View Full Version : Micromag info

12-11-2001, 03:55 PM
Hey, I am a longtime mag user. Got into the sport with an M98 2 years ago, bought a used classic 1.5 years ago, and not I have a built from scratch Z,RT, warp feed mag, with Nitro and all the bells and whistles. I am looking to do something different, so I am getting a micromag, but I don't see much buzz about it. I need to know things like:

Why isn't it listed on www.airgun.com?
Does it have its own body rail, or use classic rails?
Can the rail it uses hold regular grips (like the Z)?
Can I use my Kapp foregrip extender in the body rail?
Can it use a regular foregrip?

I assume it takes all mag barrels, and valve assemblies, but wanted to know how much work I would have to do in the machine shop...

Any info, or experience with this interesting mysterious gun would be appreciated.

12-11-2001, 04:35 PM
Try Pro Teams Products. They are the manufacturer of the Body Kit...AGD sells them the rest.

12-11-2001, 04:38 PM
1.)ok....micromags are not listed on automags.com because they are in fact made by pro-team products. airgun designs only makes the valves for the micromag.

2.)Micromags dont use ANY type of body rail...no more body rails to bend! what you would think of as the rail is actually the body.

3.)yes, many automag frames can be used for the micromag... the z-grip will work. just dont mix the RT grip frames and regular mag frames

4.) Micromags dont use standard automag foregrips, nor do they use the Vert adapters. they will take Micromag-specific vert adapters or gas-thru grips, which can be purchased from a proshop or pro team products direct. so in essence, you cannot use a forgrip extender either.

do not let these persuede you, as micromags are quite nice guns...take it from me, mine shoots better than most on the field for some odd reason.

and for barrel situation, forget about paying an extra $10 for any type of mag barrel. micromags use autococker barrels. much bigger variety. micros also use regular mag valves/internals.

12-11-2001, 06:09 PM
Thank you, this has been most helpful. I am definitely going to a vertical feed micromag then.

You mentioned something about RT Z-grips vs. standard Z-grips that I didn't quite follow. Which ones work on the micro?



12-11-2001, 07:08 PM
I love my micro; all the good parts of a mag with cocker barrels and better (IMHO) looks. As for grips the older micros use standard mag gripframes while the 2000 and newer (all vertical feed models) use RT frames with a spacer for the field strip screw.

I believe that's the difference. Please correct me if I'm wrong.

12-11-2001, 08:36 PM
Does a Boo Ya ELCD grip frame fit on the vertical feed micro mag?

Does anyone know how much those go for used?

12-12-2001, 12:01 AM
seeing as i am interested in the micro as well, i have a dye 2x crome for an automag, that'll fit the micro right?

12-12-2001, 05:18 PM
i have a micromag and it is great. Im gettin a intelliframe too which should be great.

12-12-2001, 05:26 PM
Rt z-grips with a spacer will definatley fit the micro. I'm not sure if the micromags rail typish thing can accecpt a regular z-grip because of its little wing things that stick up.

12-12-2001, 05:33 PM
Aight, here's the deal...
I am now getting a micromag kit complete with gas thru foregrip. I really want the gas thru, but in order to use my Z-grips I am going to have 2 options:
1. cut the outside part of the trigger guard off, and the tip of the actual handle. This might also cramp my trigger space in between the gas thru and the Z.
2. try to make or find something to use as a foregrip extender.

If anyone knows anything about this, or knows someone who tried, has any advice, or information I would love it.

12-12-2001, 05:59 PM
You could probably get the KAAP exender to fit somehow.

12-12-2001, 06:05 PM
I called Pro Teams and talked to a guy. He said that it was nowhere close to fitting. I like the idea, but I have a Kapp extender. He said that it would take "significant" machined modifications to fit. If that is my last resort then I will pick up a piece of steel from the hardware store and build my own from scratch.

12-13-2001, 02:27 PM
an off topic question: whats so good about z-grips? my friend said they're unbelievably uncomfortable, i heard it is comfortable when the drop forward nitro tank is rested above ur shoulder, is it true?

12-13-2001, 02:44 PM
Here is the thing. Any paintball player needs to learn how to be tight with the bunker. With regular grips, when you hold your gun close to your body your trigger hand is angled. This is uncomfortable when you first do it, but player have been doing it since the beggining of time, because there was no other way.

In this picture the X's are enemies. The O is the good guy. ---'s are bunkers:
--- ---


In this simple diagram you can see that the good guy is wetting his pants because he is in a cross fire. So obviously he hugs the bunker. With standard grips your gun MUST be in front of you, so this guy cannot hug the bunker AND shoot back. Bad deal. Enter the Z-grip. With these you can hug the bunker, and because of the gun position you can get completely up against the bunker, and hug it tighter. Giving you the angle advantage on your oppenent on the right, and blocking the opponent's view from you at all, on the left.

With my Z-grips, I actually rest the back of the gun on my shoulder when I am really tight. and I have 8 inches of drop forward on my nitro tank to allow me to do this. The reason is because I am a psycho front player, so I get right up there, and the close you are to the opposing team, the closer you need to hug. So it depends on your style of play and preference, but the simple fact based on laws of physics, is that the closer your gun is to your body, the less cross field hits you will get, because you will be closer to the bunker.

Hope my long winded explanation clears it up for you.

12-13-2001, 02:45 PM
my diagram did not come out right, the X's are supposed to be far apart for the illustration

12-13-2001, 03:19 PM
$5 says i could make it fit :)

12-13-2001, 03:22 PM
ok so when ur out of the bunker and ur rushing is it hard to shoot and run with it?

12-13-2001, 03:40 PM
Heh, pyro, my solution is going toward machining the Z-grip. It will make the gun tighter anyways. Who wants a micromag if you have to add a ton of crap to it. When i get the grips re-painted and finished, i will post pics.

No, it isn't hard. It is the main thing you have to get used to. But the Z-grips (in my opinion) force you to pay attention, because practical firing position is the most comfortable way to hold the gun. How many players have you seen in tournies and games run with their gun pointed at the ground? A lot! Because that is more comfortable than shooting position. Not with the Z-grips. When I said I wanted them, everyone on my team was sceptical, but now I have every man on my team loving the feel of my gun (The RT valve doesn't hurt). But the point is that you should play with your gun up and ready at all times, and this is more comfortable for that. I reccomend them to any front or back player, because front men need to be tight, and back men shell out a lot of paint, so the grips are more comfortable for that. Tape runners do a lot more running around like idiots, and holding their guns at arms length and shooting. If this is you, it might be time to think about an ELCD grip, otherwise, try them out. Ask a guy at a local field to try his gun. You might fall in love. I did.

12-13-2001, 10:20 PM
again, does anyone know if a dye 2x for an automag would fit the micro body kit?

12-13-2001, 10:23 PM
None of the automag barrels fit the micro body. It uses autococker barrels, which if I am not mistaken is the same threads as a Spyder. To me this is a downside because I have a really nice mag barrel, but I guess cocker barrels are cheaper and there is more selection. All I need is one...

12-13-2001, 10:26 PM
i dont' know if you were talking to me but i was talking about a grip frame. and autococker and spyder barrels have different threads.

12-13-2001, 10:38 PM
I was talking to you, and I misread your post, sorry. I have heard that the micro body works with any automag grips, except the classic Z-grips. I don't know though because my micro isn't here yet :(

12-13-2001, 10:40 PM
ok kool, thanks.

12-14-2001, 04:50 PM
I was just wondering if anybody has had any problems with the vert feed on a micro, since it seems a little short.

12-14-2001, 08:31 PM
Ok let me see if I can make this clear. ANY mag grip frame will fit a pre-99 (powerfeed) micro-mag. This includes;
stock frame
anything I haven't thought of

The 2000 and newer (vertical feed) micro-mags use any RT grip frames including;
RT z-grip
benchmark RT
inteliframe (not entirely sure)
stock RT frame

The standard mag frames MAY have a raised edge while the RT frames and frames made to fit both do not. Any time you mount an RT frame to an auto-mag or micro-mag you need a spacer around the field strip screw. If you have a newer micro you should have this. If you don't either AGD or Pro-Team should be able to hook you up.

As far as foregrips go micro-mags DO NOT use standard mag foregrips. Standard mag foregrips and accessories (including the KAPP extender) will not fit micros. The Micro-mag foregrip and vertical ASA fit with the benchmark frame. They do not fit with the z-grip and I haven't tested any of the other grips on the market.

12-14-2001, 11:40 PM
I am completely cleared up. Instead of thinking about a foregrip extender I am thinking 'micro' and going to mill my Z-grips to fit with the foregrip on the micro. This will give me the amazing power of the Z, with the small size of the micro. I will post pics on this thread some day when it is all working and pretty. Long live AGD.

12-15-2001, 11:33 AM
Originally posted by TheBigRaguPB4L
again, does anyone know if a dye 2x for an automag would fit the micro body kit?
Ragu, I have a vertical feed micromag, and automag grips may not work for it, they will only work if the upper part that touches the bottom of the body is completely flat. It will work on a powerfeed micro but not the vertical. On the vertical you'll need an old RT frame.