View Full Version : tell the truth

12-26-2005, 02:21 PM
It's been a while since I had a paintball magazine in my hands, and I was happy to receive my annual installment as part of my care package from home for the holidays.
I was kind of saddened to see that the quality of the articles hadn't changed much, but what disturbed me the most was the audacity of the claims in the advertisements. I've seen it all before, but it seems as though manufacturers are going overboard to make a sale.
Everyone has the fastest gun, the most accurate barrel, the most reliable feeder, the best regulator flow rate, and so on.

The magazine is happy to review products and always gives a favorable review. I know for a fact that some of the products they write about are things they've never even had in their hands. They never criticize the manufacturers or stop them from printing whatever they want in their ads. I understand that they would be biting the hand that feeds them if they'd do so, but I can't look to them as a credible source anymore.

Is there ever going to be any accountability???
PLEASE! Tell the truth!!!

12-26-2005, 02:37 PM
I agree......The paintball world has become so whored out it's rediculous........People will do anything just to be a walking bilboard.......I HAVE TO HAVE EMPIRE EVERYTHING!!! Screw that!! I try everything for myself and I use what works.....not what these morons tell me to buy......Thats why I shoot a mag. It's the Glock of the paintball world.

12-26-2005, 02:40 PM
It's the Glock of the paintball world.

Glock is extremely popular, revolutionary even to todays standards, and it appears nearly everyone is trying to copy them. How is that like AGD?

12-26-2005, 02:41 PM
Wow.. very nice statement. I just flipped through a magazine and found out that a trilogy pro is "the fastest gun on the planet."

12-26-2005, 02:54 PM
^not to mention the most accurate due to closed bolt design. Meh, that kind of bull has been going on in every industry forever, I don't really care anymore.

Will Wood
12-26-2005, 02:58 PM
I agree with your statements that what is going on is bad...but it's nothing that new...

Just turn on your TV and watch some commercials.
Advertising is not only about making your product look good, but others bad. And most of the time it's all BS. Oh well.

Just makes you have to do more research before buying anything.

12-26-2005, 03:36 PM
^ ..yeah I was wondering since when Advertizers became reliable sources of information in ANY industry.

12-26-2005, 04:07 PM
I know it's nothing new, but in our sport it's out of control. I always inform myself before making a purchase, so I'm not really falling victim to any of this. Still the conviction with which these claims are made are outrageous.
If I ever see and shoot a gun that actually does 30 bps and NEVER chops, and shoots the wings off of a mosquito at 500 feet, then I'm going to buy it. Fact is, it doesn't exist, unless you believe what you read in these advertisements.

If manufacturers claim such nonsense without being held responsible, what's next?
So many consumers are getting scammed, and they don't know it until it's too late.

We need a section in the 2006 edition of Consumer Reports.

Will Wood
12-26-2005, 04:27 PM
Yea it is getting a bit out of hand. And I think that's where AO used to shine. AO and AGD would always provide the facts and make intelligent statements. That kind has since stopped with the departure of so many valued members including Tom.

12-26-2005, 06:36 PM
No. Just, no.

/marketing guy
//"I work for" cliche

Cow hunter
12-26-2005, 07:17 PM
If I ever see and shoot a gun that actually does 30 bps and NEVER chops, and shoots the wings off of a mosquito at 500 feet, then I'm going to buy it. Fact is, it doesn't exist, unless you believe what you read in these advertisements..
dont know about the mosquito part(maybe if you're really lucky) but a mag can hit 31bps.....and i didnt see any chops......

We need a section in the 2006 edition of Consumer Reports.
yes, yes we do..... i say we get every AO and PBnation member to send a letter demanding a paintballl section

12-26-2005, 07:19 PM
dont know about the mosquito part(maybe if you're really lucky) but a mag can hit 31bps.....and i didnt see any chops......

yes, yes we do..... i say we get every AO and PBnation member to send a letter demanding a paintballl section
it also has 2k psi going into the gun.

Cow hunter
12-26-2005, 07:27 PM
it also has 2k psi going into the gun.
WHAT?!?!?! since when has it had 2000psi in ther? it was more like 1200 which many tanks can do

oh wait and what does it matter..... i still proved a point and it was right.... a mag can hit 31 bps

12-26-2005, 08:43 PM
yea i forget where i saw the video but it was proving that some board for a halo could hit the upper 30's and they used a rt pro or something. The had it hooked up to a scuba tank that put out like a little more than 2k

Pyrate Jim
12-26-2005, 08:56 PM
One of the worst I had seen was opening a magazine to an advert for Lapcos mil-sim barrel shroud and the claim that it would improve accuracy.
I got in touch with Lapco and was told that the ads were written by a marketing company, not anyone who has any knowledge of paintball.
But I noticed after that, the accuracy claim was dropped from the ads...

I think that ad was seen by a number of people who got in touch with Lapco over it, showing that at least some manufacturers listen to their customers and try to correct blatent mistakes.
At least, I like to think so.

Cow hunter
12-26-2005, 10:07 PM
if your really lucky they try to cover up bad things.....
my aunt once had a defective dodge and found that all those models had the same defect (they over-torqued in reverse with any load, thus destroying the tranny) so they gave her a new car for free and made her sign a contract of secrecy
maybe you all should try finding things like that and report it, make the problem better and maybe score free stuff

12-26-2005, 10:12 PM
if your really lucky they try to cover up bad things.....
my aunt once had a defective dodge and found that all those models had the same defect (they over-torqued in reverse with any load, thus destroying the tranny) so they gave her a new car for free and made her sign a contract of secrecy
maybe you all should try finding things like that and report it, make the problem better and maybe score free stuff


12-26-2005, 10:24 PM
Ya I remember that thing about those dodges.

12-27-2005, 12:39 AM
all i get the magazines for is to look at the pictures ;) then if i find something interesting, look it up on pbreview or warpig. and I like the warpig reviews and run downs, the test it and state what they find. like a halo dosn't feed as rast on a mag as a egg :eek: why? not a clue, they were shocked as well!

12-27-2005, 01:02 AM
Is it really any different with other industries? Paintball appeals to a select audience, but what about automotive, which has such a vast audience, you would think every ad would be scrutinized. It doesn't seem to be when you see an F-150 being crushed by two D8 Cats and minimal damage or the SSR driving up to the car-hauler truck and spinning into reverse and backing onto the ramp.

There's more ridiculous claims out there in the automotive world and while there aren't as many false claims in "type," there's plenty of false representation of products. So what's worse, saying a gun can do 31bps, when technically, under drastically modified lab conditions *might* be true, or representing a product to be capable of the equivalent to 31bps when it really is not?

12-27-2005, 03:54 AM
I'm aware that certain guns can achieve 30+bps, it's the fact that everyone else is claiming it too that bothers me. The next gun that can do 40 bps will just goad the other companies into making the same claim regardless of their capabilities. I wonder where this is all headed.
It may or may not be as bad in other industries, I am just disappointed that I can't look to a magazine as a reliable source for information anymore.

12-27-2005, 06:04 AM
As pointed out by others, it happens in just about every industry. But Paintball Players just seem to be duel personalities… rough and tough, but oh so sensitive. ;)

12-27-2005, 08:04 AM
OMG, look at the paintball industry, its so wrong, its going to be the death of the industry. Why do they do these things?

/The sky is falling to
// :rolleyes:

12-27-2005, 09:36 AM
I rarely pick up a paintball mag anymore, only if it has an article that I want to read and keep. I can't even be bothered to look at most of the advertising.

12-27-2005, 10:56 AM
I do agree that it is ridiculous when they review a product. It's always positive even when the product is a 32* marker lol. But as for the ads, you can't have the magazine censor them. Manufactorers can put whatever they want in there. Making outrageous claims just makes them look like idiots. Take comfort in knowing that most players recognize that the claims are bogus. Just look at the response you got on this board. It wouldn't be very different on others. Even agg kids know a thing or two about paintball tech. But I do agree that the reviews are out of control.

12-27-2005, 11:59 AM
There is/was a video over on the Qloader site showing an emag shooting 31BPS, it was really insane to see. The site is down for me right now, or I would link it.

12-27-2005, 12:35 PM
OMG, look at the paintball industry, its so wrong, its going to be the death of the industry. Why do they do these things?

/The sky is falling to
// :rolleyes:

Whatever....no skin off my nose.