View Full Version : Please define these terms?

12-28-2005, 04:48 PM
3)loader delay
5)ABS dwell

Can someone define these please.

12-28-2005, 04:52 PM
straight from the jayloo dictionary, the other weren't there.

debounce Votes (1)

Definition: A setting on a circuit board that is used to stop trigger bounce from occuring. Bounce is when you pull the trigger in a certain spot and it fires more than once. Using debounce mode will help prevent this and keep you from being disqualified from tournaments for having too bouncy of a gun.
Example: My tboard has a debounce setting on it.
Pronunciation: dee-bow-nce

dwell Votes (1)

Definition: The amount of time that the solenoid or electro-pnuematic valve remains open. This is usually set in milliseconds. Dwell should always be set as low as your marker can, because keeping the solenoid open longer will use batteries faster and waste more air which needn't be lost.
Example: I have the dwell on my angel set at 15.
Pronunciation: d-well

12-28-2005, 04:59 PM
3)loader delay
5)ABS dwell

Can someone define these please.

debounce- a measurement in milliseconds on an electrical switch that determines when the switch may start looking for new connections made, used to filter out bounce by allowing a closing of the circuit, and ignoring the smaller, false closes of the circuit caused by the switch. can also be used at a low value to create more bounce, and a fa effect.

dwell- measurement in milliseconds on how long a valve is held open, controls how long the solenoid releases air.

loader delay- part of the eye system, allows the eyes to pause for a few milliseconds, before they start looking for another ball. for use with slow hoppers, like revvies and eggs. halos shouldnt require any eye delay, and work fine in forced mode, where the marker doesnt shoot till a ball is in the breach.

amb- anti mechanical bounce, a filter if you will in the code of a board or chip, which filters out kick as a factor for miss fires or kick adding shots, because the marker is kicking and setting off the switch

abs dwell: anti bolt stick. on spool valve markers, most notably the matrix series and the shocker series, when the marker sits without firing for more than 5 seconds(i believe the measurement tadao uses) the bolt can sit long enough that the orings on the bolt create "stiction" where the orings seal and stick to the bolt surface, resulting in a lower velocity shot, because the bolt has to overcome a little extra drag. ABS was introduced and increases the dwell on these markers, to overcome that stiction, and fire the shot at a normal velocity, so there is no First Shot Drop Off caused by stiction.

hope that helps :)

12-28-2005, 07:23 PM
Thanks, so if I didnt want to have bolt stick on my matrix, I what?

12-28-2005, 07:44 PM
Increase the ABS dwell - however do this with caution, as going too high will cause a first hot shot.

12-28-2005, 07:53 PM
Increase the ABS dwell - however do this with caution, as going too high will cause a first hot shot.

Didn't impulses have a similar problem with FSDO? or was that caused by something else :confused:

12-28-2005, 09:54 PM
Increase the ABS dwell - however do this with caution, as going too high will cause a first hot shot.

lohman, not necessarily true, from the regular 18 mil sec. dwell the dm series runs at stock, to the 40 max, there really is only about a 5 fps increase in velocity on running full dwell. because the air going to the noid is all controlled by the lpr, and the air going to the firing chamber is all regulated by the hpr. since there is no popet being hit to stay open longer, there really isnt much of a velocity increase.

If you read some older pbn posts by tadao, you will see why he says it was absurd to think that trauma was using velocity increasing code, because there really isnt much velocity to increase.

for example, take an allen key, and push the bolt forewards on your proto when the marker is gased up, unless there are any broken orings, the shot will fire, and that is that, now if you hold the bolt forewards on say a timmy, and keep that popet open, air should continue to release.

impulse FSDO was caused by other issues, including ram problems, and soleved by the tape worm if i recall correctly.

on most matrix boards or chips, the ABS dwell is not adjustable.

EDIT: yingyang, if you have any questions in refference to the matrix series of markers, contact me on aim, and id be happy to explain how the whole system works, it may seem daunting, but in reality is quite easy to understand once you know how the air flows through the marker.

12-28-2005, 09:58 PM
lohman, not necessarily true, from the regular 18 mil sec. dwell the dm series runs at stock, to the 40 max, there really is only about a 5 fps increase in velocity on running full dwell. because the air going to the noid is all controlled by the lpr, and the air going to the firing chamber is all regulated by the hpr. since there is no popet being hit to stay open longer, there really isnt much of a velocity increase.

If you read some older pbn posts by tadao, you will see why he says it was absurd to think that trauma was using velocity increasing code, because there really isnt much velocity to increase.

for example, take an allen key, and push the bolt forewards on your proto when the marker is gased up, unless there are any broken orings, the shot will fire, and that is that, now if you hold the bolt forewards on say a timmy, and keep that popet open, air should continue to release.

impulse FSDO was caused by other issues, including ram problems, and soleved by the tape worm if i recall correctly.

on most matrix boards or chips, the ABS dwell is not adjustable.

EDIT: yingyang, if you have any questions in refference to the matrix series of markers, contact me on aim, and id be happy to explain how the whole system works, it may seem daunting, but in reality is quite easy to understand once you know how the air flows through the marker.

You would know. My marker shoots when I pull the trigger (though if it sets for more then 10 minutes I have to pull the trigger like five times the first time), and I replace o-rings when it leaks. Other than that, I think its how it came out of the box... I think I moved the trigger some...

12-28-2005, 10:18 PM
wow thanks manman, nice to know I have a source I can ask specific questions. Im guess you have an E-matrix?

is there some kind of animation of how a matrix works, NOT a DM4, 5, or 6

12-28-2005, 10:36 PM
check matrixowner.com for animations, i think there is one around there some where.

ive shot em all, started with a toxic lcd, and ive owned every incarnation since.

12-28-2005, 10:39 PM
You would know. My marker shoots when I pull the trigger (though if it sets for more then 10 minutes I have to pull the trigger like five times the first time), and I replace o-rings when it leaks. Other than that, I think its how it came out of the box... I think I moved the trigger some...

do you have your abs on? what lube are you using? you shouldnt have to pull the trigger that many times to over come it.

if abs is on, the one oring i would suggest playing around with, is the bolt sail oring, its the widest oring that sits on the fattest part of the bolt, see if this is maybe a bit too fat, since we all know orings arent some sorta precision made part. if this one seems fine, check top hat orings, these are the only orings that can really cause sticking problems.

12-28-2005, 11:23 PM
3)loader delay
5)ABS dwell

Can someone define these please.

Welllll dannnnng! Thiz'l be ezay;
1) Dats wut hapins mostly inna bazkitball game.
2) Dats de hole where y'all gets de water!
3) Dats wut yu tell Tom wenz you need sumpin' inna pickup (you Texas boys will get that one)
4) Dats you Daddy's sister in over in Mayberry.
5) Dats wenz you stare at the sexzy girls tummy!

:D:D:D:D:D LOL! I crack my self up :rofl: :dance:

12-28-2005, 11:30 PM