View Full Version : Rapid-fire questions…

12-26-2005, 02:20 AM
Well now that I have my mag running so it will not eat through my ule body (previous thread) I have yet another question.

I am attempting to get my mag with an x-valve running from a maxflo, to rapid fire. Well I have succeeded with an astonishing 23 bps. When I started my project I was using Zak Vetters website as a guide and was hoping to be able to contact him regarding questions. Well his site has dropped off the face of the planet and I find myself out in unknown territory.

My problem is that I have the maxflo maxed out at 1200 psi output to get it to even begin getting a rapid fire bounce action! I thought that rapid-fire occurred at pressures well below that, like in the 950-1000 psi range. Am I right… if so what am I missing?

12-26-2005, 03:39 AM
Are you using ULT?

12-26-2005, 03:49 AM
it depends on each marker.. I believe there is variation from one mag to another, regardless of valve..

also RT pro valve, I believe, is more reactive than the Xvalve.. so xvalve is harder to get bounce

12-26-2005, 02:06 PM
No ult. just stock r/t on off.

Then as far as the x-valve not being as reactive, any good reason why? steel vs. aluminum perhaps.

12-26-2005, 02:09 PM
I forgot why the xvalve is less reactive... dont think it has to do with the materials used to build the valve though

12-27-2005, 12:36 AM
They changed the sizing of the passages in the valve.

12-27-2005, 12:43 AM
No ult. just stock r/t on off.

Then as far as the x-valve not being as reactive, any good reason why? steel vs. aluminum perhaps.
Get a ult.. and load it up with shims. :D

12-27-2005, 02:26 PM
I actually took my ult out of the gun to get the reactive trigger back. What kind of rapid fire charicteristics does the ult on/off have? Does it have a sweet spot, or will it act like a full auto?

P.S. I really got irritated with the ult I never got the touch to keep it from short stroking. I know thats my fault not the guns.

Cow hunter
12-27-2005, 03:00 PM
ive done the rapid fire mod witht the ULT, and half of it is luck...... you have to pull just right or it short strokes.....after some practice you should get it and then it rips

I actually took my ult out of the gun to get the reactive trigger back. What kind of rapid fire charicteristics does the ult on/off have? Does it have a sweet spot, or will it act like a full auto?
its sweet spotting, i think a better mod than the ULT is the sear mod. ive seen it go really really dast doing that, and a full pull still gets you semi

12-27-2005, 10:19 PM
Sear mod!?
have a link or explination?

Cow hunter
12-27-2005, 11:09 PM
sear mod = shaving down top of sear so it doesnt catch when pulled half way and takes off till you release the trigger, and it must be done just right or it takes off and doesnt stop (i belive works best with the minimag trigger frame as it is a hard/very short pull) best part is it still shoots semi with a full pull

Recon by Fire
12-28-2005, 01:14 AM
You should be seeing reactivity down around 850psi. I have three mags all with x-valves and they all get reactivity when I crank up the pressure. Especially the mechs with rigged ULT's.