mags aren't slow, that's been said, blah.

The biggest problem I've run into with my E-Mag has been the trigger, and because I'm unwilling to spend $50 on an upgrade trigger the trigger will remain a problem.

The biggest difference between say... my Ion and my E-Mag is all in the trigger feel, and the Ion is definately easier to shoot longer strings at my best ROF than my E-Mag without dropping shots.

This has also been said, so blah.

There are certain guns which certain people can shoot faster than others, even with the guns being 100% semi-only just because of the way the triggers behave for different people. This is partially why aftermarket trigger plates are popular because not everyone can shoot fast on a stick/blade/double/Scythe/etc. trigger plate. Personally I find the most best triggers for me are the CP blade triggers and I would be absolutely tickled pink if CP made one of those for the E-Mag, they won't so I'll just have to live with that.