View Full Version : PB Psychology 101

12-25-2005, 01:39 PM
Let me start by saying mags are not a bad gun, they do not suck, I've owned 6 in my 16 year PB career.
The reason I believe people say "mags can't compete" or some variation, is purely psychological. AGD earned a reputation of being slow, heavy, HP, gas guzzling pieces that no one will use. And that stuck. Now, I do believe a mech mag can't compete in todays Xball/speedball world, but the E/X/Dmag could.
Most of the youth that makes up todays core demographic have never even heard of a mag. When they see one, they ask thier friends "whats that?", they reply "thats a mag, my dad had one. It's slow and heavy and chops alot. And the damn thing is high pressure!"
So, the kid goes back to his DM Whatever and forgets he ever saw a mag. Unless the kid is being introduced to the game from someone with years of experience who knows his stuff(me), or an old school AO faithful(some of you guys), he or she(she, yeah right!) will never experience shooting a mag of any sort.
So, the kids today see the pros using DMx's or Shockers or an E2 Karnivore, and they are led to believe that's the only good guns out there. It will never be changed, it's part of pb history that mags are slow, heavy, and chop alot(even though it's not true!

12-25-2005, 01:48 PM
well, i have had many mags and 2 DM4's.

i currentley have my origonal mag and z grip, and sold both DM4's. z grips rocks. but i also have a shocker on the way. ill probably like it because its alot like my mag as far as size and the feel. its a freeflow with a limited edition vert frame.

i love mags. especally because my proshop is full of people who have been around mags forever.

12-25-2005, 02:02 PM
I own and rock my emag as my main gun. lately I'll admit I've been trying some newer guns and so far after buying a new gun a little while back my mag has proven better. I believe if ppl gave mags a chanse with the preds comeing out and maybe some valve redesigning they can easily compete as good as any DM"fizzle" or G7(i'm pushing it with the g7) but ofcorse who knows when that will be.

12-25-2005, 02:29 PM
Yeah its kind of a shame the mag doesn't have more of a following but I'm not complaining about it. I don't mind being the only person at my field who uses mags, as well as other things. I am tired however of hearing people gripe about the lack of upgrades, I think there is plenty out there for the mags, I don't see the new predator boards are logic frames or anything like that making the mags main stream again but I think they are being produced to make the mag faithful have some more options which is nice.

With that being said like alot of people on here I have been playing paintball for 8 years now, the first gun I owned was a mag, and the mag is still the only constant gun in my gear bag. I have owned a few matrixes, AKA markers, angels, shockers, etc... and the only guns I have left are 3 mags and an angel g7. In the end its really personal preference though which has been covered several times. If every person coming into pb tried a well setup mag weather it be mechanical or E/X mag I think that alot more people would be using them. I'm not saying everyone would like them, but I think a fair share would. Its to bad that the little kiddies have the mags suck attitude, but I almost like it that way. Oh and Merry Christmas everyone.

12-25-2005, 03:00 PM
Mags are definately a niche market, the only people to use them are the few thousand here, and a couple of thier friends and the few old schoolers. When tom makes his new gun, I hope it's a totally new gun, with no references to the mag. No exposed valve etcetera.

12-25-2005, 03:55 PM
id like to see a lp operating system for a mag if a new gun were made and not linked to a mag at al it would be a sin imo

12-25-2005, 03:55 PM
I am lucky. My home field's(the main one there is another that i frequent) gun techs(2) is amazing with mags, they have been around them since they came out. 80% of people at my field will recognize any mag(except maybe a D/pneu mag) for what it is.

12-25-2005, 03:57 PM
id like to see a lp operating system for a mag if a new gun were made and not linked to a mag at al it would be a sin imo
A sin to you AO faithful, but the other huge percentage of players would see mag on it and not buy it, making no money for Tom, or just a little money.

12-25-2005, 04:39 PM
Warped1 at it again :rolleyes:

Let's see....No exposed valve? Sounds like a shocker...what a surprise :eek:

You better hope his new gun has no reference to a mag....otherwise it would look like a shocker....but actually work :D

Merry X-mas :cheers:
God damn it! Stop friggin looking for a fight! This was a posative statement! An honest opinion of why the mags have no home in modern paintball! Go flame someone else! Try reading the very first sentance of my first post.
I've owned many Shockers, one from pre production. Guess how many broke down? NONE. Same with the 6 mags I owned. One leaked, but it was the LX kit not adjusted or broken in yet. Simple fix.
And I thought RF was one of the intelligent AO'ers. There was no malice in this post, no fighting until you came around. This was a nice discussion on the mag, well nice until you posted. Now please don't reply again.

12-25-2005, 04:57 PM
God damn it! Stop friggin looking for a fight! This was a posative statement! An honest opinion of why the mags have no home in modern paintball! Go flame someone else! Try reading the very first sentance of my first post.
I've owned many Shockers, one from pre production. Guess how many broke down? NONE. Same with the 6 mags I owned. One leaked, but it was the LX kit not adjusted or broken in yet. Simple fix.

As an English major it would be nice if you could reply with a more eloquent response. Plus of course fully spell-checked...only using your own arguement against you ;)

If the thought of 'Mag's (in any form) are so disasteful to you then why do you still continue to frequent these boards.

I do not wish to have to babysit threads you take part in so curb your thoughts and refrain from typing UNLESS you have a sensible well thought through statement. You might argue that your above statements are well thought out. No, they are not, if they were then you wouldn't be surprised and react the way you have done on numerous other occasions.
I now play with an Angel and do you see me bashing 'Mag's, I chose to go another route for my own reasons. Performance in the way in which I wanted it to be was the major factor and it was a few other markers before I got to the Angel. I actually played with a 'Mag a couple of months ago and had a big smile on my face.

I notice you hit the edit button as I quoted you...I know what you typed the first time.

God damn it! Stop friggin looking for a fight! This was a posative statement! An honest opinion of why the mags have no home in modern paintball! Go flame someone else! Try reading the very first sentance of my first post, Moron.............

As for demands...demand all you want, for now I am not listening...behave more responsibly and perhaps that will change.

12-25-2005, 05:01 PM
I'm not here to start trouble! You, my friend, are the one who started trouble. There were no hidden meanings, or slights, or insults. You are a frigging idiot reading into something because my opinion is differen't than yours! Go away, stay the hell out of my thread. If you don't like what I have to say, you can put me on your ignore list, in fact, I insist on it.
I really am looking forward to Toms new marker, which he hints that he's working on. I wonder if it will be a scenario marker or not? An MP5 looking marker with a stock and those tactical rails for like night vision scopes. I used to see a ton of those night vision scopes in the 24 hour games at Skirmish I played every year.

12-25-2005, 05:12 PM
Nothing new.

12-25-2005, 05:20 PM
Nothing new.
I hope it's new. A complete overhaul. New body, integrated valve, etcetera.
I doubt TK would go LP(no big deal to me), he's made his feelings on the LP myths known in past threads! :)

12-25-2005, 05:22 PM
hey guys, relax its christmas :)

12-25-2005, 05:56 PM
hehe.. nice "rant" you could call it, but i think its pretty true.

Not because of me, but because of my mag.. my whole team is getting mags. :shooting:

12-25-2005, 08:20 PM
Warped.. whats wrong to dare think of it. Face it, the mag with an enclosed valve, even the same valve as now and internal plumbing coming through a gas thru grip would be much better met than the mags of today. that line turns off a lot of people... As to "AGD wouldn't cheat"... I recall rules about trigger pulls from RT effect, etc being discussed and then, oh, your misusing it if your getting bounce. Kinda sounds like JD and WAS debounce 0 if you ask me

/Nothings wrong with mags
//No improvements could be made
///There a great gun
////Pro teams all over would prefer to use them
/////Have some more kool-aide

12-26-2005, 02:48 AM
/////Have some more kool-aide

Kool Aid? YAY! I thought that was a summer drink! All this time... I could be so much fatter!

Ok, on the realistic side: Mags aren't "maintstream," and quite frankly, I don't care. People are stupid, or at least a large majority. Look back on your high school days. Look at some of the people you work with. I'd have to say a majority of the people in this world are stupid. I don't need their acceptance to be able to shoot my gun o' choice.

Another thing, I like mechs. I like 'Mags. I like 'Cockers. They work for me. I like this forum. For the most part, the people are great. Whether you own a 'Mag or not, hell, some of you may not even like the 'Mag; but something draws you to this forum. That's cool. Play what you like, shoot what you like. It's all cool. Can we all get off each others backs now? This is a forum COMMUNITY, not a debate log, which it almost seems to have turned into lately...

12-26-2005, 11:18 PM
All I needed for me to keep my mag was a simple electronic frame and eyes. A little bit of improvement on efficiency would have been nice. But it didn't have any of those, and I didn't feel like wasting time on waiting lists and $ for a frame that was not made by AGD

Other than that, my ule mech was a nice gun.

12-27-2005, 01:12 AM

12-27-2005, 06:05 PM
go Rouge, kick him in the head lol

paintbal shouldnt be all about money, its for people to have fun not profit

hes as fed up as i am with the "mags cant compete" BS thanks to some of his products we can, and look damn good doin it lol

automags.org > stupidity
bring the average iq of people on here up pleeze people

12-27-2005, 07:15 PM
go Rouge, kick him in the head lol

paintbal shouldnt be all about money, its for people to have fun not profit

hes as fed up as i am with the "mags cant compete" BS thanks to some of his products we can, and look damn good doin it lol

automags.org > stupidity
bring the average iq of people on here up pleeze people

:rolleyes: The irony of that post is just great :)

12-27-2005, 07:47 PM
thank god some one gets me lol

12-27-2005, 08:50 PM
Warped.. whats wrong to dare think of it. Face it, the mag with an enclosed valve, even the same valve as now and internal plumbing coming through a gas thru grip would be much better met than the mags of today. that line turns off a lot of people...

This is new and rich. I had no idea that the air input was a problem. Lets be honest there is not a dam thing wrong with a mag, besdies the fact that your local hero isn't shooting one, which means you are not cool with the local prosta'tots lugging a mag around the field.

With exception to the electro solution, I can't think of a single reason why a mag is subpar when compared to other platforms.

I look forward to banning you some day. Man that is going to rule!

12-27-2005, 09:13 PM
This is new and rich. I had no idea that the air input was a problem. Lets be honest there is not a dam thing wrong with a mag, besdies the fact that your local hero isn't shooting one, which means you are not cool with the local prosta'tots lugging a mag around the field.

With exception to the electro solution, I can't think of a single reason why a mag is subpar when compared to other platforms.

I shot a Devilmag for awhile, I participated (captained) Team AO at the OGD. We did well. The air input is annoying, its one of many things that, to me, piled up on annoyance with a mag for a primary marker. Is there a lot of performance difference between my Matrix and the Devilmag - no, there isn't. I just could not justify owning that much of a marker. My next marker will likely be a micro-mag.

Changing the air input would not change anything on how the marker performs, its one of two annoyances I personally have, and I think others think it looks, well subpar. Lack of eyes was the deal killer on my e-mag, but you know what, the newest ideas take care of that.

And my local hero actually is shooting an e-mag, with the battery taken out :D

Dark Side
12-27-2005, 10:08 PM
same old story, AGD never fell into the whole "lets throw money at every team we see to be popular" or the "buy these parts because we say they are the best" (except for the crown barrel thing, that is if I understood the story right) idea. Part of the reason I do and always will love AGD. Got 2 friends of mine into PB playing with Mags. One just bought a RT with a Luke trigger frame here a few weeks ago.

12-27-2005, 10:19 PM
My next marker will likely be a micro-mag.

mags cant be that bad.

12-27-2005, 10:48 PM
Luke makes trigger frames? Or are you just talking about the sear mod?

Dark Side
12-27-2005, 11:52 PM
the 1.1 version with the safety. and yes from what I understand he does. the ultimate mechanical frame is a badmofo.

Baby Huey
12-28-2005, 12:03 AM

That is great. :D :clap:

12-28-2005, 08:09 AM
mags cant be that bad.

I still think, shy of some ultra-custom things that may be out there, that the mag represents the pinnacle of a mechanical marker...

01-19-2006, 03:37 AM
I still think, shy of some ultra-custom things that may be out there, that the mag represents the pinnacle of a mechanical marker...

i agree.

01-19-2006, 04:02 PM
i find these disucssions on markers amusing...from reading some of the posts, you get the idea that the gun is the only thing that makes the player good.....maybe thats true, all these high rates of fire and what not, you don't need to be a good player, just have a little $$$....when i first started playing, the player made the marker good, not the other way around....