View Full Version : Need help with CO2 Tank! READ!

12-11-2001, 06:49 PM
Okay, Today I got my 20 oz. CO2 tank filled. I need it for my science project which I'm doing thursday. Well, when I got home, I put it on my gear bag. About an hour ago, I went to go get it to take some pics of it(for science). Well a leak has developed. It's somewhere around the burst disc but it's a real slow, real small leak. When I turn the tank valve down, it leaks more. I don't know what to do? Is there anything I can do to repair this leak here at home? Please, I really need yalls help. I need this by thursday.

12-11-2001, 07:10 PM

You must be from the south. And because you are from the south then the air down there must be warmer than it is here. Therefor I would deduce that you need to um........ have your shop look at it.:D

12-11-2001, 07:13 PM
Okay, CO2 is out now. My next question is, at 200 fps, how far can a spyder shoot horizonally? I need to get some ballpark numbers because I'm gonna do some BSing for science project.

12-11-2001, 07:55 PM
They gonna let you take one to school????:eek:

12-11-2001, 08:21 PM
If you've got one take it out and shoot it. Then you'll know for sure. As far as physics and such are concerned, neglecting wind and other outside effects, the optimum angle is 45 degrees. But that is considering NO wind.

12-11-2001, 08:24 PM
No, they aren't letting me bring it to school. Also, I called a friend(and store owner) and he said I could bring it by tomorrow and he'd fix it. BTW, How much are replacement burst discs?

12-11-2001, 08:29 PM
Most Paintball stores in my area sell them for about $1. But I know that Wal-mart also carries them for $4.96 which includes the screw also. Not exactly a steal for a small piece of copper and a screw, but if you can't find it anywhere else, it works.

12-11-2001, 09:24 PM
Originally posted by Python14
Okay, CO2 is out now. My next question is, at 200 fps, how far can a spyder shoot horizonally? I need to get some ballpark numbers because I'm gonna do some BSing for science project.

Simple, a paintball falls at 32 ft/s^2 ie. gravity

Lets say that you're shooting from eye level, and you happen to be very tall. Say 6'4". that puts your eye level at 6'0" which also happens to be a nice round number :)

Now we figure how long it takes for the paintball to drop six feet from rest. This is the same as in flight because, a shot paintball has no lift... (unless you have a flatline:) )

The formula for is below, a is acceleration, d is distance and t is time.

t^2= (2*d)/a

After solving for t, we get .6123 seconds.

Since the paintball is going 200fps... that times .6123... say the paintball travels 122 feet before it goes splat against the ground.

Now you can BS about the paintball distance and have a little math to back it up.

How I remembered this, is left as an exercise for the reader :)

12-11-2001, 09:33 PM
I was about to sit down and think how that was done. but he beat me to it.

Edit: If you really want to baffle them with BS, whip out the Range Formula, and figure out the furthest you can shoot, with a 45 degree angle. Here as best as i can remember the range formula((V^2)SinX)/G

V is in Meters/Sec. to change FPS to M/S you go
200 FPS * .3 (Meters per foot)= 60 M/s
SinX= Sin45 assuming your nifty TI83 is in Degrees.
G=9.80 M/S^2
(3600Sin45)/9.80=258m... ok i screwed up somewhere but you get the point. Figure it out and the teacher might be surprized.... any physics book has it. Just Remember Dimensional analysis before you make a fool of yourself in front of class, check your answers with common sense.

on/off or pin valve? if its got an on/off like it sounds, you probably have a bad seal, under the knob is a brass bolt, and the knob goes through it. well inside is an Oring. they like to wear out and drain your tank. A good practice i have found is to only turn 1/4 way around to turn it on... opens up so enough air goes, but limited wear on the ring. My place charges 50 cents to change orings. its real easy to do. If you happen to have a flat wrench and some common sense you can do it yourself.Kennedy

12-12-2001, 11:37 AM
Originally posted by bofh

Lets say that you're shooting from eye level, and you happen to be very tall. Say 6'4". that puts your eye level at 6'0" which also happens to be a nice round number :)

who has a 4" forhead?

12-12-2001, 12:16 PM
Originally posted by TheBigRaguPB4L

who has a 4" forhead?

From the center of the eye to the top of the head, 4" sounded resonable.

12-12-2001, 12:17 PM
shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. still seams kinda big to me. what do i know though.