View Full Version : most embarrassing pb moment(for you)

12-24-2005, 09:52 PM
I know they have happened to everybody. One second you are running or shooting about to make a great move and then.......

Well what happened?

I had one of those moments just yesterday. It was my first time playing airball and I was playing against someone who was actually "pro"(didn't get his name) and he was on my side of the field so there was a lot of pressure on me. I started the game off with a short hop to "god". Unfortunately when it got shot at the plug fell out and the bunker delflated so I had to make a move. I saw my chance and make a run to the left back can. Someone starting shooting so I made the best superman dive of my life. Saddly I didn't make it to the bunker. I was about five feet off. So there I was, laying on the ground on my stomach getting lit up. At least I looked cool. :p

12-24-2005, 11:07 PM
I was running across, what you would probably call a wall ball field. It had the nets down between two fields so they would connect. I didnt see the guid wire on the ground and im running full speed getting ready to bunker someone and WHAM im on my face getting plastered. The guy i was getting ready to bunker couldnt even shoot me because he was laughing so hard. When i tripped i did some weird superman thing past his bunker on my face.

12-24-2005, 11:08 PM
hmm, mabey at a recent practic, it was getting late in the day, so, the sun was REALLY in my eyes, and, my old, gunked up lens wasnt helping. Off the break, i start running and gunning to my bunker, and, realize, i cant see a thing, so, im shading my eyes with one hand, laning with the other hand, cant see anything. So, i decide to just try and hit the snake, mabey if i get close enough i can see someone. SO, i take off headed for the snake, dive, forgetting that were playing on one of those fine gravel field that stop you in your tracks when you try to dive or slide. So, i dove like i would have playing on the grass im used to, come up a good 4 ft short, and little did i know it, but, they had 2 guns up on me the whole time (i coulnt see them at all), so, both of them tear me up. I laughed my way off the field, and had to go explain to onlookers what had happened and that i couldnt see in the least.

12-24-2005, 11:16 PM
The only thing that comes to mind is I full right off the break and shattered my hopper during the first game. It was an indoor field and I was wearing my worn down skate shoes. I ended up bumming a Revvy off of a random guy for the day.

12-24-2005, 11:21 PM
well there is this field called dodge 'em city i LOVE to play at.

one day i was playing and there were alot of people i knew out there that are pretty expierenced.dodge em city is basically a small town. about 5 small shacks on a side and about 30 feet in the middle. there is a well in the middle with a flag on the opposite side and you have to get your flag to the other side. there are some barrels here and there and inbetween and stuff.

well, i was on the right side. we had gotten enough people out and i went to the other side and started making people surrender. it was pretty cool. so i get to the last little building. the guy in there wolnt surrender. so we light eachother up. i also get shot by my own teammate from across the field. we won that round.

so after that i went to talk to the guy that i lit up and that he lit me up and we are on the same team, he crossed too. it was really funny and we had a good laugh.

12-25-2005, 12:15 AM
Long story short:

It came down to a 1 on 1.

Me vs. one of my best friends.

I go to make a bunker, and knew i was low on paint (there could've been none, they're couldve been the entire stack, and halo neck, but none visible)

I make the bunker, shoot 3 times.

I keep running by, put my arms in the air, and start to head back to the ref.

The SECOND i turn around, i take about 8 to the chest/neck.

-- Turns out my 3 bounced... (too bad that paint SUCKED, it cost me the game)

12-25-2005, 12:26 AM
Right when I got my rt ule I was having some issues tuning the level 10. I was playing in an x ball field and my team was winning. There was one guy left, and I went to bunker him. He didn't see me coming. I pull the trigger-nothing. He shot me three times in the lens. Turns out I got bolt stick.

12-25-2005, 01:06 AM
i was playing woods ball and I tried to go between two trees while using my old bushmaster pump with the back bottle and silencer , well the space between the trees was narrower than the length of the gun and I snapped the silencer off the gun and clothes lined myself

12-25-2005, 01:44 AM
We were palying hyberball 2 at Velocity Paintball, my team decided to make a mad rush to the OTHER side of the field off the break; Our rule was: run to their starting box off the break. So we just ran it, and I didnt get hit, i heard the ref call something, and i assumed it was the call for the end of the game. I started walking off the field when a guy popped up from behind a bunk in the back left of their side of the field. Me, being the egotistical 14 year old at the time, thought i could pull a "matrix" and started to let my feet slide from under me, sliding backwards in a sense. Unfortunately, i didnt realise this left him a great shot at my man parts. I walked off the field with 3 shots to the gooch. For those of you who dont know where that is, go watch jackass the movie.

12-25-2005, 02:08 AM
Back in the day of me wearing BDU's and playing woods ball.. I went to go bunker some one and in the run had my belt snap. This made me run out of my pants and well run around wearing nothing but my boxers under there...

To make matters worse, I ended up bunkering a chick with no pants on.

Recently? Not much... ive improved alot since the 1996 incident :)

12-25-2005, 09:09 AM
Wel, the local outdoor field I play at is a swamp when a good rain comes up.(It used to be a cow pasture...so lots of unever ground and pits for water to collect in)

Bad thing is , you can't always see the water through the grass thats on the field.
After the break I ran to my primary bunker and tried another move to my 2nd over a burm bunker. Well, what I couldn't see on the other side ofthe burm was a HUGE/DEEP puddle spanning the width and then some. I came over the burm in a dead run, lost my footing when I hit the puddle....and made a swan dive into it. My friends said all they saw was me disappear and all of a sudden 2 HUUUGE plumes of water come up from the ground.
Lucky for me I am blessed with the skill of quick thinking and I was able to scramble to a safe , dry bunker after my amphibious assult.
Still managed to knock out 3-4 more players and grab the flag that game (centerflag) but after it was game over...there was much joking and loud laughing about the "Swamp Thing" that was playing the field last game.

Not to mention the squishy undies I played in all day. :cheers:

12-25-2005, 11:53 AM
My best game ever. I played real hard. We have this wooden speedball arena (its a pile of crap but its a field). Its a large square, and we start in the corners. In the center and along the sides there is some really nice tall grass perfect for crawling behind. My butt was down on the ground making a slow but progresive attempt to take out some people with great stealth. I finally got to the back corner where sure enough someone was sitting. I aimed and was ready for the shot, but I popped a shot at him my A-5's barrel adapter completely shot out. Needless to say, the paint didn't hit him, I didn't know what to do, I was being shot at, I didn't have a barrel, and I was laying down. I am lucky I didn't get lit up. I called myself out before anything nasty happened... Though it really sucked, I still consider that my best ever paintball game, for I gave it 125%.

12-25-2005, 12:12 PM
About a month ago i slid into a bunker knee first and somehow managed to plant my heel directly in my balls. Yeah that was not good

12-25-2005, 12:50 PM
for some reason every day i play i seem to hit my knee on something.

for christmas i got some pants actually made for paintball. hopefully it wolnt hurt so much :D

12-25-2005, 05:18 PM
My very first time playing paintball (when I was 14)...

My father and I both got into paintball at the same time. Since I was young, poor, and spoiled he bought us both Spyder TL no not the Plus the orginal TL the best Spyder they made, before they started putting out really crummy stuff. So anyways my father, two friends and I all went out to the woods in front of my home to play. It was set up 2 on 2 so we started playing my partner got out and it was only me vs my dad and my friend. My father chased me through the woods and I was so scared of getting hit I threw my hopper off my gun and gave up saying I "lost" my hopper. Now 6 years later I just admitted to my dad what really happened our first time playing....

PS.. my dad ended up shooting me in my leg anyways

12-25-2005, 05:53 PM
Having to wear a smart parts jersey to be able to play with a 3man team. :(

12-25-2005, 06:40 PM
I pulled a deadwalk at Velocity Paintball in SoCal.
I shot 11 people, one bounced.
The ref then pulled me for 'cheating'.

12-25-2005, 10:53 PM
way back when i got my mag, before i knew anything about it i was getting so much bolt stick because i didnt know i was supposed to torque the rear grip frame screw. the first game after i took it apart i got bolt stick, couldnt shoot, was trying to fix it... and finally it did shoot. and hit my teammate, 2 feet away from me :( . ...she didnt play again. thats okay though, i never liked her anyway. :p

one time my freestyle was low on air (that happens too much...) so i crawled to the end of the snake, and there was a kid at a mini temple cross field in clear view. i started shooting and could see the balls visibly dropping off (maybe 100-200 fps). he leaned into the bunker, i kept shooting, couldnt see any paint on him. then he pops out and yells "im out already!!" :( i got pulled for overshooting.

a while ago i was playing on a sand speedball field, wearing hiking boots. i decided to make a bunker move, ran, shot one person out, kept running... then tripped over myself trying to run sideways on sand in hiking boots while shooting. i fell down next to a bunker with two people in it. i actually shot one of them from the ground, but got totally lit up :p

i made a pretty stupid move again while trying to run sideways and shoot cross-field. i ended up running into a bunker :( hey, at least i didnt fall down or drop my marker :p

/P.S., i wear cleats now.

12-27-2005, 07:31 PM
being half asleep and unobservant, and thinking i would be sneaky and try to be invincable with my tippy in a beginners game.
turned out i was wrong and in an intermediate game, and i never made it to the bunker i wanted. i wanted their 40.
i was really sleepy.

Dark Side
12-27-2005, 10:12 PM
wearing boots with no tread on a concrete floor with woods chips. Slid right past my bunker, got shot on the top of my head, hit the floor and laid there thinking how much I loved the game.

Cow hunter
12-27-2005, 10:30 PM
xouple similar things happened to me........
wet carpet indoor wearing totally flat bottomed vans..... overslid bunker by 7ft...... got lit up with pink paint.......
total behind-back-perfect bunker (one of my most perfect moves ever..... i was on the opposite sides of this kids bunker for 45 seconds) he was lying on his stomach,i came round by his feet standing over him..... then my mag stopped...... bolt stick......yelled surrender anywayz.....he rolls over shoots me in stomach.......
worst part is...... these both happened in the same day...... belive it was last week on sunday....

i also remember someone elses worst day...... it was after a small time tourney me and my friend were takin on the losing teams...... both me and another teamate were in the same bunker, he got out, other team starts to walk off...... pop out and shoot them all in the backs 3 times each..... they felt really stoopid..... i would too if my whole team got out by one person in 5 seconds.....

12-28-2005, 03:01 AM
doing a practice slide, with barrel condom on, my gun spun, and as the barrel condom flew off, i shot myself in the neck.

12-28-2005, 03:45 AM
tripping over myself: off the break at a tourney, at rec games, at practice.